This game looks like it might be pretty dam awesome. I am going to be keeping an eye on it.
Home Page
I can't wait for it to be released. The premise so far is captivating. Now we just need to see some game vids and more pics. Any one else wonder if the Homefront scenario is possible IRL?
I don't think it's probable, but it is possible...albeit remote for the most part. The early part of the trailer seemed to have a hole in the plot, which is when the two Koreas were reunited, was it a military takeover or a peaceful reconciliation? Whatever happens in the story at that juncture probably plays into the rest of the overall story.Originally Posted by Sentry
Still, that scenario they displayed was downright scary. :shock:
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
I would think peaceful. Like Kim Jong-un would try to go against his fathers way of ruling as a ruse. Uniting North and South Korea as the stepping stone for the Homefront story. Or I could be over-thinking a video game.Originally Posted by River_Rat_459
Very much so. I just hope the game doesn't give Kim Jong-un any ideas.Originally Posted by River_Rat_459
I would have to say it is a peaceful operation. Otherwise we would be at war with Korea long before this story takes place.
Originally Posted by Timmy_2_Tones
unless it were a hostile takeover of the north by the south? in which case we back the south so we don't stop it but don't physically step in to avoid a full scale war and loss of American soldiers either. Then the evil leader of the south slowly starts to show his true form?
lol i don't know, going out on a limb but people do like story twists so that could be a possibility.
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
You sir are made of win.Originally Posted by saviger
But I have to admit that the trailer and game premise is very exciting. All I want though is to see some game footage or more info on the game.
Also, $20.00 a gallon?!?! Soon we'll see this.
HAHAHAHA! this is most Epic I might sayOriginally Posted by Sentry
Homefronts release date got pushed by from February to April or May, which is a good thing for me. They were set to release on the same day as Killzone 3 and Bulletstorm. They were saying it is because of a technical delay, but I think it was a wise move to get away from those other games!
New Homefront multiplayer video, looking pretty good to me!
Me like! :mrgreen:
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
The more I read about Homefront the more I like it. Here is a nice quote from the article about the " Battle Points " system they're using kind of like killstreak reward, but you have to purchase them. The link to the full review is at the bottom.
THQ's Core Games VP Danny Bilson, who opened with an acknowledgment of their rival shooters: "There are very unique ways to play Homefront that separate us from our most-excellent competition, who we are consistently competing with every day." he explained. "As they keep raising the bar, we keep raising ours and I keep torturing the studio with quality standards". The primary "unique way" they would be revealing to us here is what they call the "Battle Points" system.
The rounds we played were your basic capture and defend the point scenarios (think Battlefield's "Conquest" and Modern Warfare's "Domination" modes), but this Battle Points mechanic makes for a pretty different experience. BP is the in-game currency and is certain to become Homefront's most significant multiplayer element. In Battle Points rounds, you're awarded points for performing various objectives during the match, like say 30 points for fragging an enemy infantry with 10 additional points for a headshot; 100 points for destroying an enemy tank etc. Points are also awarded by accomplishing team objectives -- the example we were shown was capturing (or assisting with the capture of) a command point.
As soon as you bank enough of these points, you can spend them straight away on basic deploys by mashing a hotkey. As we were demoing the Xbox 360 version, these were mapped to the D-Pad buttons, left, right and down and the choices available are things like a rocket-launcher, instant ammo re-supply, airstrikes and remote controlled drones. The three deploys available to us varied with the selected class: Assault, Sniper, Recon etc which also dictates your weapon load-out and appearance. These classes were all preset for the purposes of the demo, but we were informed that custom-classes would be creatable in the final game.
For example, the assault class might have an assault rifle, sidearm, grenades and the deploys RPG, ammo re-supply and heli-drone while a recon class might have a shotgun, machine-pistol, flash grenades with ammo re-supply, air-strikes and a ground-drone and so on. Selecting a starting config isn't a difficult choice as you can switch between classes every time you respawn and pick a load-out appropriate to what you want to be doing at any given point in the match.
