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  1. #1
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    United Gamers Front...?

    So i don't know how reasonable this idea is, but i for one am tired of having to pass up on Awesome games that are console specific. I own a PS3, so games like God of War 3 and MAG are available to me, but there are games like Mass Effect 2 on 360 that make the thought of buying a 360 just about worth the $300 drop in personal funds.
    Also the majority of my friends have 360's, and i find myself unable to play games online with them because of the lack of cross counsel games.
    Why can't the Three major gaming company's come together to improve the gaming experience for ALL GAMERS.
    However impossible it sounds, what does everyone think about trying to form some kind of UNITED GAMERS FRONT, where we can try to create a worldwide demand of Cross counsel online play, which could possible give Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo a small enough excuse to give it a try. Just looking to see if the interest is there.

  2. #2
    King of the Road
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    Re: United Gamers Front...?

    i've always wanted to see cross console gameplay, and even include PC since many games come out on there as well as PS3 and 360. The exclusives i can understand they are not going to want to let go of, it is what helps them boost sales and get an edge on the competition and no company wants to give up the edge, but games that already some out on all systems anyways, why not? I mentioned this idea once before on the old site and i still don't see the harm in letting cross platform games play cross system multiplayer

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  3. #3
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    Re: United Gamers Front...?

    granted, the cross console gaming would be the easier of the two to achieve. i honestly think it's an achievable accomplishment, even if all we end up doing is make the everyday gamers Voice heard then that would be a mission accomplished.

  4. #4
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    Re: United Gamers Front...?

    Scuttlebutt I've heard is that it's already been done with Xlink Kai. Now last I checked (5 years ago when it was still new) Xlink Kai was just a way to play Xbox 360 or PSP etc. online, for free by convincing your system that it was playing a local area network game. Or what console gamers like to call system linked. Word is that now days there's cross console gaming too. I'll look into this rumor & confirm or deny. I agree though, cross console gaming just sounds funner. Sorry Xmas n00b, it's not my fault your mommy & daddy couldn't afford the uber 1337 graphics of the PS3 & I sniped your ass across the map because of it.

  5. #5
    Tim's Bromance Partner
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    Re: United Gamers Front...?

    Microsoft, has been doing this between the 360 and PC for a couple of years now. With Windows Live.
    Shadowrun was the first game to do this.
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  6. #6
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: United Gamers Front...?

    That would be sweet. Since I do have some friends that have 360 as well. It would give me a chance to play games with them instead of purchasing another whole system...
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  7. #7
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: United Gamers Front...?

    truthfully it won't happen the two, make more money off the system wars and the exclusive's. by making the fanboys geek out, over who has what and who's is better.... blame the laws of econ 101. the only way it's going to happen is if, you can show them that their GDP will improve vastly.... on a micro and macro level, on units per capita sold. Since it won't.... neither will this feavored mad man's dream.... sorry guy's. I know.... econ coupled with game theory to predict buying trends.... is a harsh and fickle bitch. in the words of jamie fox blame it on the a..a..a..a..a..a..alcohol.

    "It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes".- Andrew Jackson

  8. #8
    Airborne Recon Gy-reen Rexasaurus
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    Re: United Gamers Front...?

    DUST 514............

    If this game is released on PS3, and Xbox, you will see cooperation between Consoles, as well as console to PC since Dust is incorporated into EVE Online.

    Signature thanks to jgreco138

  9. #9
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: United Gamers Front...?

    Quote Originally Posted by Timmy_2_Tones
    DUST 514............

    If this game is released on PS3, and Xbox, you will see cooperation between Consoles, as well as console to PC since Dust is incorporated into EVE Online.
    interesting point but that was meant to be a multi-platform, we're talking about universal gaming no exclusives, no more system wars. but that would mean a monopolization of the industry, global monopolization's as we all know are a no,no. the interstate regulatory commission, in this country alone would have a shit fit.... you saw what happened when SIRIUS and XM tried to merge. That's another reason why it won't happen.

    "It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes".- Andrew Jackson

  10. #10
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    Re: United Gamers Front...?

    would be sweet but lets wake up from the dream now plz. The first one to say no to this will be Bill Gates.

  11. #11
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    Re: United Gamers Front...?

