Videogames have been a common pastime for the members of the armed forced, but Terrell Pakeman found that most of the dominant military clans seemed to be for PC gamers. He wasn't a fan of the Live matchmaking's "unruly nature" and figured there had to be a whole untapped world of vets just like him who were just looking to have fun on Xbox 360.
So last September, Pakeman, an Air Force vet, decided to launch US Military Gamers,, in hopes of meeting more console players who share the same bond. "We all took the same oath," Pakeman says, "When you start playing with them, it's like you already known them."
Not surprisingly, the 100-plus-member clan tends to gravitate toward military-based games such as Modern Warfare 2, Gears of War, and Halo: Reach. However, Pakeman doesn't having experienced actual military combat gives you a leg up in, say, Modern warfare 2.
US military members might be recognized by a "UFMG" in their gamer tag, but it's a mostly non-competitive clan, and it's even open to civilians, just don't lie and say that you've been in the military if you haven't, Pakeman notes, as it's not really too hard to find out if you're lying.
Members are free to chat about almost anything on the clan's internet forums, but they don't exist for recruiting purposes. " We don't glorify going into the military," Pakeman tells us. "We try to serve as ambassadors."