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  1. #1
    Warhammer0351's Avatar
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    My truck got broken into!!! Really!! WTF??!!!

    Seriously! My truck got broken into last week! IN MY DRIVEWAY!!! I live in a small country town here in Texas. Pop. about 515 people. I was born and raised here. My wife said I should've locked my truck doors, but I have NEVER had too before! Not living here! It goes to prove to show you're never really secure as you think you are. Yes, I have the home defense guns (shotgun and AR), but if these fucking pieces of shit come in the middle of night and I don't hear them, then what's the use for the guns? These guys (had to be at least 2 of them) were LUCKY I didn't hear/catch them! There would of been dead body(ies) in my driveway! They made off with my GPS, radar detector, some tools and stuff. Luckily, they didn't open the back doors of my truck or they could've made off with ALOT more tools and stuff! What the hell is going on this nation? I feel violated! Ya know? Well, I learned my lesson. I now have a motion sensor hidden in a tree next to my driveway. When someone/something crosses its path, it sends a sound (like ding dong) in the house. I have a security company coming tomorrow to put a system in my house. I don't think would actually try to get in the house, but after what has already happened, i'm NOT taking the chance! I have been keeping this in and all it does is make me madder and madder. I HOPE they come back! This time I'm ready!! Just all of ya'll keep your shit locked! And don't think for one minute you are as safe as you THINK you are! Ya'll be safe out there!! Semper FI!!!

    "It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum! And I'm all outta gum!"-Duke Nukem

  2. #2
    USMG Prestiged Member ladym123's Avatar
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    Re: My truck got broken into!!! Really!! WTF??!!!

    I know how you feel...I had my house done once when I was in bed

    You just gotta be thankful they didn't come inside and hurt you or your family ...and then try put it outta your head cos it will just drive you mad otherwise

    I had months of sleepless nights after my event and actually sold up in the end cos I never liked living there after that.

    Lets just hope ....what goes around comes around!

  3. #3
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: My truck got broken into!!! Really!! WTF??!!!

    There are some real POS people out there. I had my truck broken into when it was sitting right in front of the door at work, which is a building by itself but borders a subdivision. The crazy thing is it happened in about 10 mins time. I pulled it up in front of work to run in and get something so I didn't think about locking it. Luckily that was at work and not a home. I couldn't imagine the feeling of being violated at home like that.

  4. #4
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: My truck got broken into!!! Really!! WTF??!!!

    Oh man, USMC, that's horrible Stewart and I had that happen to us too while he was in Rugby practice at night one time. He was just glad I was already out of the passenger's seat and on the field watching by the time they broke the window, or they wouldn't have seen I was in there until who knows when I'm so sorry; I honestly suggest maybe investing in a Viper Alarm system (we did that, and it's fantastic!) Cuz apparently the anti theft system the cars come with now, doesn't apply to any windows except for the driver's side; which people have gotten smart about.....I know the feeling dude I feel your pain; but thank goodness no one was hurt!!!
    "USMG Official Ass Kicking Chick"

  5. #5
    Airborne Recon Gy-reen Rexasaurus
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    Re: My truck got broken into!!! Really!! WTF??!!!

    I was in a similar yet funny situation out in Germany, a friend and myself pulled into a gas station in his BMW. It was a 5 Series, really flashy, Red with Black Tint on the windows. Anyway he jumped out of the car and left it running as he ran in to grab a pack of cigarettes. I stayed in the car, it took him about ten minutes total to go in stand in line and get back out. During that time, I noticed this kid who had to be about 16 staring at the car, he walked around the back side and stood there for a second, then made his way back up to the drivers door. He pulled the door open and jumped in the car, threw it in reverse and as he looked over his right shoulder to back up he saw me. At the time I had a completely bald shaved head, I was in my uniform, and I was looking at him completely in awe of what he was doing. I smiled at him and he screamed so loud I started to laugh, he of course bailed out of the car right as my buddy came out of the gas station, after my buddy chased him for about 100 Yards he gave up and came back to the car. It only takes a minute, fortunately I was in the car. I still chuckle when I think of his face and how he screamed.

    Signature thanks to jgreco138

  6. #6
    Tim's Bromance Partner
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    Re: My truck got broken into!!! Really!! WTF??!!!

    USMC that sucks bro, while I was at Ft.Lewis my wife's Explorer got broken into once, then I started parking our vehicles under our window (we lived on the second floor). And I caught the guys breaking into my Silverado, ran out with my AR and tied them up with 550 cord! 8-) While my wife called our friend who joined the Lakewood PD after he got out of the Army.

    Their expressions still make me laugh, when i hit the Tac light switch.
    "Necessity is the plea of every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants, it is the creed of slaves"

    William Pitt, 1783

  7. #7
    Tim's Bromance Partner
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    Re: My truck got broken into!!! Really!! WTF??!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by ladym123
    I know how you feel...I had my house done once when I was in bed

    You just gotta be thankful they didn't come inside and hurt you or your family ...and then try put it outta your head cos it will just drive you mad otherwise

    I had months of sleepless nights after my event and actually sold up in the end cos I never liked living there after that.

