I vaguely remember some talk of possibly trying to get the clan together in person for a Camping Trip or Vegas. What ever became of that?
I vaguely remember some talk of possibly trying to get the clan together in person for a Camping Trip or Vegas. What ever became of that?
I was waiting to hear back on an e-mail request for more information to get a free trip for veterans from an organization that was offering them for free (see the "Announcements" under Scuttlebut). As of today, I haven't heard back. I wil have to see if there is a phone number and call them directly.
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
ok, well if anyone has any idea's of something that we could all get together and try and pull something off... we would have to have a pretty solid plan to actually do it, all the little pieces would have to ironed out before we even thought about actually doing it. Here's a couple things that we should work on trying to figure out first.
WHAT are we gonna go do?
WHERE are we gonna do it?
Working out when we should do it should come much later, after we figure out where and what, cause then we can have more of an idea of when is the best times to do it and if there is even enough interest.
I wouldn't be against just all meeting at the bottom of a mountain with a few cases of MRE's and a K-bar and just going off into the woods for a week just living off what we make and find.
Hey has any one thought about something like going to Disney World, FL they have all kinds of deals and activities for large groups we can even do like some off season time line wich makes it cheeper for folks
The only thing with Disney World, is even with a deal it can be expensive. Especially for those of us on the West Coast where the travel costs alone can be astronomical. Though I do love Disney World.
Here's the thing. I think a survival weekend is the most cost efficient, because really the only costs we have to worry about is travel. Especially if we're packing away MREs and just using what equipment we already have.
The big question I agree with is WHERE.
Since we are spread out across the country we need to come up with a neutral place I think. Possibly in the Midwest like Missouri (the Ozark Mountains area). I don't know. I think maybe we start with brainstorming the what (camping, vegas, disneyworld, etc). We'll put all of the ideas into a voting thread like the one we have for the POM nominations. Once we have that figured out, either we'll already know the where or if we decide camping we'll brainstorm some places for that, research costs, and do another voting poll on the where.
I think that's the easiest way to figure this out.
"I've never had a conversation with a dead guy before. Forgive me if I don't know the rules."
My only request is that we have guns and booze. They really do go together very well. Out here in Utah there is ample space to go on a "Trip" like this we have some amazing mountain ranges. And we have great places to camp not to far from civilization (In case of Emergency). Like if I am playing with Guns while drinking.Originally Posted by Gamer_Platt
Just so long as nobody does...this:
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
Well let's see if TLOG, smoke, river, or jack can set up a vote. So far I think we have: Disneyworld, camping, Vegas and the convention River was talking about.
"I've never had a conversation with a dead guy before. Forgive me if I don't know the rules."
Still waiting for a call back on the veterans outing.
One other recommendation I would like to put up to vote: the geographical center of the United States.
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
it would almost be the best if we could just find someone in the clan that has a bunch of land in the middle of the U.S. or close to it. cause then there could be alcohol and guns, and we wouldn't have to worry about anything cause the property would be owned by one of us. i think thats the best solution to if we are going to play with guns
I see Accidents waiting to happen...........I will bring my video Camera..................lol
Not only am I a member, I am also the President of the stop Freaking Complaining about everything in the game that can kill you, Just because you Suck Club!!!
Well, typically there are plenty of places where you can go fire off a bunch of rounds without trouble. Generally it just can't be within so many miles of a city or a state highway or interstate. I know Idaho and Utah laws aren't too strict on the matter.
"I've never had a conversation with a dead guy before. Forgive me if I don't know the rules."
I have 5 acres in Idaho, not enough to get buck wild on though. Utah and Idaho are great for thiss stuff.Originally Posted by Crucifictorious2
Great fishing here too. Colorado is suppose to be pretty great too. Don't know what their gun laws are though.
"I've never had a conversation with a dead guy before. Forgive me if I don't know the rules."
Originally Posted by River_Rat_459
too funny
I'd be totally up for it. Unfortunately I live up in the corner in Washington State so it'll cost me to go anywhere. I think it'd be worth it though. And hey, I just need a place to pitch my tent, keep my ammo dry and my beer cold and I'm good to go. Hoowaa
"Never make fun of a person before walking a mile in their shoes... That way, when you do make fun of them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. :P "
You're all welcome to visit my home state of West Virginia. We've got all kinds of state parks all over the place with something for everyone. See for yourself: http://tinyurl.com/yjz66k3.
There are shooting ranges all over the place too. There's a 1,000 meter range about 20 minutes from my house that allows up to and including .50 cal.
And I hear the hot dogs around these parts are good too!![]()
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
Originally Posted by River_Rat_459
you know, i think i heard that somewhere too....we had some fanatic oh here somewhere raving about them i think...
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
Well it seems like shooting/drinking/camping/survival weekend is the favorite. So let's talk about locations. So far we have:
W Virginia
Carolina (N or S? I don't remember)
If anyone wants to throw out some other places we can go feel free. We'll keep it open to suggestion for 3 days. Then I'll go through our list of options and try to put together cost analyses from different regions in the US that we can post by each place and then vote on which place would be best.
Sound like a plan?
"I've never had a conversation with a dead guy before. Forgive me if I don't know the rules."
Make it so, good sir.
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
as an East coaster, i like the idea of hitting up either West Virginia, or one of the Carolina's, but if we have to do a west coast i'd be down for Idaho or Utah, both places i've never been.