The insta-deploys are at the cheaper end of the scale, so if you see an enemy chopper you can purchase an RPG or Stinger and bam, instant surface-to-air capability, or you can purchase a more expensive recon-drone and remotely drive the little armoured-bot around painting enemy targets for your teammates (who can then see those targets through solid walls as they move around -- remember we're talking a bit of 2025 future-tech here). But it's not always that easy a choice, because if you want the real heavy machinery, you can't be spending paycheck-to-paycheck -- you have to save up for that shit.
I'm talking of course, about vehicles, which start at a few hundred for a basic hummer and run well into the thousands for an attack helicopter. Unlike the instant deploys, these can only be purchased from the deployment screen in-between respawns, but the best part is, you spawn right into it. No more of that walking for miles to your base's vehicle depot and waiting for a chopper to respawn, you materialise on the map right in the hot-seat and there's also the option there to spawn directly into your teammates' purchased vehicles if they have a spare passenger/gunner seat.
Interview with Lead Multiplayer Designer
Below is part of an article from 1UP.com Describing a new spin on a point/money system, perks, and ways to acquire vehicles in game: http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3181765
This is one game to keep an eye on.
The money/point system is only during that match so I guess if you start a new match the money/points you gained in previous match is a use or lose thing so it resets but you still keep experience earned since that is a separate system.On the surface, Homefront feels a lot like a streamlined and polished Frontlines: Fuel of War. The mode I play, Ground Control, has control points that shift around the map depending on which team is performing better -- similarly to how Frontlines moved its, well, frontlines during a match. Whatever map you're playing on, there are defined control points that you capture by standing near them; whichever team holds onto these points long enough ends up pushing the battle forward into their opponent's territory and opening a new set of control points. These shifts in control point location aren't fixed or permanent -- so a multiplayer match can have a real tug-of-war style flow (this effect is most pronounced on large 32-player matches, where the map spans from a whole farm on the east to an entire steel mill to the west).
And like Frontlines (among other modern combat FPS titles), Homefront features a mix of firearms, character classes, vehicles, and combat drones. While you can eventually customize your own class with a set of gear and what seems to be a perk system, the basics I play include setups like Assault fellows sporting assault rifles and air assault drones, Ghosts carrying suppressed submachine guns and recon drones, Heavies brandishing light-machine guns and ground assault drones, and the like. The first map I play, Cul-De-Sac, is an intimate 16-player affair that focuses on infantry and drones. It's a little slice of America -- one where I can call in a recon drone to spot and mark enemies scurrying around the parked cars and idle fences for my allies, or settle on someone's roof for a sniping run, or hide in a garage and guide a ground assault drone to tread around and hit fools with its miniguns.
The earlier-mentioned 32-player map, Farm, is where I get to mess with the vehicles (such as, in layman's terms, an APC, a tank, and a helicopter) more. Unlike other combined-forces FPS games (ahem, Battlefield), vehicles don't just spawn in at predetermined map points. You have to actively spawn into a vehicle -- so whether you're driving or being a sidegunner, you spawn into an existing vehicle that either you or someone else called in. No more waiting in line for a vehicle -- vehicles become present as players call for them.
As commented earlier, the most predominant thought I have during multiplayer stems directly from Homefront's main addition: money. Rather than experience or support points, you earn "battle points" during gameplay; what differs them from similar systems is the fact that you can either bank, or spend, these points for items during battle. Pretty much every significant action in the game rewards you: marking a foe with the recon drone earns something like 30 points; capturing an objective nets 250; shooting someone earns 50 points; doing so with a headshot earns an additional 20 points. One time, I manage to headshot some fool who was in the middle of attacking a teammate -- in addition to the points for his death, I also gain bonuses for the headshot, for saving a teammate, and for avenging myself and another teammate (since he had just killed both me and a buddy moments before).
