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  1. #1
    Airborne Recon Gy-reen Rexasaurus
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    Starstruck Veterans!

    Ok so I got bored and decided to google "Famous people who served in the Military"and here are the results. Quite interesting actually.

    Drew Carrey- USMC

    Jimi Hendrix- US ARMY-101st Airborne

    Steve Mcqueen- USMC

    Gene Hackman- USMC

    Harvey Keitel- USMC

    James Earl Jones- US ARMY Ranger

    Paul Reubens (Pee Wee Herman) USMC (rumored, but not true)

    George Carlin- USAF

    Shaggy,Reggae/Pop Superstar- USMC

    Clint Eastwood- US ARMY

    Chuck Norris- USAF

    Ice-T- US ARMY

    Bill Cosby- US Navy Corpsman

    Clark Gable, actor, US Army Air Corps, transport pilot

    Jimmy Stewart, actor, US Army Air Corps/USAF, B-24 pilot

    Charles Bronson, actor, US Army Air Corps

    John Fogarty, singer (CCR), US Army

    Johnny Cash, USAF

    Bob Ross, USAF

    Mel Brooks - U.S. Army

    Tony Curtis - U.S. Navy

    Jack Lemmon - U.S. Navy

    Elvis Pressley- US ARMY

    Mr. T aka Laurence Tureaud, military police US Army

    MC Hammer- US Navy

    Hugh Heffner- US ARMY

    Add more if you find them.

    Signature thanks to jgreco138

  2. #2
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    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    people always said Mr. Rogers was a marine, had tattoos all up his arms, and had a confirmed kill with an E-tool, but i never knew if it was actually true...

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  3. #3
    Tim's Bromance Partner
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    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    Quote Originally Posted by Timmy_2_Tones
    Drew Carrey- USMC
    Quote Originally Posted by Timmy_2_Tones
    Clint Eastwood- US ARMY
    Quote Originally Posted by Timmy_2_Tones
    Chuck Norris- USAF
    Air Force?!?!?
    Quote Originally Posted by Timmy_2_Tones
    MC Hammer- US Navy
    explains ALLOT
    "Necessity is the plea of every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants, it is the creed of slaves"

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  4. #4
    USMG Beer & Boob Judge
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    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    One other notable name: MMA and sometimes pro wrestler Bobby Lashley. Army.

    Speaking of Elvis, when I was in Giessen, Germany, they used to have mugshot from his first ID card hanging up in the guard house you had to walk through when you got on post. There was a rumor the mess hall in Freidberg had a bunch of tables and chairs handmade from lumber from the Black Forest area. Supposedly it was a gift from him to the Soldiers when he finished his tour of duty.

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  5. #5
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    R. Lee Ermey, I didn't know they stack shit that high. What a bad ass.

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  6. #6
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    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    I love that guy! He's awesome.

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  7. #7

    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    Quote Originally Posted by Timmy_2_Tones
    Ok so I got bored and decided to google "Famous people who served in the Military"and here are the results. Quite interesting actually.

    Drew Carrey- USMC

    Jimi Hendrix- US ARMY-101st Airborne

    Steve Mcqueen- USMC

    Gene Hackman- USMC

    Harvey Keitel- USMC

    James Earl Jones- US ARMY Ranger

    Paul Reubens (Pee Wee Herman) USMC (rumored, but not true)

    George Carlin- USAF

    Shaggy,Reggae/Pop Superstar- USMC

    Clint Eastwood- US ARMY

    Chuck Norris- USAF

    Ice-T- US ARMY

    Bill Cosby- US Navy Corpsman

    Clark Gable, actor, US Army Air Corps, transport pilot

    Jimmy Stewart, actor, US Army Air Corps/USAF, B-24 pilot

    Charles Bronson, actor, US Army Air Corps

    John Fogarty, singer (CCR), US Army

    Johnny Cash, USAF

    Bob Ross, USAF

    Mel Brooks - U.S. Army

    Tony Curtis - U.S. Navy

    Jack Lemmon - U.S. Navy

    Elvis Pressley- US ARMY

    Mr. T aka Laurence Tureaud, military police US Army

    MC Hammer- US Navy

    Hugh Heffner- US ARMY

    Add more if you find them.
    A few more to the list:

    Oliver Stone- US Army

    Montel Williams- US Navy

    Dave Thomas- (Founder Of Wendy's) US Army

    Malcolm Forbes- US Army

    George Steinbrenner- US Air Force

    Steve Wilkos- US Marines

  8. #8
    Airborne Recon Gy-reen Rexasaurus
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    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    Quote Originally Posted by MaximusR3
    people always said Mr. Rogers was a marine, had tattoos all up his arms, and had a confirmed kill with an E-tool, but i never knew if it was actually true...
    As far as I can find out Fred McFeely Rogers (Mr. Rogers) was never in the Military.

    Signature thanks to jgreco138

  9. #9
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    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    Jimi Hendrix- His commanding officers and fellow soldiers considered him to be a sub-par soldier: he slept while on duty, had little regard for regulations, required constant supervision, and showed no skill as a marksman. For these reasons, his commanding officers submitted a request that Hendrix be discharged from the military after he had served only one year. Hendrix did not object when the opportunity to leave arose. He would later tell reporters that he received a medical discharge after breaking his ankle during his 26th parachute jump.
    Yet they have a picture of him at the Post Museum talking about how he was assigned to the 502nd PIR

  10. #10
    USMG Member RedCon-ONE's Avatar
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    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    Quote Originally Posted by River_Rat_459
    Speaking of Elvis, when I was in Giessen, Germany, they used to have mugshot from his first ID card hanging up in the guard house you had to walk through when you got on post. There was a rumor the mess hall in Freidberg had a bunch of tables and chairs handmade from lumber from the Black Forest area. Supposedly it was a gift from him to the Soldiers when he finished his tour of duty.
    Actually that's true. When I was stationed in Germany, we TDY'd to Freidberg may times to use the SimNet trainers down there. The Mess Hall we often used is actually named after him and they Table and Chairs are located in Brigade HQ. They're usually roped off but the door is left open for viewing but they are still used by the big brass for VIP and dignitaries. I'm sure they're still used today.

    Oh, and Elvis was a Tanker.

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  11. #11
    USMG Beer & Boob Judge
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    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    Hell yeah he was a tanker! A driver, if memory serves me right.

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  12. #12
    USMG Beer & Boob Judge
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    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    I wanted to do a search solely on athletes who served in the military. It's rather difficult to find a comprehensive listing, but in the meantime I ran across this list. Here are a few more courtesy of Mental Floss:

    1. Pete Rose - Ohio Army NG and Army Reserve (Platoon Guide / Cook)

    2. Glen Miller - Air Force (band leader)

    3. Ted Williams - Navy (pilot/instructor)

    4. Henry Fonda - Navy (navigator)

    5. Gene Autry - Air Force (pilot)

    6. Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. - Navy

    7. Gene Rodenberry - Army Air Corps (later the Air Force)(pilot)

    and I think we'd be remiss if we didn't include this gentleman:

    8. Pat Tillman - Army Rangers (an NFL star who gave up today's money to serve his country. What can you say?)

    One other trivia note...copied and pasted from, regarding Colin Powell:
    He served in Germany at the same time as Elvis and met him twice. He said, “When I met him, he was out in the field just as dirty and tired as the rest of us from doing his job. We were in this wooded area north of Frankfurt and I was driving along in my Jeep and somebody noted that, there he was. When I got out of my Jeep and walked over to him he saluted and what very proper and what struck me was that he looked just like another GI. He was shorter than I expected.”

    Indecision may or may not be my problem.

  13. #13
    USMG Member RedCon-ONE's Avatar
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    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    Pat Tillman, now there was one of the greats. Giving up big money to serve our country. Real tragedy.

    I never met the guy but a few of my friends had. Him and his wife were stationed at Ft. Lewis with the 75th Rangers and they moved to my home town of University Place. It was a big deal there when he was killed. His wife was active in the community.

