Here is some of my stuff from AP studio art back in high school. I just took a picture with my camera phone. Hope you like them! :mrgreen:
This one I did in Iraq.
WOW!! :o David, I knew you were talented, but I had no idea you were THAT talented! Those are great!
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
Detail is amazing on all of them... Wish I had that kind of talent.
They're amazing DB! :shock:
Draw me! :mrgreen:
All I gotta say is, I'm glad you're our Lead Designer! Awesome work, I see you're into using pastels, it's my favorite medium, next to graphite sketching of course. Really great work though!
Originally Posted by ladym123
lets just save the time and everyone draw a picture of Lady since she's gonna ask anyways lol
Ladym123, official USMG model
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
Thanks for the comments guys! Some of those took quite a bit of time to complete.
Lady, I wouldn't be able to do you justice with my drawing of you.Originally Posted by ladym123
I actually did like working with pastels. They are hard to deal with though and once you put them down on paper that's it no going back . I am out of practice though and haven't used them in such a long time now.Originally Posted by justj12479
Those looking awsome man, nice work!
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I will try to find my small artwork sketches. I have some really good ones in there I just don't know where it is right now. I did some spiderman, spawn, wolverine, and other drawing just messing around.Originally Posted by saviger
I will try to find my small artwork sketches. I have some really good ones in there I just don't know where it is right now. I did some spiderman, spawn, wolverine, and other drawing just messing around.Originally Posted by saviger