Okay, I was looking and noticed fallout 3 was never posted! Or at least from what I saw, sooo, I recently picked this game up for the buy 2 get 1 free ( I got heavy rain, fallout 3, and mafia 2)the other weekend, when gamestop was having their sell. I gotta tell you this game is AMAZING! Plus it takes up a whole butt load of time. I beat Mafia 2 (the free one) in like 7 hours, and this game just keeps on tickin. Plus it comes with 4 included Download content! WTF?! AMAZING! If you don't have fallout 3, you need to go get the game of the year edition. it's well worth it. Also, I saw boarderlands is coming out with the same thing too, they'll have all 4 DLC on their game. Simply awesome.