    Lets just hope ....what goes around comes around!
    Lady I really couldn't live in a country where Parliament has stripped me of the right to protect my family.
    "Necessity is the plea of every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants, it is the creed of slaves"

    William Pitt, 1783

  8. #8
    USMG Prestiged Member ladym123's Avatar
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    Re: My truck got broken into!!! Really!! WTF??!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Timmy_2_Tones
    He pulled the door open and jumped in the car, threw it in reverse and as he looked over his right shoulder to back up he saw me.
    Scary isn't it.... I've heard stories of this happening to children in car seats in the back :shock:

    ALWAYS lock your cars guys!

  9. #9
    USMG Prestiged Member ladym123's Avatar
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    Re: My truck got broken into!!! Really!! WTF??!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by saviger
    Lady I really couldn't live in a country where Parliament has stripped me of the right to protect my family.
    Yes this is true...I have heard stories of people getting sued for tackling a burglar ..retarded :?

    Don't worry though law would stop me from protecting my family if I had to

  10. #10
    USMG Member squidfamily1's Avatar
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    Re: My truck got broken into!!! Really!! WTF??!!!

    I've never lived in a city where I didn't lock everything. It's nice to have guns, dogs, and alarm services but the main thing is to keep things that have value out of sight in your car and LOCK your car. Tough break though. At least you don't have to replace a window or anything.

    Don't be mad. Everything I post is "lol."

  11. #11
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: My truck got broken into!!! Really!! WTF??!!!

    Figure out what they took, look for specific items, check near by pawn shops for those items, and lastley punch the person in the face that did it to you.

  12. #12
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    Re: My truck got broken into!!! Really!! WTF??!!!

    my parents came into their house and the kid that broke in was in the kitchen... stuck in the kitchen window above the sink. My mom didn't press charges... just made him clean up his vomit off the siding outside my house... he was so stone/high and scared he puked.
    We now have a gun in the house and swords and a nice crow bar for the next guy who tries that. And a target that I shot up with my gun taped to the door that says WARNING Flying Lead.

    Now to just train my cat the claw out eye balls... that one is still a work in progress.

  13. #13
    USMG Prestiged Member ladym123's Avatar
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    Re: My truck got broken into!!! Really!! WTF??!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by MsJohannah
    my parents came into their house and the kid that broke in was in the kitchen... stuck in the kitchen window above the sink. My mom didn't press charges... just made him clean up his vomit off the siding outside my house... he was so stone/high and scared he puked.
    We now have a gun in the house and swords and a nice crow bar for the next guy who tries that. And a target that I shot up with my gun taped to the door that says WARNING Flying Lead.

    Now to just train my cat the claw out eye balls... that one is still a work in progress.
    Omg that's horrible

    I think I would have shot him just for throwing up on my driveway!!!

  14. #14
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: My truck got broken into!!! Really!! WTF??!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by MsJohannah
    my parents came into their house and the kid that broke in was in the kitchen... stuck in the kitchen window above the sink. My mom didn't press charges... just made him clean up his vomit off the siding outside my house... he was so stone/high and scared he puked.
    We now have a gun in the house and swords and a nice crow bar for the next guy who tries that. And a target that I shot up with my gun taped to the door that says WARNING Flying Lead.

    Now to just train my cat the claw out eye balls... that one is still a work in progress.

    That is crazy! It is funny how they found him, but not funny they were broken into. Hopefully he learned his lesson. Now days, the thing to do would be to video it and threaten to put it on youtube!

  15. #15
    USMG Prestiged Member toby2533's Avatar
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    Re: My truck got broken into!!! Really!! WTF??!!!

    Sorry to here this, samething is happening around here in nowhere central PA. The developments are getting hit about 1 a month. My buddy had his Ipod, GPS, kids DVD and some cash taken, same thing no one locks the car doors. They found the stuff at a sting op in baltimore MD at a pawn shop, caught one of the kids but now everything is evidence. I have 2 large nasty beasts that are my outdoor dogs so most people stay away. But the other year they cornered some kid on a latter in my garge who said he was just crossing to the field behind my house. Could not press any charges but the kid was scared shittless, I think they saw a open garge no one out and decided to check it out. what did not know was Sarge & Toby sleep in garge during the summer to escape the heat, so he ran up a 9ft ladder I have leaning against the wall. Just remember double tap them in the Front if they are on your land (if you hit them in the back, you can get suied by there family, damn if we have ROE in Civ life.

  16. #16
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    Re: My truck got broken into!!! Really!! WTF??!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ironhide400
    That is crazy! It is funny how they found him, but not funny they were broken into. Hopefully he learned his lesson. Now days, the thing to do would be to video it and threaten to put it on youtube!
    I threatened to video 'blog' about my issues with my last command... The Master Chief was NOT too happy about that... but it got the message across. So, it works. The beauty of technology!!

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