Yay! So, I'm off of the "Leave" status type deal; got back from my trip to my bro's, and he helped me out a lot...so my exam is on the 7th now, registration is the 11th, and school starts back up on the 16th....whew! Lot going on, but hopefully it's not too crazy I told my husband today about USMG, and he's looking forward to joining when he gets back from Iraq (Hopefully we don't PCS as SOON as he gets back, cuz that would suck :o ) But, just wanted to say hey, and hopefully everyone's had a great past couple of weeks :mrgreen: Thanks everyone for being so awesome, and being awesome on the X-Box live, considering I had to deal with some jerks before U guys rock my socks....
Except for you Brandon. I just wanna kick u in the shins....cuz it's an annoying place to be kicked.... :P