ONLY 1 RULE: Read the instructions! You must be a full member, before requesting a signature: Meaning, you must have participated on these forums for at-least 30 days.
UPDATE: If wanting a Special Pin / Unit patch on your sig PLEASE send the image or link of that pin / patch to the designer. This helps so the designer doesn't have to search long for a symbol that you want also you know exactly what it looks like. In turn you will get you sig much faster. Thank you!!
Please read and follow the instructions above ^, then you can submit this info to me (dbgUSMC) OR MaximusR3 for the USMG sig.
***COPY AND PASTE 1 thru 6 in a PM*** to dbgUSMC OR MaximusR3 with the following information for a clan sig.
1)Name/Gamertag (on sig):
2)Military Branch or civilian:
3)Rank/Paygrade if applicable (i.e. A1C, Spc, SSGT/E3, E4, E5):
4)Left image (see below use the indicators given):
5)USMG Color (i.e ACU, ABU, Green Marpat, desert Marpat):
6)Special patches/ribbon rack: (Give the designers a link to an example)
Ribbon Racks:You must save your ribbon rack to your computer, then either attach it in a message to the designers OR upload it to an image hosting website (i.e. photobucket, shutterfly) and send it that way. Send the PNG image of the rack in the private message
NOT the URL that is given to you from the rack builder website. If you send the given URL (link), the image will disappear when the message is viewed by us. Link to the site to build your rack is --> For more information on
Private Messaging please click here.
IMPORTANT NOTE - These aren't just handed out. You must play with clan members and participate here on this site. You don't have to live here, just let us know you're alive once in awhile.
Please choose from the below designators.
Rifleman 1

Rifleman 2

Rifleman 3

Rifelman 4

Sniper 1

Sniper 2

Sniper 3

Sniper 4

Mortar Cannoneer







Ship 1

Ship 2


Tank 1

Tank 2

Tank 3

Apache 1

Apache 2





SR-71 1

SR-71 2

Saw Gunner 1

Saw Gunner 2

Saw Gunner 3

Stryker RV

Iwo Jima

Uncle Sam


F-18 1

F-18 2

F-18 3

Any combination of left images and USMG text fills can be used, or if you have your heart set on something else we don't yet have, PM us either a specific name of what you want or better yet, an image of it. Keep in mind that not everything is going to fit in the limited amount of space.

Here is an example of a signature with a ribbon rack included, as well as a special pin. Unit patches can be added in the space of the ribbon rack, or you can leave it blank, it's your signature so make it how you want it
Or, if you're looking for something diffferent, try this..
