Well, after the tourney last night, Indy decided to get some USMG members in a party on COD MW2 last night, and play some team deathmatch; well, of course, two turds decided to tell me, "I'll go to bed with u baby girl" ugh....so I just ignored them, and they kept getting onto me and the other clan members, and finally I told them I was married, my husband's deployed so please at least respect that and leave me alone. They asked what my husband does, and I told them I'd rather not say...for one, none of your business....two; opsec anyone? And one of them says, "I'm a Navy Seal, you can tell me."

Whatever dude, JSOC guys can't even say that stuff....but, USMG guys just letting them know to leave me alone, and that at least made me feel better! Thanks guys

U at least kept it clean, but told them off...u rock