    Quote Originally Posted by jack
    truthfully it won't happen the two, make more money off the system wars and the exclusive's. by making the fanboys geek out, over who has what and who's is better.... blame the laws of econ 101. the only way it's going to happen is if, you can show them that their GDP will improve vastly.... on a micro and macro level, on units per capita sold. Since it won't.... neither will this feavored mad man's dream.... sorry guy's. I know.... econ coupled with game theory to predict buying trends.... is a harsh and fickle bitch. in the words of jamie fox blame it on the a..a..a..a..a..a..alcohol.
    the way i see it, proving to these major companies that they can make more money off cross console play wouldn't be that hard i don't believe. because the fact that the majority of games come out across multiple platforms, and most of the time it's because i have no friends that play a game on PS3 that i don't get a game. and they could even charge for it, 9.99 a month to play with anyone on any console. it wouldn't cause a huge dent such as buying a new console, but how many of you would be willing to pay 9.99 a month to games with anyone on any console. i'm a smoker and i throw away 7 bucks every day i buy a pack, so it's not much. and if there truly are more people out there that wanted to play there friends on different console, lets say theres only a million people that do it. 9.99 x 1,000,000 = 9,990,000, split that three ways for the 3 major consoles a month. 3,330,000 a month is pretty damn good i'd say. obviously for 360 there would have to be a way to incorperate it into the live system they already have.

    and as far as econ 101, i seem to remember the laws of supply and demand. If we can get enough people to demand it, they will have no choice to suck it up and give in.

  12. #12
    Airborne Recon Gy-reen Rexasaurus
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    Re: United Gamers Front...?

    There always needs to be two sides or else everything will fall apart. The quality would go to pot, cause developers are not going to put hard work into a game when Sony is not willing to offer more for it to be exclusive to them. And the other way as well. It is the whole Capitalistim Idea: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market

    Without that competition, Big Business' doesn't waste money on making things better when there is not going to be as big of a return.

    @ Platt, you have to also remember that most American and Worlwide consumers are Sheep. They can demand all they want too but we have allowed these companies to keep us on a leash and therefore they hold the power in this system.

    I am seeing this conversation turn political and so on that note I am bowing out. I love the idea but, it would never work.

    Signature thanks to jgreco138

  13. #13
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    Re: United Gamers Front...?

    Yea look what became of the PC gamers boycott of MW2. Not a damn thing!!! People these days just don't have the fight in them for things like this. We have more important things in our life to worry about like feeding our familys and keeping a roof over their heads. Not enough people even know this kind of thing is possible or would even care about it if they did in my opinion. Granted it would be great if it happened but I don't see it in the near future.

  14. #14
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    Re: United Gamers Front...?

    well, it may just be a gamers dream, but whats life without a few good dreams and goals to go along with. so, instead, i've decided to change my idea, instead of trying to fight giant badmutha skags (game company's) with a bunch of midget psyco's (normal every day gamers), why not do something that could actually threaten the gaming company's of the world. as rediculous as it sounds, and how ever possible it may be, lets find a way to just buy the majority of stock of all the companies, cause then, we will all be millionaires, and we will be in charge. world gaming domination.... to bad i know this won't happen

  15. #15
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: United Gamers Front...?

    Well, to get into the unfortunate truths about economic politics ...

    The problem with a universal gaming front is that it negates the system of checks and balances capitalist economics is meant to utilize. In that, by having competition between each other, it forces the other to improve their systems and prices to satisfy customers and keep them sticking with the one company rather than crossing over to the other. If you are Xbox, you have to make a top online program that can compete with Playstation, and can at least compete in cost to Playstation. Granted, XBL charges a fee where PSN doesn't, but the fee is relatively low and XBL has to come up with a way to make it worthwile to pay for its service rather than going and using the PSN's free service.

    In other words, the two companies competing against each other is what contributes to lower costs and quicker better evolutions of their programs. If there was one universal front that same competition doesn't exist, and there isn't as much incentive to strive for a better product.

    That being said. It would be beneficial to both the consumer and manufacturer to have some games that you can market on the merits of cross-platform performance.

    Just my thoughts though. Which is, in a way funny, that a guy who generally takes issue with capitalism would be arguing for it. But it does have its merits.

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  16. #16
    USMG Member RedCon-ONE's Avatar
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    Re: United Gamers Front...?

    I'd love to see this. I remember years ago during the PS2 days, they released a Final Fantasy MMO game with a hard drive for the PS2 that was also accessible to PC MMO players. As I recall I waisted $100 on a hard drive I never used and a game I never played outside of the 60 day trial. LOL. But hey, at least Sony attempted it.

    "Never make fun of a person before walking a mile in their shoes... That way, when you do make fun of them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. :P "

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