From GamePolitics.
Activision’s upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops has undergone a few changes in order to appease German censors.
According to CODFeed (via The Escapist), the game, which is set in various locations between 1960 and 2010, will have the following changes implemented for the German market:
• A scene where an enemy is shot in slow motion with copious amounts of gore has been toned down for the German release.
• A torture scene involving a prisoner has been completely eliminated from the German version.
• The song Sympathy for the Devil by Mick Jagger has been removed.
• No explosions that lead to limb loss.
• Removal of what Germany deems ‘anti-constitutional symbols’.
The last term, “anti-constitutional symbols,” most likely refers to any Nazi-themed imagery in the game, while the removal of the Rolling Stones song was probably due to the mention of the term “blitzkrieg,” in the song’s lyrics:
I rode a tank
Held a general's rank
When the Blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank
The song was actually co-written by Jagger and Keith Richards.