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  1. #1
    Tim's Bromance Partner
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    I laughed so hard my side hurt

    This thing is for real, here is the URL: ... B000IZGIA8

    Make sure you look at the customer submitted photo's

    "Necessity is the plea of every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants, it is the creed of slaves"

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  2. #2
    King of the Road
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    Re: I laughed so hard my side hurt

    lol the customer photos are perfect

    what are they trying to pull with this product? do they have some sort of partnership with auto collision and refinishing shops around the country?

    Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS

  3. #3
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: I laughed so hard my side hurt

    That is great no wonder people don't know how to drive anymore!! I read some of the comments and some are pretty funny. Most I am sure are being sarcastic and don't actually own the item, at least I hope :? . Like this one .

    This awesome bit of kit changed my life. The extra hours of work I could get in whilst driving on the freeway has made me so much more productive. In fact I directly attribute this to my improved bonuses and recent promotion! If you want to get ahead, get one of these.

    There is one problem though. In several accidents that I have had whilst using this, the airbag causes the laptop screen to slam shut. I've suffered several broken fingers because of this. I have started to look around for airbag finger protection but have not yet found any...
    "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." -General Mattis

  4. #4
    I run this website..

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    Re: I laughed so hard my side hurt

    So were all of them using it at the same time when that occured.. :shock:

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  5. #5
    USMG Member tracker_usmc's Avatar
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    Re: I laughed so hard my side hurt

    The comments are funny as hell!

  6. #6
    USMG Beer & Boob Judge
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    Re: I laughed so hard my side hurt

    F'N EPIC!! LMAO!

    Indecision may or may not be my problem.

  7. #7
    USMG Member shonyx's Avatar
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    Re: I laughed so hard my side hurt

    It should be free, including an accident of your choice , only pay shipping

  8. #8
    USMG Member squidfamily1's Avatar
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    Re: I laughed so hard my side hurt

    pictures were great, there are like 400 multi car pileups, train and airplane crashes. great product
    nice find sav

    Don't be mad. Everything I post is "lol."

  9. #9
    USMG Member squidfamily1's Avatar
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    Re: I laughed so hard my side hurt

    86 of 91 people found the following review helpful:
    Versatile Tool, December 3, 2009
    By R. Schwerdt (Pittsburgh, PA United States) - See all my reviews

    This review is from: AutoExec - WM-01 - Wheelmate Steering Wheel Desk Tray - Gray -
    I recently received the laptop steering wheel desk as a gift and immediately put it to use in my vehicle. Right out of the box, it performed as promised--with the added benefit of shielding my lap from some of the heat generated by the processor. I'll also mention that it's non reflective, which is a benefit when you set up your work-station on the dashboard rather than your lap. I really have to applaud the use of incredibly durable high-density polymers in the construction of the desktop as it enables one to gracefully handle some of the more unexpected situations in life.

    Case in point: I was driving on the highway, minding my own business and playing COD4 when I may have ventured into an adjacent lane. A nearby driver on the road honked at me, to which I promptly extended my middle finger. Swerving, yelling, honking and throwing ensued until the other driver signaled for me to follow him into an upcoming rest area. I can't say what inspired me to take my laptop desk out of the car with me, but I'm glad that I did. Whereas I was expecting a simple fistfight, or at worst the exchange of blunt force trauma via rocks or bottles, this man threw a knife at me from less than 10 yards away. And while I can't say that this was the first time a knife was thrown at me, it did rank among the easiest to defend thanks to the laptop desk. Not only was I able to deflect the knife with ease, I quickly disabled my attacker by hitting him repeatedly with the edge of my "shield." As I've mentioned, the high-density polymer is incredibly hard and faced almost no resistance from this man's joints and skull. And being a high-density polymer, I was easily able to clean residual fluids from my laptop steering wheel desk!

    Since that incident, I've experimented with various modifications to the laptop steering wheel desk. The most successful result involved heating the polymer in my oven and bending the surface into a curve. While this makes it much more difficult to balance a laptop, it does allow for easy concealment under clothing and the security of knowing that you can simply laugh off a knife to the chest. It also functions adequately as a snowboard.

    At the time of writing this review, I own four and recommend you own no less than two.

    Don't be mad. Everything I post is "lol."

  10. #10
    USMG Member squidfamily1's Avatar
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    Re: I laughed so hard my side hurt

    I entered that quote wrong, please subtract 251.40 points from my account.

    Don't be mad. Everything I post is "lol."

  11. #11
    I run this website..

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    Re: I laughed so hard my side hurt

    Fixed, and removed points..
    Thanks :mrgreen:

    Quote Originally Posted by squidfamily1
    I entered that quote wrong, please subtract 251.40 points from my account.

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  12. #12
    Airborne Recon Gy-reen Rexasaurus
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    Re: I laughed so hard my side hurt

    9 of 9 people found the following review helpful:
    Still legal in Georgia!, June 3, 2010
    By Patrick Carroll "Winebibber. Java/JEE Develo... (Atlanta, GA USA) - See all my reviews

    This review is from: AutoExec - WM-01 - Wheelmate Steering Wheel Desk Tray - Gray -
    Sonny Perdue recently signed into law a bill banning texting while driving. Enter this little device, which has allowed me to make a quantum leap in driving productivity.

    Rather than use the little keyboard on my G1 to use SMS or Gmail, I now have my Dell XPS 1550 to hand. With a data plan from a telco that will remain nameless, I am now able to VPN into my company's MS Exchange server and do email, *while* *zooming* *up* *GA 400* *at* *80 MPH*!!! I can even teleconference while on the go, and the Alpharetta cops can't lay a hand on me! This is AWESOME!!!

    Mind you, my car has gotten a little dinged up, but that's why I drive a beater: All the scrapes and dents give me that "Road Warrior" look that translates into minimal hassle on the way to work.

    I can't recommend this device highly enough. Get one now before spoilsport Sonny outlaws them!

    QUICK UPDATE: After a rather nasty ding incident today, I've found this handy little gadget is going to make me a multimillionaire! Coming home this evening, I collided with the median wall, right where it runs under Northridge at Exit 6 on GA 400 southbound. The beater caught fire, melting the asphalt on the road above, and putting that exit out of use for the next three weeks or so. I thought I was for the high-junp until a friendly passing lawyer who now represents me pointed out that there's no warning *not* *to* *use* *this* *device* *while* *driving*! We're going to sue these guys for millions! Just like when I ate all that toner, thinking it was cajun spice. Thanks very much, Laptop Steering Wheel Desk! You're the best!

    Signature thanks to jgreco138

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