I have a shiny new program that can make pdf files..its the same software that newspapers use to publish their stuff..is there any interest on making a newsletter for USMG?
I have a shiny new program that can make pdf files..its the same software that newspapers use to publish their stuff..is there any interest on making a newsletter for USMG?
Silent But Deadly!
Does it have to be truthful? I don't want to share the reality that i'm 300lbs and live in my parents basement. :cry:Originally Posted by Ironhide400
Don't be mad. Everything I post is "lol."
That sounds like a good idea.
i like the idea. Perhaps a monthly email that includes new members and their respective system, Member of the Month recap, recent site award citations, clan competition info and stats, biggest news from the forums (i.e. upcoming betas, revamped 360, kinect/move release, big developments in the middle east), members taking or returning from leave, love letters to Smoke, Jack's monthly "tips to improve your manliness" column......plenty of good potential here
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
Yeah thats sounds like a great idea maybe have some some the WTF! pics and perhaps funny clips that stand out from the forums!
maybe I'll finally get to use this listserv.usmilitarygamers.com thing. :shock:
Please do not contact me for recruiting issues or to add or create you a signature. I will ignore you.
This is a fantastic idea. I'm all for it.
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
I like the idea!!! We just keep get bigger and better
I'd hate for it to be a timesuck if you have other things to do in life. Maybe our logo with borders and a short paragraph on what's new and why they should come back to visit regularly. No e-zine is necessary IMO
I could throw one together easy..Wed need members to be the writers also
Silent But Deadly!
Ok so who wants to contibute to the newsletter..I have started to put it together. Im looking at having all Deadlines be due on Fridays @ 1600 CST. Issue dates will be Sunday. Going to start with a monthly issue first to see if we get the support...
So Far sections include:
New members listed for the week.
Hot topics of board.
Birthdays upcoming
each week we will BIO one special member
any other ideas?
I was thinking of having a WTF photo each week,
Please start posting new ideas fast..whoever wants to help let me know
Silent But Deadly!
I think a monthy newsletter would be better IMO. You could cover all the birthdays in that month, big events that happend, sports news, tournaments won and by who, upcoming games, gadget releases. If you do weekly or biweekly you would be to rushed and probably not have enough substance to make it worthwhile.
/agree - besides, we don't need to make it a second job for you. I would prefer you actually have a real life outside of this site..
Originally Posted by dbgUSMC
Please do not contact me for recruiting issues or to add or create you a signature. I will ignore you.
LOL a life what is that? No my wife works nights so i pretty much dont do anything but sit around and be lazy until she comes home..Most of my buddies are either deployed or work nights also (stupid recession) so ya i have a lot of free time and well since its mostly dark out when i do stuff anyways im not missing out..lol I play rugby and paintball but you kinda have to se to do it..Anyways Dbg got me settled on a monthly for now till we get things running smoothly..So everyone start thinking about what u want to write
Silent But Deadly!
this could be a great thing. yeah the monthly would be the best bet; especially for the person mending.Originally Posted by XxSILENTxFARTxX
It would really help the newer members to be identified and integrated into the different games on the seperate consoles as well as recognize people for accomplishments of that month.
I'm down to help wherever it is needed silent.
"Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
I think this might be a scrub. I don't think anything has happened with this in a couple months. I'm going to take down the link on the homepage until I hear this is still a live project.
Please do not contact me for recruiting issues or to add or create you a signature. I will ignore you.
Ya i will revive this soon..I am accepting copy for anything you deem necessary..i need editors also, photogs, basically every position a newspaper would have.. Sorry my website and magazine and company happened so this fell to the wayside but once i get stuff i will put it together
Silent But Deadly!
I'm so down to help on the newsletter Lemme know if you need anything Silent
"USMG Official Ass Kicking Chick"