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  1. #1
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    Well, after the tourney last night, Indy decided to get some USMG members in a party on COD MW2 last night, and play some team deathmatch; well, of course, two turds decided to tell me, "I'll go to bed with u baby girl" I just ignored them, and they kept getting onto me and the other clan members, and finally I told them I was married, my husband's deployed so please at least respect that and leave me alone. They asked what my husband does, and I told them I'd rather not say...for one, none of your business....two; opsec anyone? And one of them says, "I'm a Navy Seal, you can tell me." Whatever dude, JSOC guys can't even say that stuff....but, USMG guys just letting them know to leave me alone, and that at least made me feel better! Thanks guys U at least kept it clean, but told them off...u rock
    "USMG Official Ass Kicking Chick"

  2. #2
    USMG Member indyred99's Avatar
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    I muted them almost right off the bat and didn't
    unmute until towards the end of what was going on. If I would have unmuted them sooner I could have unleashed holy Hell on them. Lol. That made no sense.
    They were douches just from what I heard at the end. That's the reason I mute people right away anymore so I don't have to deal with them.
    Another thing is its people like them that are the losers and have to lie about military service that never existed.
    Sent from my Eris using Tapatalk


  3. #3
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ginny29
    Well, after the tourney last night, Indy decided to get some USMG members in a party on COD MW2 last night, and play some team deathmatch; well, of course, two turds decided to tell me, "I'll go to bed with u baby girl" I just ignored them, and they kept getting onto me and the other clan members, and finally I told them I was married, my husband's deployed so please at least respect that and leave me alone. They asked what my husband does, and I told them I'd rather not say...for one, none of your business....two; opsec anyone? And one of them says, "I'm a Navy Seal, you can tell me." Whatever dude, JSOC guys can't even say that stuff....but, USMG guys just letting them know to leave me alone, and that at least made me feel better! Thanks guys U at least kept it clean, but told them off...u rock

    you coulda gotten them on what they did in the navy, and what the job entailed, and ask them what the rating symbol was as well as what the insignia looked like, and if the F'd that up, report them for lying or something along those lines

    FIRST TO ARRIVE TRAINED TO SURVIVE. This is the motto for all USN Damage Controlman

  4. #4
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    wow... I'm a great trash talker, but you're on Xbox, so I can't really help you out there.

  5. #5
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    Quote Originally Posted by ASignorelli
    wow... I'm a great trash talker, but you're on Xbox, so I can't really help you out there.

    then join us, we want you to join us 'cue creepy music'

    FIRST TO ARRIVE TRAINED TO SURVIVE. This is the motto for all USN Damage Controlman

  6. #6
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    Quote Originally Posted by Trained2Survive
    Quote Originally Posted by Ginny29
    Well, after the tourney last night, Indy decided to get some USMG members in a party on COD MW2 last night, and play some team deathmatch; well, of course, two turds decided to tell me, "I'll go to bed with u baby girl" I just ignored them, and they kept getting onto me and the other clan members, and finally I told them I was married, my husband's deployed so please at least respect that and leave me alone. They asked what my husband does, and I told them I'd rather not say...for one, none of your business....two; opsec anyone? And one of them says, "I'm a Navy Seal, you can tell me." Whatever dude, JSOC guys can't even say that stuff....but, USMG guys just letting them know to leave me alone, and that at least made me feel better! Thanks guys U at least kept it clean, but told them off...u rock

    you coulda gotten them on what they did in the navy, and what the job entailed, and ask them what the rating symbol was as well as what the insignia looked like, and if the F'd that up, report them for lying or something along those lines
    Yeah, my hubby said the exact same thing; it was hilarious; he started naming off all the schools the JSOC branches has to go thru and he told me next time ask what schools, stuff like that....the guys were total douchebags; hence I run into that all the time....

    Quote Originally Posted by indyred99
    I muted them almost right off the bat and didn't
    unmute until towards the end of what was going on. If I would have unmuted them sooner I could have unleashed holy Hell on them. Lol. That made no sense.
    They were douches just from what I heard at the end. That's the reason I mute people right away anymore so I don't have to deal with them.
    Another thing is its people like them that are the losers and have to lie about military service that never existed.
    Sent from my Eris using Tapatalk
    Yeah, I can't stand jackasses that lie about military service; it's almost like a slap in the face to those serving and veterans...ugh
    "USMG Official Ass Kicking Chick"

  7. #7

    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    Great Job to all that helped her out (Even though I have a feeling she can handle herself ) This is exactly what the USMG is all about. We had some dumb asses that where telling us that we where lag switching when we played public after the PS3 tourney. Ole Jack happened to be on there team at the time and he Bitched Slapped the hell out of them.....

  8. #8
    Horsewoman Fury
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ginny29
    Well, after the tourney last night, Indy decided to get some USMG members in a party on COD MW2 last night, and play some team deathmatch; well, of course, two turds decided to tell me, "I'll go to bed with u baby girl" I just ignored them, and they kept getting onto me and the other clan members, and finally I told them I was married, my husband's deployed so please at least respect that and leave me alone. They asked what my husband does, and I told them I'd rather not say...for one, none of your business....two; opsec anyone? And one of them says, "I'm a Navy Seal, you can tell me." Whatever dude, JSOC guys can't even say that stuff....but, USMG guys just letting them know to leave me alone, and that at least made me feel better! Thanks guys U at least kept it clean, but told them off...u rock
    What I dont understand is instead of stressing yourself out with these @*ses why you don't just mute them? As soon as I enter a lobby you can just tell who the jerks are and I mute them right away. Young kids are immediately muted as well because I just want to smack their mouths with the garbage I hear them spewing. The power of the mute toggle is a very beautiful thing. It also keeps the stress level of the guys I do count as friends down because we don't get the big arguements going. tbh I rarely have problems with guys in the lobbies anymore because I don't talk when I'm in the lobby. I wait until the match starts and then I talk. It's just not worth the hassle or the stress.

