Hello all,
So i have been busy.. My friend and I started a local publication here. Basically we take the police blotter (local records and mugshots of people who have been arrested and wanted criminals) and published a magazine that dropped for the first time on tuesday. Monday we were featured on all the local news channels for it and today we made the rounds of radio shows, Tomorrow we will be appearing live on HLN(CNN). They are flying us to chicago tomorrow morning to do the interview. I live in Illinois and so far the cities in Oregon, California, New York, Georgia, Arkansas,Colorado, Arizona have ran a story about us. I run and built the website (dont worry im not pushing the site lol) Just thought id share my good news and to dbg and Max i may have jobs for you that you could do sitting at home. Americas Most wanted, the US Secret Service, and the FBI are wanting to put stuff on my page. Basically we have gotten as of 2030 CST we have gotten 972 hits since 10 AM CST. We have hit big and actually got a 5 figure donation to help defer costs, SO i need help lol..This was supposed to be just a small local company and if it keeps getting bigger Im screwed. The maint. on the site is extreme.. So ya just wanted to let you all know whats been going on..
Oh the site is in my profile..http://www.sinfulsaintsoftheqc.com If any of you devs or designers have ideas, or designs i could pay you once we get the money for your time