Now, you can use your banked battle points to grab minor items like additional ammunition magazines or rocket launchers (dumb-fire or lock-on, depending on your loadout) for a paltry 50 battle points. Or you can spend 400 to snag a drone. Or you can keep banking to save up for a 1400 battle point tank, or an even more expensive helicopter. Since your battle points only deplete when spent, it's possible for even an unskilled player to snag a vehicle. While something like Call of Duty requires an uninterrupted kill streak to snag an equivalent reward, Frontline's developers are aiming for a system where being a good team player -- even when you're not the best shooter -- can still get you access to the cool gear. Before I get into my sniping groove, I bank a lot of points by just calling in a recon drone, having it circle the map, and marking targets for my team. The battle points also add a subtle effect to the overall flow of the match, as matches tend to begin with default weapons, but as time progresses, players purchase more exotic gear, drones, and vehicles. This in turn gives the match a concrete "escalation" feel, where a skirmish starts with just pistols and rifles and ends with multiple tanks and helicopters weaving and shooting about.
So it's this battle points system that adds that third thought to my head while playing multiplayer. I'm constantly trying to figure out ways to earn money a little faster. Just so I can spawn into a helicopter and have it rain rockets down on the opposing team. Or to give myself a tank...or maybe spend a little bit to get the rocket launcher to take out the other team's tank. The version I play is just a multiplayer pre-alpha; but the simple tweak of earning and spending money during a match, on top of the improved control point/frontline foundation of the previous game, is enough to keep me interested. It's also amusing that ultimately, the main thing that distinguishes Homefront's multiplayer is capitalism -- the very thing that you're basically fighting for during the game, single or multiplayer, as a whole.
Excellent. That's one of the best ideas I've heard of in a long while.Since your battle points only deplete when spent, it's possible for even an unskilled player to snag a vehicle. While something like Call of Duty requires an uninterrupted kill streak to snag an equivalent reward, Frontline's developers are aiming for a system where being a good team player -- even when you're not the best shooter -- can still get you access to the cool gear.
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
I posted a similar article in the Game Lounge section and agree this shoud make for a different game experience with the small stuff at the beginning of the game to a full out war in the end! Link below is from Homefront's blog about Battle Points.
http://community.homefront-game.com/blo ... e-points-0
Sorry for reposting almost the same thing you did but I haven't been on here in a long time and things are just scattered all over the place now. I guess I should have looked around better first before I posted. Nice find you made to their actual blog which gives nice details on the Battle Points.Originally Posted by WrenchSlinger
That's cool! I had to dig a few pages back to find it myself.
For anyone who is keeping an eye on Homefront!
On this side or the other, we will meet once again.
Yeah, I've been watching and reading anything I can find on Homefront. Looks like it could be some good competition for CoD if they get it right. I like the story and multiplayer looks to change stuff up. The video I saw kind of reminded me of BFBC2. There's rumors of a beta over at their website, so I try to check in from time to time.
Homefront is calling for beta testers not sure they still need any but if anyones interested heres a link. (360 only sorry guys)
Edit: Just realized the date was set for yesterday. You can always sign up anyways.
Centercode will be conducting a series of Xbox 360 stress tests and our client has expanded the pool of testers. We need another 1000 people who can jump in and frag some buds, check out the new world, and give us some great feedback. Those invited to this test will not only be a part of the stress test, they will have complete access to this new game over the next month to perfect their skills.
We need highly engaged XBOX 360 users who want to be part of a team of testers who will get EXCLUSIVE first access to this action packed new game. You must have your own console, an XBOX 360 gold subscription account and be able to keep everyone secret. This game is still in its early stages of development and we need people who are prepared to keep every aspect of this game hidden until its release next year.
We will be including the an additional 1,000 qualified candidates for this beta test:
If you think you have the skills and time, click the link below to learn more about joining in the fun.
PS: We have added a Video Game Console Test Platform type to our community. Please log in and add your own consoles to get yourself selected to beta test more upcoming console games.
Please click the following link to apply for this test: https://www.onlinebeta.com/r/?1AC0F7...248BBB900D80FC