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    Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    I've never smoked a cigarette in my life, but I sure inhaled my fair share of my mom's, dad's and stepfather's tobacco when I was a child. Surely one of my earliest developed motor skills was learning how to roll down the window in our Chevy Nova. Now a bill under consideration by the New York State Assembly seeks to put an end to such behavior by fining adults who light up with a child in the vehicle.

    The bill would slap a $100 fine on anyone caught smoking in the same vehicle as a child under the age of 14.

    Says the State Senator who sponsored the bill:

    A child gets in the car where mommy or daddy or Aunt Nancy are smoking and doesn’t have the option of leaving.

    I don't know... The kid could always try to make a break for it at the stoplight.

    What do you think of this legislation? Will it do anything to curb smoking around children? Won't it be difficult to enforce, as cigarettes are easily extinguished and the smoker could claim "I put it out right before I picked up the kid"? ... e-car.html

  2. #2
    King of the Road
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    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    isn't this already a law in California? As far as i know it is, for i recall reading and hearing about it and laughing at my grandma and her chain smoking. If i recall properly, it's a secondary offense so an officer couldn't pull you over for it exclusively but if they pulled you over for no seatbelt they could then add this fine on top if caught.

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  3. #3
    USMG Member shonyx's Avatar
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    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    It's law here in Maine also. But it's only $50, California it's $100, in Ontario, Canada it's $250 but I think it's Canadian.

  4. #4
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    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    i don't know about making it illegal. things that are low class or a dick move don't seem like they need the law to enforce it. like most of lifes problems it should be handled through ridicule and heckling. i am on board with not letting children smoke, but breathing in smokey air is not the same as smoking. its not good for you, but its not the same amount of bad for you. mianly though the car is gonna be the least of the kids problems. living in a house filled with smoke is where they are going to get the health problems. if we are not willing to police each others houses than this law would be ineffective in solving any problems, and would effectively punish mainly the poor (such as the already outrageous taxes most states have on tobacco). thats what i thinks anyways.

  5. #5

    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    First off let me say..I'm not a smoker. Ok, got that out of the way. IMO there should be no law on this.

  6. #6
    USMG Prestiged Member ladym123's Avatar
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    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    Quote Originally Posted by A-25TH-ID-VET
    First off let me say..I'm not a smoker. Ok, got that out of the way. IMO there should be no law on this.

    That's funny cos I do smoke and I think there should be ...I would never ever smoke in the car with my child or in the house. We have had this issue raised here too and I would be in favour of that law coming into effect. I think it would deter people from smoking round their kids in other places too. When the smoking ban came into effect for all public places...bars and restaurants etc, people got into the habit of going outside and now most people I know who smoke, don't smoke in their houses anymore. It seems they are so used to going outside to smoke that they just automatically do it now. In fact a couple of months back I had the house to myself for the weekend and the girls came over one evening and I was like "yeah it's fine don't worry you can light up there's nobody here all weekend etc" and they were so uncomfortable with it lol. They were saying how weird it felt to smoke indoors and it just didn't seem right.

    The less places we can smoke the better I say...coming from someone who is always trying to give up the damn things! If I can't do it then great I say!

  7. #7
    USMG Member InkaB0DpaiN's Avatar
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    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    So what your saying is that now cops have to look for people smoking with kids in there car and just ignore those who are not wearing seat belts and holding a 12oz miller light. just another law to pass to collect more money from the regular joe.Bullshit!

  8. #8
    USMG Prestiged Member ladym123's Avatar
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    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    Quote Originally Posted by InkaB0DpaiN
    So what your saying is that now cops have to look for people smoking with kids in there car and just ignore those who are not wearing seat belts and holding a 12oz miller light. just another law to pass to collect more money from the regular joe.Bullshit!

    No not actively, that would be far too impractical. Just when they come across it.

    The police don't go round searching houses/gardens at nightime for burglars? Or check out every driver is wearing a seat belt? Or stop every driver to breathalise them. They book people when they come across it, it would be the same thing.

  9. #9
    USMG Beer & Boob Judge
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    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    Quote Originally Posted by ladym123
    When the smoking ban came into effect for all public places...bars and restaurants etc, people got into the habit of going outside and now most people I know who smoke, don't smoke in their houses anymore. It seems they are so used to going outside to smoke that they just automatically do it now. In fact a couple of months back I had the house to myself for the weekend and the girls came over one evening and I was like "yeah it's fine don't worry you can light up there's nobody here all weekend etc" and they were so uncomfortable with it lol. They were saying how weird it felt to smoke indoors and it just didn't seem right.
    Funny you mention that. I find myself in the same boat. I will smoke at work, but not in my car or at home (or just about anywhere else). For some reason, it's the only place that feels comfortable to smoke at all.

