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  1. #1
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Put down the controller and get a job.

    Girl Takes Boyfriend’s PlayStation, Chase & Arrest Ensue

    A Pennsylvania man was arrested on a variety of charges after his live-in girlfriend, enraged that the unemployed man was playing games all day, snatched his PlayStation and took off in her car.

    42-year old Darren Suchon took off after Colleen Frable down Route 248, driving her 1996 Porsche. According to a story on the Morning Call, Suchon was “waving his arms and yelling, trying to get her to pull over,” and when she eventually stopped at a traffic light, his car rear ended hers.

    Suchon was yelling at Frable “to give him the PlayStation and trying to force down her driver side window.” Two men from a nearby business came out, scaring off Suchon.

    Frable had reportedly taken Suchon’s console to work with her before in a bid to curb her boyfriend's gaming. Suchon said that he, “…just wanted the game, I would never hurt her. I just wanted the game."

    The man was charged with simple assault, reckless endangerment, harassment, disorderly conduct, reckless driving and driving with a suspended or revoked license. He is currently in Northampton County Prison with bail set at $25,000.

  2. #2
    ApollosArrow89's Avatar
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    Re: Put down the controller and get a job.

    Really?!?!?! How dare this woman take away his game. It is proven that video games help keep someone occupied and not think of the worse things in life. Sure he was unemployed but what would the backstory be of this? Was this man fired for no apparant reaason or did he just quit to satisfy his addiction. If the Boyfriend was fired then that could have lead to depression or even further along to suicide. But if he just quit his job to satisfy his hunger then thats not the right way to do just snatch up his console and drive off. Thats just plain disrespect takin his console away. U need to smooth it down and tell him he has a problem. But also if he is just a regular joe who loves to play video games then how dare she do that. Maybe he was at an epic moment in the game and just out of no where she snatches the console when u are near vistory and boom, power off and the game is off. I would just lose my mind lol.

    Do you hear the voices too?

  3. #3
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    Re: Put down the controller and get a job.

    I'm just curious if she got charged with anything.

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