    The whole investigation left me with an uneasy feeling. My Company had a couple friendly fire incidents during Desert Storm and it kinda brought all that back. Sad that even amongst the Rangers, the best trained in our Army, there's still the danger of friendly fire.

    "Never make fun of a person before walking a mile in their shoes... That way, when you do make fun of them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. :P "

  14. #14
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    Don Adams - USMC, Contracted malaria on Guadalcanal [Source: Internet Movie Database]
    John Agar - US Army Air Corps, Sergeant.
    (He appeared in the Combat! episode "The Mockingbird.")
    Gene Autry - Flight Officer, Air Transport Command, 1942-1946 [Source: Internet Movie Database]
    Eddie Albert - US Navy. Drove Amtracks in several Pacific invasions. He served in the landings at Saipan in 1943, where he rescued wounded and stranded Marines from the beachhead. At Tarawa, he was wounded and lost most of his hearing and earned the Bronze Star.
    (He appeared in the Combat! episode "Doughboy")
    James Arness US Army, Wounded at Anzio. Purple Heart and Bronze Star

    Mel Brooks (Melvin Kaminsky) joined army in WWII and became a combat engineer. Cleared German mines after the Battle of the Bulge. He organized shows for the US troops, and when the German army began transmitting propaganda over loudspeakers Brooks is said to have replied with a version of Al Jolson's 'Toot-toot-tootsie
    Art Carney - US Army. Carney went to Normandy in July of 1944 as a replacement to the 28th Division in position around St L?. He was part of a 30 calibre machine gun squad. On 15 August 1944 he had just taken up his position and was hit in the right leg by mortar shrapnel. After receiving field treatment, he was sent back to Britain and then the US. He once said of his military career, "Never fired a shot and maybe never wanted to. I really cost the government money." [source Osprey Military Journal]
    Julia Child served with the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) in Ceylon and China during WWII. [Source: They Also Served by Scott Baron]
    Jeff Chandller - US Army.
    Robert Clary - In a Nazi concentration camp [Source: Internet Movie Database]
    Jackie Coogan - US Army Air Corps. Enlisted in Army March 1941. After Pearl Harbor, requested transfer to Air Corps as a glider pilot because of his civilian flying experience. After graduating from Glider School, he was made a Flight Officer and volunteered for hazardous duty with the 1st Air Commando Group. In Dec. 1943, the unit was sent to India where, by using CG-4A gliders, it airlifted crack British troops under Gen. Orde Wingate during the night aerial invasion of Burma (Mar. 5, 1944), landing them in a small jungle clearing 100 miles behind Japanese lines. [Source: US Air Force museum -]
    Tony Curtis - US Navy joined 1943 at age 17. In Tokyo Bay he watched the surrender ceremonies from the Signal Bridge of the USS Proteus.
    Audrey Hepburn, as a child she was a courier for World War II resistance fighters in Holland
    Benny Hill - British Army
    Don Knotts - USA 1943
    Jack Lemmon - US Navy Reserve 1945-1946
    Alan Bates - Royal Air Force
    Humphrey Bogart - US Navy, wounded in World War One, tried to enlist in WWII but was turned down because of his age.
    Michael Caine - Royal Fusiliers.
    Sean Connery - Royal Navy
    Jack Palance US Army Air Corps. 455th bomb group. Required facial reconstruction from terrible injuries received in 1943 when his B17 crash landed in Britain.
    David Niven Royal Army
    William Holden - US Army
    Clark Gable - Captain, US Army Air Corps. Although beyond draft age, Clark Gable enlisted as a private in the Air Corps on Aug. 12, 1942 at Los Angeles. He attended Officers' Candidate School at Miami Beach and graduated as a second lieutenant. He then attended aerial gunnery school and in Feb. 1943, on personal orders from Gen. Arnold, went to England to make a motion picture of aerial gunners in action. He was assigned to the 351st Bomb Group at Polebrook and although neither ordered nor expected to do so, flew operational missions over Europe in B-17s to obtain the combat film footage he believed was required for producing the movie entitled "Combat America." Gable returned to the U.S. in Oct. 1943 and was relieved from active duty as a major on Jun. 12, 1944 at his own request, since he was over age for combat.