    Indecision may or may not be my problem.

  10. #10
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    I smoke even though I have tried to quit. I will never smoke around my son. I hardly ever smoke at home and when I do it's away from the wife and my boy. I do think that it is distasteful for parents to do it and in bad judgement. But don't think there should be a law against it.
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  11. #11
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    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    I say let people smoke where they want. We dont need to be micromanaged or let people have more control over us than they already do. People need to stand up and let the government understand were capable of making decisions ourselves. I would agree that smoking is bad as well as everybody else knows. But we let people win lawsuites against tobacco companies because they say they didnt know it would hurt them. When simply saying hey retard what are you thinking would have work just fine.

  12. #12
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    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    Quote Originally Posted by ladym123
    Quote Originally Posted by A-25TH-ID-VET
    First off let me say..I'm not a smoker. Ok, got that out of the way. IMO there should be no law on this.

    That's funny cos I do smoke and I think there should be ...I would never ever smoke in the car with my child or in the house. We have had this issue raised here too and I would be in favour of that law coming into effect. I think it would deter people from smoking round their kids in other places too. When the smoking ban came into effect for all public places...bars and restaurants etc, people got into the habit of going outside and now most people I know who smoke, don't smoke in their houses anymore. It seems they are so used to going outside to smoke that they just automatically do it now. In fact a couple of months back I had the house to myself for the weekend and the girls came over one evening and I was like "yeah it's fine don't worry you can light up there's nobody here all weekend etc" and they were so uncomfortable with it lol. They were saying how weird it felt to smoke indoors and it just didn't seem right.

    The less places we can smoke the better I say...coming from someone who is always trying to give up the damn things! If I can't do it then great I say!
    I disagree, I am against outright bans on smoking in any public space. This becomes the most ridiculous when they ban smoking in bars. You go there to drink poison and have sex with strangers, minors aren't allowed in and the dang dirty smokers crowd around outside and throw their butts and empty cups everywhere. Like in my previous statement I think that the decline in smokers is more due to ridicule and looking down ones nose in judgement at the dirty smokers than anything else. Those annoying kids in the truth comercials (paid for by the government suing tobacco companies) are actually doing their job. Strong arm tactics by lobbyists and advocacy groups have made it a henious crime to show smoking in any positive light in the media ( for example the new Alice movie has listed in the PG rating caption that there is "a hooka smoking caterpillar" in the film so parents dont accidently expose their children to smoking). Henceforth all the dirty smokers should switch to delicious not carcinogen cloud spewing Copenhagen. It satisfies.

  13. #13
    USMG Prestiged Member ladym123's Avatar
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    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    Quote Originally Posted by MuleTheDestroyer
    You go there to drink poison and have sex with strangers,
    :o I do not!... I resent that comment :o

  14. #14
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    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    Sorry Lady, I didn't mean you specifically. More that the point of a bar is to socially drink poison. I also went to have sex with strangers, and kind of assumed thats why everyone else was there. I am old and lame now so I am not sure what all you young people do. Come to think of it, i don't know why any of the women were there, certainly not the reason that I was. :geek:

  15. #15
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    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    Quote Originally Posted by MuleTheDestroyer
    Quote Originally Posted by ladym123
    Quote Originally Posted by A-25TH-ID-VET
    First off let me say..I'm not a smoker. Ok, got that out of the way. IMO there should be no law on this.

    That's funny cos I do smoke and I think there should be ...I would never ever smoke in the car with my child or in the house. We have had this issue raised here too and I would be in favour of that law coming into effect. I think it would deter people from smoking round their kids in other places too. When the smoking ban came into effect for all public places...bars and restaurants etc, people got into the habit of going outside and now most people I know who smoke, don't smoke in their houses anymore. It seems they are so used to going outside to smoke that they just automatically do it now. In fact a couple of months back I had the house to myself for the weekend and the girls came over one evening and I was like "yeah it's fine don't worry you can light up there's nobody here all weekend etc" and they were so uncomfortable with it lol. They were saying how weird it felt to smoke indoors and it just didn't seem right.

    The less places we can smoke the better I say...coming from someone who is always trying to give up the damn things! If I can't do it then great I say!
    I disagree, I am against outright bans on smoking in any public space. This becomes the most ridiculous when they ban smoking in bars. You go there to drink poison and have sex with strangers, minors aren't allowed in and the dang dirty smokers crowd around outside and throw their butts and empty cups everywhere. Like in my previous statement I think that the decline in smokers is more due to ridicule and looking down ones nose in judgement at the dirty smokers than anything else. Those annoying kids in the truth comercials (paid for by the government suing tobacco companies) are actually doing their job. Strong arm tactics by lobbyists and advocacy groups have made it a henious crime to show smoking in any positive light in the media ( for example the new Alice movie has listed in the PG rating caption that there is "a hooka smoking caterpillar" in the film so parents dont accidently expose their children to smoking). Henceforth all the dirty smokers should switch to delicious not carcinogen cloud spewing Copenhagen. It satisfies.

