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    Gaming With Defendant Costs Judge His Seat

    By Owen Good

    Weird story out of Bristol, Va.; a judge there has abandoned his seat after it came to light that he'd been a constant video gaming companion of a man he'd sent to jail at least three times over the years.

    The gaming friendship Judge Joseph R. Carico, 40, had with Jeremy Hubbard, 28, came to light after a late-night car crash last year that hospitalized Hubbard. Carico swerved to avoid a deer on Nov. 22 and smashed into a tree. Of course, as Hubbard's past came to light, some of it Carico's court, where he'd been jailed and sentenced to community service before, the story about their gaming habits came out.

    Hubbard told the Bristol Herald Courier that in 2008, the two talked about their enjoyment of games during a happenstance meeting at a restaurant where Hubbard worked. That led to many game sessions that got so serious, the two thought about forming a competitive gaming team along with some of Hubbard's neighbors.

    They actually had crossed paths a lot earlier, in 2003, when Carico was in the state attorney general's office and prosecuted Hubbard on a drug charge. In 2005, Carico became a judge, later recusing himself from a case against Hubbard that had been brought before he had come to the office.

    There's nothing wrong with being gaming BFFs with a felon, unless you're a judge, where it raises questions of propriety and conflict of interest. Carico hasn't stuck around to answer them. He's bolted his seat, leaving the other judges to pick up his case load, and isn't answering calls for comment. That leaves it to Hubbard to defend the guy who prosecuted him.

    Their Halo 3 match late on Nov. 21, 2009, was set up after several telephone calls and text messages that night, Hubbard said. They met at Hubbard's house for a brief round of Playstation 3 games. From there, Hubbard said, the two trekked to Carico's home for more video games.

    "People are saying there was drugs involved and there was this, and there was alcohol and none of this [expletive] is true," Hubbard said. "Everybody wants to make up their own story and their own thing about what [expletive] happened." ... e-his-seat

  2. #2
    King of the Road
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    Re: Gaming With Defendant Costs Judge His Seat

    why the big deal? ok so he shouldn't take any cases with his friend involved. The end

    Why the need to step down and all that? Just makes it look like there is something more going on, something worth hiding from. As it stands it seems like nothing more than if any person were going to court whom had a friend or relative that is a judge. Just give them any other judge and there should be no problem. We won't be shocked and appalled to see the judge then spending time with them the next day and why? because they are friends/family and that is normal. If the judge was trialing him for murders and armed robberies and sentencing him to 10 days community service that would be one thing but as far as i understand from the article, they didn't even become friends until after he had judged the guy's trials years before...

    I never understand these sort of things so chances are i'm just missing some sort of big picture

    Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS

  3. #3
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Gaming With Defendant Costs Judge His Seat

    despite all allegations that is just absolutely hilarious.
    "Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."

  4. #4
    Silent but Deadly....
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    Re: Gaming With Defendant Costs Judge His Seat

    I wonder if the dude whooped the judges ass in video games?? You know then the judge could whoop his ass in court (his real life "Sims" game" lol

    Silent But Deadly!

  5. #5

    Re: Gaming With Defendant Costs Judge His Seat

    Quote Originally Posted by MaximusR3

    Why the need to step down and all that? Just makes it look like there is something more going on

    I never understand these sort of things so chances are i'm just missing some sort of big picture
    Max, I think this says it all!!!

  6. #6
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Gaming With Defendant Costs Judge His Seat

    Quote Originally Posted by A-25TH-ID-VET
    Quote Originally Posted by MaximusR3

    Why the need to step down and all that? Just makes it look like there is something more going on

    I never understand these sort of things so chances are i'm just missing some sort of big picture
    Max, I think this says it all!!!

    I agree! Very weird that he would step down just for gaming with him.... :?

  7. #7
    Tim's Bromance Partner
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    Re: Gaming With Defendant Costs Judge His Seat

    If men in black show up at my door,

    I dont know ANY of you!
    "Necessity is the plea of every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants, it is the creed of slaves"

    William Pitt, 1783

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