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  1. #1
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    Gamer_Platt = Attempting Author

    Hey all,
    I am currently struggling through my fifth attempt at writing a book, i have the idea's and the plot all laid out. I am just wonder if i post a few chapters up every once and a while if anyone is interested in reading through them and offering a little feedback. It would help me out a lot, so if your interested in helping please respond to this post.

  2. #2
    King of the Road
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    Re: Gamer_Platt = Attempting Author

    You should team up with Crucifictorious, he's the writer around here and will probably be able to help you out a bit. Last i knew he was working on a novel series of his own

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  3. #3
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    Re: Gamer_Platt = Attempting Author

    Start posting those chapters

  4. #4
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    Re: Gamer_Platt = Attempting Author

    go for it I dont write but I like to read I might be able to give you some insite as to how it reads.

  5. #5
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Gamer_Platt = Attempting Author

    Indeed. I have a few novel ideas I'm getting ready to put on "paper." Email it to me in doublespace and I'll go through it and give you some thoughts. A few tips I've learned from teachers and from experience:

    1) In the first draft. Just write. Don't worry too much about making a coherent story and just get your thoughts onto paper. It might look like word vomit, but that is what the editing process is for. When you start forcing a story it shows, and it'll hurt the process. Typically a story grows on its own. Before you know it the natural course of the story takes over and if you planned it too much you'll find it moving in a surprising direction, don't force it back on the trail just yet. Let it unfold on its own. I often find that the paths of a story I'm working on don't really go down a planned road, but the inevitable conclusion is the best one, whether or not it is the one I planned.

    2) After you've written it. The best way to start the editing process is to forget the technicalities and just read it aloud. If it makes sense, go with it. If it doesn't, change it. I had a teacher show me this and it is probably one of the best editing tools I've ever learned. A story doesn't need to fit into a box shaped by a bunch of stuff shirted professors at some hot shit university; it just needs to flow.

    3) Give your audience some credit. One thing I hate when reading or even watching a movie is when the writer/director/etc spells out the point of the story to me. People are smart enough to get the theme without saying, "this is the theme."

    4) Hemmingway use to say that you shouldn't think about writing outside of the time you set aside to write.

    Anything else just feel free to ask.

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  6. #6
    USMG Member RedCon-ONE's Avatar
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    Re: Gamer_Platt = Attempting Author

    WOW. Good advise Crucifictorious2. I've always wanted to try and write a short story or something. At least I always get that urge after finishing up a book. Never really tried though. I just don't know where to start. I like your first tip of " Just write. Don't worry too much about making a coherent story and just get your thoughts onto paper". I may just try that.

    As for you Gamer_Platt. I'd be happy to read and comment on your writing. If you wanna keep it semi-private, feel free to send me a copy too. I'd be more than happy to add some input.

    "Never make fun of a person before walking a mile in their shoes... That way, when you do make fun of them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. :P "

  7. #7

    Re: Gamer_Platt = Attempting Author

    Post away Platt!!!!

  8. #8
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Gamer_Platt = Attempting Author

    Redcon ... go for it. You'll never know until you try. Writing can be a great way to work out feelings and thoughts in a constructive therapeutic way. It's a process to get great at it. Just look at what you like best out of the books you read and see how you can put your own personality into it.

    I'm actually more a poet than a novelist, but I think the poetry will lend a lot to my books once I get back on track and write them.

    "I've never had a conversation with a dead guy before. Forgive me if I don't know the rules."

  9. #9
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    Re: Gamer_Platt = Attempting Author

    Alright, so i've had some troubles these past few months, but that is behind me now. if anyone is still interested i'm going to be posting the first chapter up in the next couple of days for everyone to scrutinize.

  10. #10
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    Re: Gamer_Platt = Attempting Author

    Quote Originally Posted by Gamer_Platt
    Alright, so i've had some troubles these past few months, but that is behind me now. if anyone is still interested i'm going to be posting the first chapter up in the next couple of days for everyone to scrutinize.
    You should put it in your blog. Just hit the link above for Wordpress Blog.

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