Hey all the USMG Lottery is currently at 5,810.00 USMG Points. This is the biggest Lottery in USMG history. Hurry up and buy your tickets for a chance to be the biggest USMG lottery winner to date. http://boards.usmilitarygamers.com/points.php Here is a post from TLOG stating there will be a prize for the 1st one to bank 100k of USMG points. I heard rumor that there MAY be other prizes in the near future you can use the points for. These points are also used for Inner Clan Tournaments. Here is the link for our clan tournaments http://boards.usmilitarygamers.com/viewforum.php?f=78 You can't tell me with all the members we have that we can't get more members to join these Clan Tournaments. It doesn't matter if you good or not, Hell my KDR in BBC2 is .35 and I will play with anyone(Don't beleive me look at my banner below). What matter the most is TEAMWORK and after all we are a TEAM...Right??? So, I don't want to hear the "Well...I am not that good BS". Who else in here can show a KDR like mine???? So, Lets boost the lottery and get signed up for these tournaments!!!!![]()