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  1. #1
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    thoughts on the WBC

    I'm going to assume that seeing as this is a military gaming site and memebers are either active, reserve or retired, ya'll have heard of the Westboro Baptist Church, the freaks that protest Military funerals, such as the recent Matthew Synder incident, where he sued the freaks and won a lawsuit of about 11 million and then the freaks counter-sued him over 1st admendment rights and won a 1.3 million lawsuit, which Bill O'Rielly covered the bill.

    Hannity and Colmes owns Shirley Phelps-Roper

    Julie Banderas owns the crazy b***h Shirley Phelps Roper

    Tyra Banks owns Phelps Roper

    What are ya'lls opinions of these freaks

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  2. #2
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: thoughts on the WBC

    They are some sick twisted individuals that all need to be shot!! I hate this group and wish they would all drink the kool aid and do the world a favor. If I had anyone that I would want to kill it would be those fuckers. :twisted:
    "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." -General Mattis

  3. #3

    Re: thoughts on the WBC

    Yes, we have. I know that there was an older discussion somewhere on the boards. I think we all feel the same as DB feels on this.

  4. #4
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: thoughts on the WBC

    My heart goes out to the Synder family. They don't deserve this. No one does. Those people make me sick. They upset me on the news, they disgusted me when they picketed in front of Tinker AFB, and now they infuriate me all together. Thank god for people like the Patriot Guard Riders. For those of you who don't know who they are, here is there website ( Basically they attend funerals of fallen American heroes, as guests at the request of the family, to show respect to our fallen heroes and to shield the families in mourning from people like the WBC. All I can say is god bless them. The WBC know what they can go do to themselves.

    edit: Sorry it looks like that site is down but you should be able to find your states PGR site by typing it Google search.

  5. #5
    Tim's Bromance Partner
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    Re: thoughts on the WBC

    yup old discussion, most opinions are alinged with db.
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  6. #6
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: thoughts on the WBC

    Quote Originally Posted by saviger
    yup old discussion, most opinions are alinged with db.

    didn't know that, next time I'll search through the boards before posting old shit

    FIRST TO ARRIVE TRAINED TO SURVIVE. This is the motto for all USN Damage Controlman

  7. #7

    Re: thoughts on the WBC

    Here is a link of a prior discussion we had about these Ass*o*e*!!!!

  8. #8

    Re: thoughts on the WBC

    Quote Originally Posted by Trained2Survive
    Quote Originally Posted by saviger
    yup old discussion, most opinions are alinged with db.

    didn't know that, next time I'll search through the boards before posting old shit
    It's all good Trained. Sometimes it is hard with all the posts we have in here. You can take a whole day going threw all the old stuff.

  9. #9
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: thoughts on the WBC

    Quote Originally Posted by A-25TH-ID-VET
    Here is a link of a prior discussion we had about these Ass*o*e*!!!!
    this oughta be interesting

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  10. #10

    Re: thoughts on the WBC

  11. #11

    Re: thoughts on the WBC

  12. #12
    USMG Member shonyx's Avatar
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    Re: thoughts on the WBC

    This is the last thing they'll see if they come back in these here parts... :twisted:

  13. #13
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: thoughts on the WBC

    as much as I hate these morons, I still support their right of free speech, even though they are the biggest horses ass in the world. I wish death upon them all, because they are a bunch of fake christians who will brun in hell, and nothing more

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  14. #14
    USMG Beer & Boob Judge
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    Re: thoughts on the WBC

    Honestly, the best thing to do is ignore them. These "people" feast on attention and provoking others. They want attention for their twisted views, no matter who it hurts.

    An earlier post referred to the Patriot Guard, and all I can tell you personally is they're an epic group. They came to the national cemetery nearby in Grafton, WV when a funeral for a buddy of mine who died in Iraq was going on. The WBC wasn't there (thankfully), but nonetheless these folks were, and they were very courteous to everyone and inspiring.

    Indecision may or may not be my problem.

  15. #15

    Re: thoughts on the WBC

    Quote Originally Posted by River_Rat_459
    Honestly, the best thing to do is ignore them. These "people" feast on attention and provoking others. They want attention for their twisted views, no matter who it hurts.
    Exactly right River!!! These low life shit bags never had any at attention so, sadly this is the way they are retaliating. I do feel that one of these times they are going to show up at the wrong place and it will be the end of them. The things that REALLY bothers me is they are teaching their kids all the BS that they preach.

