The Killer motto:
"No enemy left standing!"
It's the thrill of the kill. Trophies are okay, but that momentary rush attained from besting an opponent is what it's all about.
People with high Killer scores prefer the player-versus-player aspect of any game more than anything offered by the environment. They relish the adrenaline and challenge of pitting themselves against real people. Not all Killers are gankers as some critics claim. While getting the jump on the unprepared for a quick kill is important fun for some Killers, many prefer group PvP and revel in a well executed team maneuver that blows away the opposing side.
Secondary influences
Killer Achievers pit themselves against PvE challenges as well--though often it's a means to an end. A KA often enjoys PvP that focuses on their skill as an individual contributor (duels, and so forth) as well as their personal position on competitive ladders and such.
Killer Socializers often seek out PvP in a game, but they are looking to socialize with and form alliances and teams with other players who are interested in doing the same. KS tend to seek out guilds or clans that organize formal PvP events, or work on group strategies and tactics.
Killer Explorers like to feel immersed in a virtual worlds and see themselves as a great villain or crusader within that world. They seek out challenges against other players, but they are going to find all the areas of that world. Trust an KE to know all the best ambush spots and sniper perches.