    I live in ohio, and I smoke from time to time when I drink, but what sucks is that I can't drink and smoke inside a bar because some worthless P.O.S morons decided to make it illegal to smoke inside

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  16. #16
    Silent but Deadly....
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    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    If the car windows are rolled up then i say yes...Example..
    It happens a lot when it rains or its cold and/or snowy outside...Little baby is in car and parents dont want to get wet or cold so they light up with windows rolled up.. Now that baby can not tell that person smoking that the smoke bothers them.. I am allergic to ciggareete smoke so therefore i am bothered by it.. I have friends who do smoke and im not an ass about it they all know it bothers me and hence smoke outside or not around me. I am a big boy and cant tell people to please not smoke around me and most listen or arent rude about it. Another pet peeve is people who smoke when you are trying to eat... Everybody is trying to enjoy their meal just like you.. I do not want my steak to tastle like an ashtray due to the smoke carrying to my mouth. Go outside and be polite..if smokers werent walking around with a chip on their shoulder due to all the laws nobody would care..I chew and dont care cuz i am respectful about it and nobody bothers me. You can kill yourself to..just do it so none of us have to be a part of it lol

    Silent But Deadly!

  17. #17
    USMG Member shonyx's Avatar
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    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    I personally don't give a !@#$. I do say this, I don't smoke cigarrettes, but I do smoke pipe, and I smoke it outside, in the porch, away from those who do not like the smell of it, mainly one of my kids. In my state, there is a lot of bitching about this law. First of, it's not that expensive, $50, second don't be a dumbass and light up with the kids in car on front of the police, and third if you do get the ticket, don't be a bitch and complain because you got caught, take it like a big boy/girl, and move on. The smoking ban in bars also pisses me off, but you know, I can see better inside the bars now, LOL. I belive you can still smoke and drink at the VFW, and the Legion.

  18. #18

    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    I just think it should be up to the parent if they want to smoke around their kids. I also feel the same about the stupid ass seat belt laws. If you want to wear a seat belt then wear it if you don't there shouldn't be a law that says you have to. I only put one on when I see a Cop. I guess I am just an Outlaw... I can and I am sure all of you can go on forever about ALOT of stupid laws.

  19. #19

    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    Quote Originally Posted by ladym123
    Quote Originally Posted by MuleTheDestroyer
    You go there to drink poison and have sex with strangers,
    :o I do not!... I resent that comment :o
    Lady, your not a stranger so, we are ok with this one....

  20. #20
    USMG Member squidfamily1's Avatar
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    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    I don't smoke, but i used too.
    The difference between smoking in bars and your car is that the bar is a public place your car is your property. I'm not for any more regulation of what I can do on my own time in my own place.

    Don't be mad. Everything I post is "lol."

  21. #21
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    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    I used to be a smoker for ten years and I don't know if I support this or not. It is a good gesture but that is all it really is. And while we are on the subject, why is children under 14? Is the legal age of smoking going to be lowered to 14 all of sudden?


  22. #22

    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    Quote Originally Posted by SadisticKeith
    I used to be a smoker for ten years and I don't know if I support this or not. It is a good gesture but that is all it really is. And while we are on the subject, why is children under 14? Is the legal age of smoking going to be lowered to 14 all of sudden?

    If thats the case then they can drop the drinking age back to 18 where it should be!!!

  23. #23
    USMG Member shonyx's Avatar
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    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    14? In Maine it's 16... :o drinking age should be 18 I agree. I grew up in Puerto Rico, so I drank as soon as I wanted, . Even if there was a drinking age of 18 in PR, no one cared. I still think they should tax pot and sell it like cigarettes. Imagine how much money states would make... Anyways, smoking pot and driving could pose a traffic problem ala Super Troopers...

  24. #24
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    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    I'd say only if they don't have the windows down.

  25. #25
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    Re: Should parents be fined for smoking with kid in car?

    Quote Originally Posted by squidfamily1
    I don't smoke, but i used too.
    The difference between smoking in bars and your car is that the bar is a public place your car is your property. I'm not for any more regulation of what I can do on my own time in my own place.
    I support this since the kids really don't have a choice. I hate big government but someone needs to step in when there is a hazard to the safety and well being of minors.

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