I don't know how many of you out there have kids who watch the TV show iCarly, but my three do just about everyday. They had mentioned something about "spaghetti tacos" on the show, and our kids got excited about trying to make them for dinner. At first, it sounded like something you'd eat if you were on a mission to clean out every single thing out of your pantry before it went to waste. But the kids begged enough to make them, so we went ahead and made all the stuff for them.
I have to confess: they're actually not bad at all. It all depends on what you put on them and your personal tastes. We had no leftovers by the time the kids were done with them, so that's always a plus.
I bought this up because according to this article, my kids aren't the only ones. If you've got kids who watch the show and they ask to do it, go ahead and let 'em try.