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  1. #1

    Game Stop Say PS3 will be charging for online play

    So, I just got back from a trip to Game Stop. While I was there the workers told me that E3 was mentioning that all us PS3 players will have to start paying $50 a year to play online. :? Is there any truth to this?? I hope the hell not. Thats $250 a year for my family. This is one I say one of the reasons I chose the PS3 over XJunk. They say this is because people where complaining that they couldn't cross chat when online. In other words if your playing BBC2 and someone else is playing MW2 you would be able to chat. I could care less about this option. So, what are you all hearing about this???

  2. #2
    King of the Road
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    Re: Game Stop Say PS3 will be charging for online play

    never listen to a gamestop employee. Look in the gaming greatness forum and you can find info on the Plus service they are adding. it is an optional service that will cost 50 a year but the service we have now will not change and will remain free. The Plus service adds additional features like Qore, free PSN games, first dibs on demos and betas, etc.

    So no worries, PSN will remain free to all of us

    Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS

  3. #3

    Re: Game Stop Say PS3 will be charging for online play

    Quote Originally Posted by MaximusR3
    never listen to a gamestop employee. Look in the gaming greatness forum and you can find info on the Plus service they are adding. it is an optional service that will cost 50 a year but the service we have now will not change and will remain free. The Plus service adds additional features like Qore, free PSN games, first dibs on demos and betas, etc.

    So no worries, PSN will remain free to all of us
    Ahhhh...makes more sense now. Thanks Max!!!

  4. #4
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Game Stop Say PS3 will be charging for online play

    oOoOo... i still would take the xbox over ps3 anyday
    "Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."

  5. #5

    Re: Game Stop Say PS3 will be charging for online play

    Quote Originally Posted by Amiable Horde
    oOoOo... i still would take the xbox over ps3 anyday
    Not I...My one boy had an XBOX I bought him for X-Mas with in 2 months it made so much noise it was ridiculous. I found some dude on Craigslist that wanted to trade his PS3 for it. The thing I don't like about XBOX is you have to by all the extras to play and you have to pay to be online. That and they feel cheap to me!!! IMO

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    Re: Game Stop Say PS3 will be charging for online play

    Quote Originally Posted by "Amiable Horde":3v0tfj4u
    oOoOo... i still would take the xbox over ps3 anyday
    Not I...My one boy had an XBOX I bought him for X-Mas with in 2 months it made so much noise it was ridiculous. I found some dude on Craigslist that wanted to trade his PS3 for it. The thing I don't like about XBOX is you have to by all the extras to play and you have to pay to be online. That and they feel cheap to me!!! IMO[/quote:3v0tfj4u]

    You could have installed the entire game to the hard drive so there isn't noise from the disc spinning. The new ones are whisper quiet. I wouldn't overlook the 360 this gen.

  7. #7
    USMG Member squidfamily1's Avatar
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    Re: Game Stop Say PS3 will be charging for online play

    mine, my third by the way (rrod), collects dust on my entertainment center. when gears or halo comes out i start it back up but that's about it.

    Don't be mad. Everything I post is "lol."

  8. #8
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Game Stop Say PS3 will be charging for online play

    Quote Originally Posted by squidfamily1
    mine, my third by the way (rrod), collects dust on my entertainment center. when gears or halo comes out i start it back up but that's about it.
    gears only, i dont really like the halo series anymore. also mass effect is badass, i still need to finish alan wake also.

  9. #9

    Re: Game Stop Say PS3 will be charging for online play

    This doesn't surprise me at all. In all honestly, charging for play is inevitable. Even if PS3 doesn't charge for online access, maybe they will only include certain futures for paying members (such as the XBL silver and gold variants). There have been articles stating that EA and Activision might charge a monthly fee for multiplayer gaming. In a way, this has already begun. For example, pretty much every new EA game come with codes to access multiplayer or additional game content. In sort, companies are figuring out ways to make a used game just as expensive as a new one...why wouldn't they charge fees for online play?

  10. #10

    Re: Game Stop Say PS3 will be charging for online play

    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra 20 John
    This doesn't surprise me at all. In all honestly, charging for play is inevitable. Even if PS3 doesn't charge for online access, maybe they will only include certain futures for paying members (such as the XBL silver and gold variants). There have been articles stating that EA and Activision might charge a monthly fee for multiplayer gaming. In a way, this has already begun. For example, pretty much every new EA game come with codes to access multiplayer or additional game content. In sort, companies are figuring out ways to make a used game just as expensive as a new one...why wouldn't they charge fees for online play?
    I didn't realize when i posted this that Max already posted in Gaming Greatness on this subject. You are right though Mantra...PS is going to start have a better online deal that you have to pay for. In my opinion I see nothing in it for me to spend $50 for it. I will continues to play online for free. I don't see PS charing everyone to be online like Xbox does. If they do I guess my boys will be pissed cause I am no way paying for it.

  11. #11
    USMG Beer & Boob Judge
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    Re: Game Stop Say PS3 will be charging for online play

    The ONLY think about paying for the premium PSN that is worthwhile in my book would be the access to all of the betas. However, that could actually turn out to be more of a pain in the ass, since beta are just that....unfinished games. Ultimately, it still wouldn't be worth it at that price.

    That being said, I've got a sneaking suspicion Sony will try to lure more people by making more and more of the beta access exclusive to premium payers. I'd bet the last dollar in my wallet that any KZ3 beta will wind up that way.

    Indecision may or may not be my problem.

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