    "It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes".- Andrew Jackson

  15. #15
    USMG Beer & Boob Judge
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    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    Arnold Schwarzenegger - Austrian Army. Also serves as the big kahuna for the California National Guard.

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  16. #16

    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    Quote Originally Posted by River_Rat_459
    I wanted to do a search solely on athletes who served in the military. It's rather difficult to find a comprehensive listing, but in the meantime I ran across this list. Here are a few more courtesy of Mental Floss:

    1. Pete Rose - Ohio Army NG and Army Reserve (Platoon Guide / Cook)

    2. Glen Miller - Air Force (band leader)

    3. Ted Williams - Navy (pilot/instructor)

    4. Henry Fonda - Navy (navigator)

    5. Gene Autry - Air Force (pilot)

    6. Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. - Navy

    7. Gene Rodenberry - Army Air Corps (later the Air Force)(pilot)

    and I think we'd be remiss if we didn't include this gentleman:

    8. Pat Tillman - Army Rangers (an NFL star who gave up today's money to serve his country. What can you say?)

    One other trivia note...copied and pasted from, regarding Colin Powell:
    He served in Germany at the same time as Elvis and met him twice. He said, “When I met him, he was out in the field just as dirty and tired as the rest of us from doing his job. We were in this wooded area north of Frankfurt and I was driving along in my Jeep and somebody noted that, there he was. When I got out of my Jeep and walked over to him he saluted and what very proper and what struck me was that he looked just like another GI. He was shorter than I expected.”
    If there are any Steelers Fans on here you can't forget.......Rocky Bleier- US Army

  17. #17
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    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    Yup, you are certainly correct 25th. I'm a dyed in the wool Steelers fan. If memory serves my right they once made a TV movie about Rocky and covered his time in Vietnam.

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  18. #18
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    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    MORE!! These are from the pro wrestling world:

    Classy Freddie Blassie - Navy

    SGT Slaughter (real name: Robert Reamus) - Marines, torpedo launcher specialist

    Kevin Nash - Army, military police (NOTE: At my old stomping grounds of Giessen, Germany! It would SUCK to have gotten arrested by him!)

    Jesse Ventrua - Navy, SEALs/Underwater Demolition; also was head honcho of the Minnesota National Guard while governor

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  19. #19
    Airborne Recon Gy-reen Rexasaurus
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    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    Quote Originally Posted by River_Rat_459
    SGT Slaughter (real name: Robert Reamus) - Marines, torpedo launcher specialist

    Also, he did the Voice for Sgt. Slaughter in the Original G.I. Joe animated series.

    Signature thanks to jgreco138

  20. #20

    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    Quote Originally Posted by River_Rat_459
    Yup, you are certainly correct 25th. I'm a dyed in the wool Steelers fan. If memory serves my right they once made a TV movie about Rocky and covered his time in Vietnam.
    Yes, there was was a movie about a book that Rocky himself wrote about his struggle to recover from his wounds. It is called "Fighting Back".

  21. #21
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    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    Thanks 25th.

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  22. #22

    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    No problem...By the way the Steelers are my 2nd choice although my Raiders really have been shitty.

  23. #23
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    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    Im pretty sure Mr. Rodgers was a marine Sniper, and had somewhere upwards of 30 confirmed kills. Living in pittsburgh im a little closer to the source, but cant confirm it.

    Also, ill have to find his picture, but I was deployed with the real Sgt. Slaughter

    there were a lot more steelers than rocky in the military, During WW2 around half of the team was drafted, the same went for the philadelphia eagles, they combined forces to become the Phil-Pit Steagles. absolute truth!

  24. #24
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    Actually I used to hear that rumor all the time too and thought it was pretty cool. Unfortunately it indeed was just a rumor. I used to hear that he wore sweaters to cover his tattoo sleeves.
    "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." -General Mattis

  25. #25
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    Re: Starstruck Veterans!

    awww that would have been kick ass were it true hehe

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