If anyone has already ranted about these uncomfortable POS's then forgive the redundancy and just give me a second.
I am the proud owner of an abnormally large head and absolutely terrible eyesight. Trying to get that little worthless leg situated around my ear and leg of my glasses was truly an exercise in futility. I'd be 5 minutes deep in a game of MAG and all of a sudden one of my twitches would dislodge that thing and I'd spend the rest of the match trying to carry out tasks with a hand on the controller and a hand next to my ear.
I hope you're all happy to know that I don't just aimlessly gripe and complain. I took a little initiative and will be rockin my Suzy the Time Life operator look from now on. I will be tethered by a 10' USB cord but if I like it as much as I think I will then I'll get a wireless one. This was just to find out how the sound quality and clarity before getting one of those.
All in all, this is a celebratory post because I'm done with holding my head at odd angles and having earaches all the time from that thing. You'd think Sony could have done a little better. That's all for now folks, take care.