This seemed like as good a place as any to begin the campaign to let everyone know that civilization and society as we know it has failed. I don't mean the funny kind of fail on the demotivational posters. I mean the kind of fail that deserves a few committees on the hill to look into where we go from here. Here's the gist...,
I'm not an avid drinker of the Apple Juice, but I own an iPhone. This morning while I was browsing the app store for ways to improve productivity or at least look more productive, I came across an app named "More Toast". I'm sorry that I'm too distraught right now to get into the details but I will provide the link to the developers site so that you can take it upon yourself to check this out and do your part to warn everyone to begin preparations for the end.
While you're there, take a moment to look at the other apps this person has actually made a choice to devote countless hours of his/her life too. I can't help but weep for humanity. Just please don't blame the messenger.
Here ya go,!.html