I just read about this in the military.com newsletter. It's a recruiting tool (as are all games on the GoArmy.com website), but this one's pretty cool. You MUST have a webcam to play it. :!: Here's the write-up on it:
Directing Ryan Newman's #39 U.S. Army Chevrolet
Impala to the front of a military convoy is the
challenge for players of "Army - Race for Strength,
" the new interactive, augmented-reality game that
recently debuted nationwide. The computer game is
part of the U.S. Army's continuing effort to showcase
its high-tech skills training and the many options
and opportunities it offers. The new game is available
for downloading at the GoArmy.com website at
http://www.goarmy.com/raceforstrength . The game is considered
to be one of the first practical uses of augmented
reality, a technology which mates real-world activities
with computer-generated graphic situations.