I suppose I'll post the pics here that I have of my dad's relief efforts in Haiti, since this is the forum that most closely relates to what I'm talking about. So my dad was in Haiti for 8 weeks over this past summer (why he chose summer I don't know, he said the heat index was above 115 everyday!). Most of his time was spent helping to rebuild the St. Joseph's Children's Home down there, which he found out about through one of his pastors at church. Most of his emails described Haiti as still being in ruins this long after the earthquake, and how many 10s of 1000s of people are still living in tent cities (some of the pics he took are of Sean Penn's tent city, as well as others). Pretty much made it sound like if another natural disaster hit Haiti, e.g., hurricane, tsunami, or another earthquake, most people that live in Haiti would lose their lives. Pretty disturbing when you think about it. Anyways, I'll let the pics speak for themselves, and BTW, my dad doesn't like his face posted out on the web (you should see his Facebook pic, ) so the shots of him are the ones that don't show the face, he's in the last couple photos. Then the very last pic is of the President's palace, still in ruins. [attachment=14:2jyrdh6s]P1010008.JPG[/attachment:2jyrdh6s][attachment=13:2jyrdh6s]P1010012.JPG[/attachment:2jyrdh6s][attachment=12:2jyrdh6s]P1010026.JPG[/attachment:2jyrdh6s][attachment=11:2jyrdh6s]P1010022.JPG[/attachment:2jyrdh6s][attachment=10:2jyrdh6s]P1010056.JPG[/attachment:2jyrdh6s][attachment=9:2jyrdh6s]P1010101.JPG[/attachment:2jyrdh6s][attachment=8:2jyrdh6s]P1010113.JPG[/attachment:2jyrdh6s][attachment=7:2jyrdh6s]P1010127.JPG[/attachment:2jyrdh6s][attachment=6:2jyrdh6s]P1010011.JPG[/attachment:2jyrdh6s][attachment=5:2jyrdh6s]P1010102.JPG[/attachment:2jyrdh6s][attachment=4:2jyrdh6s]P1010108.JPG[/attachment:2jyrdh6s][attachment=3:2jyrdh6s]P1010115.JPG[/attachment:2jyrdh6s][attachment=2:2jyrdh6s]P1010037.JPG[/attachment:2jyrdh6s][attachment=1:2jyrdh6s]DSCN0372b.JPG[/attachment:2jyrdh6s][attachment=0:2jyrdh6s]P1010126.JPG[/attachment:2jyrdh6s]