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Thread: barefoot bandit

  1. #1
    USMG Member squidfamily1's Avatar
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    barefoot bandit ... -americas/
    I know there are some of us on the forum that are against theft and crime in all forms but this guy is the man. Started when he was 16, learned how to fly from manuals.

    Don't be mad. Everything I post is "lol."

  2. #2

    Re: barefoot bandit

    I got to admit also that what this kid has done is pretty amazing. This kid has alot of guts and is brilliant. I mean stealing cars, money etc.. is heard of all the time but, this kid is stealing planes and yachts. :shock: I mean don't get me wrong. I am not saying what he is doing is right and he should pay the consequences for his crimes. It is just that he has outsmarted the law so far. I just hope that kids don't start trying to out do him and think that it is a good thing.

  3. #3
    USMG Member squidfamily1's Avatar
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    Re: barefoot bandit

    Quote Originally Posted by A-25TH-ID-VET
    I got to admit also that what this kid has done is pretty amazing. This kid has alot of guts and is brilliant. I mean stealing cars, money etc.. is heard of all the time but, this kid is stealing planes and yachts. :shock: I mean don't get me wrong. I am not saying what he is doing is right and he should pay the consequences for his crimes. It is just that he has outsmarted the law so far. I just hope that kids don't start trying to out do him and think that it is a good thing.
    i don't know if you read the link but they just caught him in the bahamas. stole planes from pacific northwest all the way down there

    Don't be mad. Everything I post is "lol."

  4. #4
    Tim's Bromance Partner
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    Re: barefoot bandit

    lol what a nut-burger
    "Necessity is the plea of every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants, it is the creed of slaves"

    William Pitt, 1783

  5. #5
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    Re: barefoot bandit

    I think I heard he was staying with a friend for some of the time but I'm still impressed with his skills. Yes, he damaged property but I didn't hear about him hurting anyone. All those plane and boat owners have insurance.

  6. #6
    USMG Member tracker_usmc's Avatar
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    Re: barefoot bandit

    To be that young and have the IQ to pickup things like flying a plane just by reading manuals is amazing. I just hope he learns to use his smarts for something more constructive!

  7. #7

    Re: barefoot bandit

    Quote Originally Posted by squidfamily1
    Quote Originally Posted by A-25TH-ID-VET
    I got to admit also that what this kid has done is pretty amazing. This kid has alot of guts and is brilliant. I mean stealing cars, money etc.. is heard of all the time but, this kid is stealing planes and yachts. :shock: I mean don't get me wrong. I am not saying what he is doing is right and he should pay the consequences for his crimes. It is just that he has outsmarted the law so far. I just hope that kids don't start trying to out do him and think that it is a good thing.
    i don't know if you read the link but they just caught him in the bahamas. stole planes from pacific northwest all the way down there
    Nope didn't read the link at all. Only reason I know about him is I saw it on AOL. I NEVER watch the News or do I EVER read the paper.

  8. #8
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: barefoot bandit

    That's insane it reminds me of the movie catch me if you can.
    "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." -General Mattis

  9. #9

    Re: barefoot bandit

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgUSMC
    That's insane it reminds me of the movie catch me if you can.
    Yes, it does...good movie to.


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