Crackdown 2 and Lost Planet 2
Crackdown 2 is a great game, loads of fun, LP2 didn't really like it all that much but figured I'd add it as well.
I will look at these thanks T2SOriginally Posted by Trained2Survive
i think they're xbox360 only lady.
Don't be mad. Everything I post is "lol."
I will look at them on Xbox then SquidOriginally Posted by squidfamily1
Eh I agree with you on Crackdown2..Lost Planet 2 on the other hand was a horrible game IMO. Not worth the time to add to the list. i rarely disagree about a video game and give all games a chance but LP2 was horrible..the graphics and game engine sucked really bad and the whole concept really. Its like the DEV's just needed a space filler ..I say its a no go for LP2
Silent But Deadly!