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  1. #1
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    16 Items They Only Sell At Chinese Walmarts

    1. Crocodiles

    2. Bulk Rice

    3. Mixed Meat

    4. OJ/Cooking Oil Combos

    5. Turtles N Toads

    6. ??????

    7. Walmart Branded Spirits

    8. Rib Cages

    9. Assorted Dried Reptiles

    10. Beautiful Boxes of Liquor

    11. Frogs

    12. Large Chopstick Collections

    13. Ducks

    14. Beef Granules

    15. Pig Faces

    16. Men's Anti-Bacterial Underwear ... 3368-1.jpg

  2. #2
    Airborne Recon Gy-reen Rexasaurus
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    Re: 16 Items They Only Sell At Chinese Walmarts


    Signature thanks to jgreco138

  3. #3
    USMG Member
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    Re: 16 Items They Only Sell At Chinese Walmarts

    #3... thats so nasty, they just have the meat laying in those tubs and people are just rummaging through it, thank god for the FDA..

    #6 dog chew toys? best guess...

    #8 i just bought ribs at walmart yesterday... of course they were sealed in a sanitary package in the cooler section and not piled up in a cart in the middle of the store.

  4. #4

    Re: 16 Items They Only Sell At Chinese Walmarts

    WTF is right :shock: I like how their meat isn't wrapped. I sure wouldn't want to buy any meats that someone else has pawed threw already :?

    Sav and Jack... I think we need to order and ship these to Float!!!!!

  5. #5
    USMG Member tracker_usmc's Avatar
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    Re: 16 Items They Only Sell At Chinese Walmarts

    WOW!! What was #6? They looked like intestines :?

  6. #6
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: 16 Items They Only Sell At Chinese Walmarts

    All I can say is I am glad I don't live there. Nasty!
    "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." -General Mattis

  7. #7
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    Re: 16 Items They Only Sell At Chinese Walmarts

    Quote Originally Posted by Simmion_1
    #3... thats so nasty, they just have the meat laying in those tubs and people are just rummaging through it, thank god for the FDA..
    Yea because those Chinese are so dying off quickly over there because of their lack regulations and look at them they are so fat too. Oh wait that's our country that people are dying from food poisoning all the time and we're the fattest country in the world. I've been to Hong Kong twice and the food never killed me and actually it was awesome except for those dried fish chips. :? I love my country and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else but don't criticize a culture you don't understand that is just ignorant. That's how we get ourselves in trouble as it is by sticking our noses in others cultures because we think ours is the best(ignorant) and if they are not like us they are savages or lowlife.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgUSMC
    All I can say is I am glad I don't live there. Nasty!
    Be happy you weren't alive back in the 1800s dbg because you wouldn't have liked it with horse shit everywhere and food hung out like they still do in China. You must have never been raised much around a farm or ranch growing up. I've seen far more things growing up that you would think is nastier. How the so called civilized forget their roots.

  8. #8
    USMG Beer & Boob Judge
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    Re: 16 Items They Only Sell At Chinese Walmarts

    Yet again...WTF!? I'd like to get my own crocodile though. That's somewhat cool, in a weird kind of way.

    Indecision may or may not be my problem.

  9. #9
    Tim's Bromance Partner
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    Re: 16 Items They Only Sell At Chinese Walmarts

    Quote Originally Posted by DaCajun
    Be happy you weren't alive back in the 1800s dbg because you wouldn't have liked it with horse shit everywhere and food hung out like they still do in China. You must have never been raised much around a farm or ranch growing up. I've seen far more things growing up that you would think is nastier. How the so called civilized forget their roots.
    You can still find open air markets, with all the meat just piled up like that in Asian neighborhoods.
    "Necessity is the plea of every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants, it is the creed of slaves"

    William Pitt, 1783

  10. #10
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    Re: 16 Items They Only Sell At Chinese Walmarts

    Quote Originally Posted by River_Rat_459
    Yet again...WTF!? I'd like to get my own crocodile though. That's somewhat cool, in a weird kind of way.
    That's some good eatin, mmmm mmm yummy!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by saviger

    You can still find open air markets, with all the meat just piled up like that in Asian neighborhoods.
    I know I shop at them for certain stuff. You gotta realize that stuff goes as fast as they butcher and lay it out, everything is fresh. Better than buying the crap in some grocery stores that add preservatives or seal if in the packaging with carbon monoxide to make it look fresh longer it is or meat that was once frozen then thawed to sell to you. Every time you freeze meat then thaw it, it loses flavor and not as good as fresh butchered meat. That's why I try to buy fresh butchered never frozen as often as I can.

  11. #11

    Re: 16 Items They Only Sell At Chinese Walmarts

    Caj...I totally agree with you about the shit you buy in stores with all the preservatives. My family actually eats more Venison and other game meat more than store bought. The thing is I am not picking on any cultures by saying I wouldn't buy anything that was already pawed threw. Hell, the guy that touched it before you might have just scratched his balls or hadn't washed his hands in a few days. :?

  12. #12
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    Re: 16 Items They Only Sell At Chinese Walmarts

    Quote Originally Posted by A-25TH-ID-VET
    Hell, the guy that touched it before you might have just scratched his balls or hadn't washed his hands in a few days. :?
    That's why you cook the meat and not eat it raw. Venison yummy love making it into jerky nothing like some good Bambi eatin.

    Plus how do you know the the place that butchered the meat for the grocery stores doesn't have nasty employees that work for them and did something to it there before it was packaged. You wouldn't believe some of the crap you find that A holes do that work in those kind of places. I worked for a big name beverage company before and let me tell you that it was more nasty than the dog food manufacturing plant I worked for once. Surprised they would pass any FDA inspections but they do.

  13. #13
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    Re: 16 Items They Only Sell At Chinese Walmarts

    Hell, when my dad was in college he worked at Smuckers over a summer once. Employees would piss into the vats where the jam was being made. And he also worked at a plant during another summer where chocolate milk was made. The guys there would just break the boxes of chocolate and sugar and dump it into the milk vat, including bits of cardboard and any mice or rats that happened to be in the boxes!

  14. #14
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: 16 Items They Only Sell At Chinese Walmarts

    HAHAHA! that's freaking epic man. Why do they sell so many bazar things? WOW! I mean just, WOW! It's like it's a midevil market place. lol

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