Can they really pull of a multiplayer FPS for the Wii...and it not suck?
See for yourself:
Can they really pull of a multiplayer FPS for the Wii...and it not suck?
See for yourself:
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
i'm gonna have to put my foot down and say no. you are clearly lying. all lies. a FPS multiplayer on Wii? ha! too funny.
seriously though, we shall see, maybe this one will surprise us. the only bad part would be they still have that horrible friend code system for playing with friends so it would be such a pain
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
I'd have to agree with the comments on the limitation of the Wii. If it could handle it though, I think it would be cool. I'd love to try a FPS with the Wii wand interface where you just point and shoot. It's one of the things I'm really looking forward to on the PS3 once they get the upcoming "Wand" controller released and perfected. I think it'll be at least a year or so after it's initial release this year before we see a FPS with it. We'll see though.
"Never make fun of a person before walking a mile in their shoes... That way, when you do make fun of them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. :P "
I used to have COD MAW for the Wii and it was awesome. I was very impressed with how much I enjoyed it on the Wii. Made me want to get WAW for the PS3 too. The graphics of course were not the best but that is expected on the Wii.