  16. #16
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: thoughts on the WBC

    Yes, those young girls that were on the Beyonce show were completely brainwashed!! They didn't know how to be normal girls since their family has taught them to be F'ked up individuals. They have no grasp of reality they are just zombies and miniature versions of their messed up parents. They watch shows that their parents don't like and try to twist it saying they hate the show. Ok well why do they watch it then if they hate it?? They are scared to reach out and be different from their family since they don't know any better. They have no friends which is sad but I can see why, I wouldn't want my son hanging with them. Send on of those girls off to college and let her have her own brain for once and she would probably change her views quickly on the world and their so called religion.....
    "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." -General Mattis

  17. #17
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: thoughts on the WBC

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgUSMC
    Yes, those young girls that were on the Beyonce show were completely brainwashed!! They didn't know how to be normal girls since their family has taught them to be F'ked up individuals. They have no grasp of reality they are just zombies and miniature versions of their messed up parents. They watch shows that their parents don't like and try to twist it saying they hate the show. Ok well why do they watch it then if they hate it?? They are scared to reach out and be different from their family since they don't know any better. They have no friends which is sad but I can see why, I wouldn't want my son hanging with them. Send on of those girls off to college and let her have her own brain for once and she would probably change her views quickly on the world and their so called religion.....
    actually the show they were on was the Tyra Banks show, but yes, those kids are beyond brainwashed, go to youtube and serach most hated family and a guy from the BBC decides to spend a week with these nutjobs doing a documentary. and Fred Phelps sermon is just sad in episode 6 of 8

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  18. #18
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: thoughts on the WBC

    Quote Originally Posted by Trained2Survive
    Quote Originally Posted by dbgUSMC
    Yes, those young girls that were on the Beyonce show were completely brainwashed!! They didn't know how to be normal girls since their family has taught them to be F'ked up individuals. They have no grasp of reality they are just zombies and miniature versions of their messed up parents. They watch shows that their parents don't like and try to twist it saying they hate the show. Ok well why do they watch it then if they hate it?? They are scared to reach out and be different from their family since they don't know any better. They have no friends which is sad but I can see why, I wouldn't want my son hanging with them. Send on of those girls off to college and let her have her own brain for once and she would probably change her views quickly on the world and their so called religion.....
    actually the show they were on was the Tyra Banks show, but yes, those kids are beyond brainwashed, go to youtube and serach most hated family and a guy from the BBC decides to spend a week with these nutjobs doing a documentary. and Fred Phelps sermon is just sad in episode 6 of 8
    Whoops shows you how much I watch that show.
    "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." -General Mattis

  19. #19
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: thoughts on the WBC

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgUSMC
    Quote Originally Posted by Trained2Survive
    Quote Originally Posted by dbgUSMC
    Yes, those young girls that were on the Beyonce show were completely brainwashed!! They didn't know how to be normal girls since their family has taught them to be F'ked up individuals. They have no grasp of reality they are just zombies and miniature versions of their messed up parents. They watch shows that their parents don't like and try to twist it saying they hate the show. Ok well why do they watch it then if they hate it?? They are scared to reach out and be different from their family since they don't know any better. They have no friends which is sad but I can see why, I wouldn't want my son hanging with them. Send on of those girls off to college and let her have her own brain for once and she would probably change her views quickly on the world and their so called religion.....
    actually the show they were on was the Tyra Banks show, but yes, those kids are beyond brainwashed, go to youtube and serach most hated family and a guy from the BBC decides to spend a week with these nutjobs doing a documentary. and Fred Phelps sermon is just sad in episode 6 of 8
    Whoops shows you how much I watch that show.

    I don't watch it either, i saw this episode on youtube

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  20. #20
    USMG Beer & Boob Judge
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    Re: thoughts on the WBC

    This is f'n priceless! I know we've visited and revisited this subject ad nauseum, but I found this article today on called "Counterprotests Drown Out Westboro". I'm not going to repost the whole article here, but you can read it for yourself at this link:

    What I find friggin' hilarious are what some of the signs that the counterprotesters were holding up. Here are a few listed in this article:

    Some of the signs from counterprotesters were: "God Hates Signs," "I Love Pie" and "Cheerios Lowers Your Cholesterol." Counterprotesters also held signs featuring pop culture references including the Twilight series, Harry Potter and Monty Python.

    Counterprotester Kitty Miller, 35, of Arlington held a sign that read "God Loves Fairies."

    Patrick Murphy, 25, of Fort Worth held a sign reading, "God Hates Fax (but loves email)," mocking one of Westboro's signs that included an epithet against homosexuals.

    Indecision may or may not be my problem.

  21. #21

    Re: thoughts on the WBC

    Wow Sig was there with his "I Love Pie" sign...

  22. #22
    King of the Road
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    Re: thoughts on the WBC

    Quote Originally Posted by A-25TH-ID-VET
    Wow Sig was there with his "I Love Pie" sign...

    lol that is exactly what i was going to say until i went to the next page and saw you beat me to it

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  23. #23

    Re: thoughts on the WBC

    Quote Originally Posted by MaximusR3
    Quote Originally Posted by A-25TH-ID-VET
    Wow Sig was there with his "I Love Pie" sign...

    lol that is exactly what i was going to say until i went to the next page and saw you beat me to it
    Sometimes I am just quick like that....

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