Hey i like to start a new thread here to kinda document what type of craziness is going over here in Afghan. I know not to put any thing up OPSEC!.. but for the guys and girls that have been over here and Iraq before know it can get kinda hair raising . And of course i cant tell my wife She would straight out Freak!!! Kandahar has turned in to something like Balad was...and for all u OIF/OEF Vets can remember Balad was commonly referred to as Mortorrittaville...well KAF (Kandahar Air Field) have become know as Rocketrittaville. Most Attacks are one shot and the over or under shoot us but occasionally the hit something or some one. well around last night we had one @ around 2040ish the all clear was given quite quickly so u can tell it was complete miss! Thank goodness! well see if there is one today?we get 3-4 a week...hope not!