  9. #9
    USMG Beer & Boob Judge
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    We do keep a "KOS" (Kill On Sight) list for MAG. Even though we're primarily dealing with immature potty-mouths in MW2, I don't think it would hurt to keep a list for our other games as well. There are some out there that simply deserve to be on that list. I'm just sayin'...

    Indecision may or may not be my problem.

  10. #10
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    Yeah; I didn't stress too much about it, just thought it was funny....I completely ignored them until I finally said something; I'm one of those that can't chew bubble gum and walk at the same time, so I can't really mute while playing a match... I usually mute people while in the lobby, however that night I think I just got retarded and forgot.... :roll: But thanks guys :mrgreen:
    "USMG Official Ass Kicking Chick"

  11. #11
    Tim's Bromance Partner
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    good to know everything worked out, and kudos to the USMG members for keeping it clean and backing her up!

    Gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside to know we are out there fulfilling our purpose
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  12. #12
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    One of the reasonsI like the USMG. the other guys i used to play with (they're in Afghanistan now) would never ever stop talkin sh**. Then they would start with the infighting, makes it really hard to actually play the game.

  13. #13
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    we try our best .

    "It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes".- Andrew Jackson

  14. #14
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    Its pretty amazing how it seems like some people can have a bad day at work and its like they take it out on people they play against online, but if they had a bad day at work then they'll most likely play bad as well, which will get 'em even hotter :!: :!: When I hear it, sometimes I tend to start laughing, then they get even madder, its funny stuff to me :!: In my professional Dr. Freud :geek: opinion, they have fill in the blank

  15. #15
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    Did you change your gamertag?... Anyways... I hope that those crackheads didn't completly ruin for you, what in my opinion, was a very good night of gaming. Those dudes are lousy excuses for human beings.

  16. #16
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    Quote Originally Posted by Metalhead Brett
    Did you change your gamertag?... Anyways... I hope that those crackheads didn't completly ruin for you, what in my opinion, was a very good night of gaming. Those dudes are lousy excuses for human beings.
    Yes, I did Indy told me it still is showing up as Ginny29 on XBL so I'm thinking it takes a minute for it to kick in...did u get my message on XBL? I hope I included you, if not, I'm so sorry But yup In honor of me hubby, his favorite Greek God, Ares, God of Warfare, bloodlust, rage....and just all around bad-ass :twisted:
    "USMG Official Ass Kicking Chick"

  17. #17
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    I was wondering who this was, till I saw the profile. way to confuse me, it doesn't take much you know .

    "It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes".- Andrew Jackson

  18. #18
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    Quote Originally Posted by jack
    I was wondering who this was, till I saw the profile. way to confuse me, it doesn't take much you know .
    I'm sorry I had to change my gamertag because even though I had muted this one guy, he kept sending me messages, requesting to be my friend; then he'd send me voice messages from different gamertags asking me to talk dirty to him after I would continuously block his, yeah.! I had sent numerous complaints to X-Box about him so it was getting annoying...
    "USMG Official Ass Kicking Chick"

  19. #19
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    Quote Originally Posted by xAresx029
    Quote Originally Posted by jack
    I was wondering who this was, till I saw the profile. way to confuse me, it doesn't take much you know .
    I'm sorry I had to change my gamertag because even though I had muted this one guy, he kept sending me messages, requesting to be my friend; then he'd send me voice messages from different gamertags asking me to talk dirty to him after I would continuously block his, yeah.! I had sent numerous complaints to X-Box about him so it was getting annoying...
    wow, virtual stalking much... last I checked that’s cyber terrorism and highly punishable in a court O law. by the way corporations wont do much till an ADA (assistant district attorney) jumps on them… that is if you wanted to make life hard for them, for not taking immediate action like they should have. but hey at least you got rid of that shitstain. .

    "It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes".- Andrew Jackson

  20. #20
    USMG Member shonyx's Avatar
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    Does this asswipe play XBox only?

  21. #21
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    I dunno if he's on PS3; but I haven't had any problems since I changed my gamertag thank god.
    "USMG Official Ass Kicking Chick"

  22. #22
    Airborne Recon Gy-reen Rexasaurus
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    I completely disagree, unless you tell somebody off using four letter words, and variations thereof. You are not doing it right. I would have loved to be there, they would have left the room after I was done with them.

    however, thank you to all of the USMG members that stood up here, this is why we make a great group. One for all and all for one. :mrgreen:

    Signature thanks to jgreco138

  23. #23
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Total Douches, but USMG members to the rescue!

    Quote Originally Posted by Timmy_2_Tones
    I completely disagree, unless you tell somebody off using four letter words, and variations thereof. You are not doing it right. I would have loved to be there, they would have left the room after I was done with them.

    however, thank you to all of the USMG members that stood up here, this is why we make a great group. One for all and all for one. :mrgreen:
    I know My hubby woulda made them cry...haha! But, it is good to know that there are some gamers that will at least stick up for others, even if it's's not loser mode if you are telling someone else to f' off and leave someone alone Thanks for stickin' up for me, and of course, I will come to the aide of other clan members too :mrgreen:
    "USMG Official Ass Kicking Chick"

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