Last edited by MaximusR3; 06-10-2011 at 21:39.
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
Just saw this, not sure if I should be happy cause I liked the 1st Bioshock, or disappointed cause they seem to be dragging this into the ground. (I wasn't very happy with BS2) At least they are taking it to the sky I suppose. Well here's to hoping anyways![]()
On this side or the other, we will meet once again.
Bioshock Infinite looks nothing like i was expecting. And it's getting motion controls? not that exciting but cool for those who are into it i guess. This is reminding me of when The CEO of Valve came out last year to go back on his nay saying of the PS3. The PS3 version will come with the original Bioshock bundled in
they will be making a bioshock game for NGP as well. in the bioshock universe anyways.
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
BioShock Infinite trailer
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
new video just tweeted on twitter. tweet tweet
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
heres a new video, similar to the previous sky-lines video where it goes back and forth with ken levin and gameplay examples. In this one he discusses a little back story to the city and leadership
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
Though from seeing all of the promotional materials like trailers and screenshots many gamers would be willing to accept that BioShock: Infinite was our E3 2011 Best of Show, they still might want to see exactly what we saw. Thankfully Ken Levine and the team at Irrational agreed with those sentiments and have decided to release the entire 15-minute demo to the public for all to see just how fantastic the game is.
While the demo won’t make its debut until next week’s GameTrailers TV on Spike, Irrational has delivered a brief tease of the BioShock: Infinite demo that showcases its first two minutes.
It’s hard to know just what to say about BioShock: Infinite at this point. Seen as the spiritual successor to the original BioShock, it seems that developer Irrational Games has told us just about everything that will be made public before the game is actually released. So while more story details or another extensive gameplay section may have been missing from Gamescom 2011, the developer has released a handful of screenshots showing the kind of tension and uneasiness fans can expect from BioShock: Infinite.
During our E3 demo of BioShock: Infinite there were many moments that took us by surprise, but none could top seeing companion character Elizabeth open a rift in time that took her and protagonist Booker DeWitt to a modern-day city street complete with Revenge of the Jedi on a cinema marquee.
While this now iconic moment stretched gamers’ previous assumptions of what is possible in a BioShock game, it also almost never happened. Turns out, Irrational had something completely different for this sequence in BioShock: Infinite, but instead turned to some unused assets from a cancelled project to create a more striking moment.
SOURCE: Games has yet to discuss how BioShock Infinite's PlayStation Move support --announcedat E3 along with a BioShock game for Vita -- will work. It may not be a complete throwaway mode, if that's what you're expecting, as the game will reportedly include some sort of special peripheral.A listing for the game on the official PlayStation website
(which has since been removed) discovered byVideoGamermentions, "A special PS Move peripheral is being produced that will draw you even deeper into this stunning vision of a parallel future."BioShock Infinite is currently without a release date. The Vita game, meanwhile, is still very early in development and may end up being handled externally
A number of Move accessories do already exist such as the Shooter, SharpShooter, Assault Rifle, and other pieces of plastic that alter the experience (but aren't required). Since we don't have any idea of how Infinite's motion controls will work, it's hard to make any educated guesses about what this new peripheral might be or if it's needed to play with Move. We do, however, know Ken Levine believes these sorts of things should be walled off from the main experience."Any experience that sits in the realm of motion play needs to be kept separate from the main experience," Levine said during E3. "It needs to be firewalled off so that if this experiment isn't for you, or doesn't turn out to be all that great, you just ignore it."
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
SOURCE: Infinite has been delayed once again. As announced by Irrational today, the game will now hit stores on March 26, 2013, a month later than previously expected.
“It’s primarily polish and bug fixing,” creative director Ken Levine told IGN. “You know, 'let’s make that narrative scene that much better. Let’s do another pass on the timing of that scene. Let’s do another balance pass.’ It’s a game we could have shipped in February. It just wouldn’t be the game that we think the fans deserve. And that doesn’t mean it was far off from that, but they deserve what they deserve. And when we ask people to pony up a lot of money for this game, we have to feel confident that we’re giving them something that they deserve.”
As for the potential for a negative response to the delay, Levine told us “I knew I was going to take some slings and arrows about it, but I always just said ‘look, at the end of the day, the slings and arrows will go away. The game will last forever.’”
This is the second delay for BioShock Infinite, which was originally due in October 2012 before being pushed to February 2013 earlier this year.
For much more on BioShock Infinite, check out our hands-on impressions posted today, and keep an eye out for our full interview with Ken Levine early next week.
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
I finally pre-ordered mine. If this is anything like the first two installments I will be thoroughly pleased! Can't wait!
oh man I played this through and very much like BS 1 the twist had me drop my controller and go HOLY. I don't know if anyone else is planning to review this but if not I'd love to do the review for the 360
Multiple reviews would be great"
alright I write it up...also Kant can I use that dogtag of yours in your sig?
I think Fallen is dishing those out for those who have donated to his Extra-Life thing. I don't mind but he's the guy to ask brotha man!
1999 mode is tough as all hell. Think of it as hard mode plus.
Can't wait to try this mode
Just started. Wanted to get a feel for it. Won't be on much until Friday maybe. With kid and puppy combo things are busy lol...
lol the funniest part is if you use the old contra code you can unlock it early.
I got the per order on steam you get BioShock and xcom for free.. downloading as we speak... takes 4 to 5 days to download..uggh
But after seeing Adam Sesslers review on Rev3 games he gave it a 5 out of 5 with no dislikes!! Very rare and he even said it has the potential to be as great as half-life!!! Wow that says a lot to me !! He also recommends it on PC but if it is as good as he says it is I might buy it on Xbox also.. I don't do that often but have done so for certain games in the past (Blops for PC,Xbox,and Ps3)
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