I was reading the Marine Corp Museam field trip thread, and they had mentioned USMG t-shirts. Smoke said something about previously designed shirts, and that immediately reminded me of Lawacr's post on PAX, in which he was wearing exactly such a shirt, which looked bad-ass.
So that brings up the question....how hard would it be to design and create a template for a t-shirt? Or mousepads? Coffee cups? Beer mugs? Just some "thing" that says USMG. I know there are custom sites that you can do this on......maybe make a template that people can choose to use if they want to fork out the dough. A friend of mine has a TF2 clan that made customized dog-tags for everyone who donated. Artcow.com had a thing where if you friended them and posted something, you'd get a coupon for a custom mouse-pad. Most of them did pads for the clan...but my Assassin's Creed 2 mouse-pad is definitely pimp.
Was just curious if it's an idea that people would be at all interested in.