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    i am done with EA and their nonsense.

    So EA got me again. i was late coming to the Bad Company 2 party and got the game used. Says there is the VIP map pack available and I down load it, only to find that that only takes 3 seconds cause it's already on the flippin' disk! i am sure this is old news to everyone, but that was the last straw. i am done with EA, and refuse to buy any other game they come out with.

    When i buy a video game, i then own that copy of the game. EA seems to be under the impression that i am leasing it from them and I should be darn grateful for the opportunity. Even when you buy the game new and are allowed to have the "free" download, the resale value on the thing is shot cause the next guy has to spend the $15 for the "free" stuff that is supposed to come with the game.

    They got me on Mass Effect 2 with that Cerebus Network, all the nonsense they pull with Madden, and now this. If they wanna sell a stripped down base model with no features they better sell it at base model prices. The video game market is too crowded with too many great games for this type of shennanigans, and it ends here for me.

    I am never not never buying another EA game again. I have had enough of their douche baggery.

  2. #2
    Horsewoman Fury
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    Not sure what happened there. You're saying you bought the VIP pack because the disk was used? If I remember correctly the VIP stuff was on the disc but locked. Once you put in the code (or purchased a code) it simply unlocked access to those maps (which explains the fast download, you didn't actually DL maps you DLed the code to unlock what was on the disc). When I got mine new I had to put in a code and it didn't download anything that I could remember it just said that I now have VIP status. That was it. I thought once you had the VIP status you also then had access to some free downloads for the game.

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    The game comes with a code, the code unlocks things on the disk. That means they made the whole thing, then decided to lock part of it away so that only the original buyer could use it. They don't want people to buy/sell their games.

    This is a dick move.

    Lexus would like to make it so that if you buy a used Lexus you have to go onloine and give them money to unlock "features" that are already on the car like power stearing and A/C.

  4. #4
    Horsewoman Fury
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuleTheDestroyer View Post
    The game comes with a code, the code unlocks things on the disk. That means they made the whole thing, then decided to lock part of it away so that only the original buyer could use it. They don't want people to buy/sell their games.

    This is a dick move.

    Lexus would like to make it so that if you buy a used Lexus you have to go onloine and give them money to unlock "features" that are already on the car like power stearing and A/C.
    Are you serious about the Lexus? Power steering? Holy cow, I could understand maybe locking up, say navigation or entertainment center features but not essential features. There should be a law against that. They are potentially making the vehicle dangerous. That is an evil move on Lexus' part. I had a car with manual steering and all I can say is thank God it was a small car. I've had the PS lock up in my van a couple times recently and you can barely turn the thing. I was litterally up out of my seat putting all my weight on the wheel to turn it.

  5. #5
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    I saw some reader comments about this very subject recently in GamePro magazine. Lots of readers were saying the same thing you were, Mule. Unfortunately, it seems to be a losing battle. If you want to boycott EA and their products, then take that stand. I think, however, it would take the collective voice of the masses in order to get EA to change their policy. Then again, money talks. EA will likely keep this up as long as people pay.

    Indecision may or may not be my problem.

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    If its any consolation, I just returned both Battlefield 2, and Medal of Honor..
    Star Wars FTW!

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    Anyone want to buy MOH from me?? I wonder what gamestop is giving for this game now?
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    I got $33.00 bucks for mine.
    Quote Originally Posted by dbgUSMC View Post
    Anyone want to buy MOH from me?? I wonder what gamestop is giving for this game now?

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    OK ! Answer me this I bought BBC2 new, entered the code that came with the game and had VIP availability . I then traded the game . If I now buy a used copy to play the new Vietnam pack will the code from the original game work with the used copy . Or has EA screwed me without even a reach over. Thank you for your support.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by InkaB0DpaiN View Post
    OK ! Answer me this I bought BBC2 new, entered the code that came with the game and had VIP availability . I then traded the game . If I now buy a used copy to play the new Vietnam pack will the code from the original game work with the used copy . Or has EA screwed me without even a reach over. Thank you for your support.
    The code is tied to your PSN/LIVE account so it still will be there. Even if you use a different disk.
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  11. #11
    Silent but Deadly....
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    33 bucks for MOH really? Shit i better get on down there soon!!. On a side note Fallout New Vegas is FANTASTIC!

    Silent But Deadly!

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    When I trade a game in, I take the code out of the box before I take it back for just that reason.

    A lot of time, when you trade a game in (at least in gamestop.) - If the code is in there, they assume you haven't used it and leave it in the box for the next person.

    Quote Originally Posted by saviger View Post
    The code is tied to your PSN/LIVE account so it still will be there. Even if you use a different disk.

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  13. #13
    Horsewoman Fury
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    Quote Originally Posted by smoke View Post
    When I trade a game in, I take the code out of the box before I take it back for just that reason.

    A lot of time, when you trade a game in (at least in gamestop.) - If the code is in there, they assume you haven't used it and leave it in the box for the next person.
    The gamestop I go to always tells me that if there is any code in the box to assume it's already been used. (If I'm getting a used game that is).

  14. #14
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    I think that as people become more aware that every EA game is going to end up pissing them off, they will be disinclined to get their games. It will take a lot of people not buying their stuff to make a difference, for example they sold some guy the copy of Bad Company 2 that I bought used, then I had to buy the "VIP" "Bonus" content again that the first guy already bought. And if I sell this game they'll make another $15 from that guy.

    Surprised that Gamestop isn't more vocal about this issue. They have a huge stake in this and they run the Game Informer magazine so they got an outlet. When I go in there to buy a used game and I see an EA label on it, i know that I have to add another $15 to the price. In many cases that means its cheaper to buy new than it is used.

    I am just hoping that this nonsense doesn't spread to other publishers. Consumers need to draw a line in the sand and say "no more."

  15. #15
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    I do agree that these one time activation codes are ridiculous!!! If you are trying to sell the game to someone and you already used that code it screws whoever buys it after you. Than they must purchase that crap that should be free on the disc. I know why they are doing it to so people stop purchasing used games. I wonder if you have to have this code to play online or can you still play without it and just don't get some special weapons? If you need this code to play online period that is the lowest blow these guys could do when releasing games.

    Here is what the fine print reads from the MOH Activate your online pass*
    "*In addition to Playstation 3 system requirements, access to online services (incl. muliplayer) as well as exclusive, early access and online pass content requires an EA online account. Exclusive, early access and online pass content also require game registration with ONE-TIME use serial code enclosed with NEW, FULL Retail Purchase. EA online privacy and terms." Blah blah fucking blah..... " Early access and online pass content is limited to ONE EA online account per serial code which is NON-TRANSFERABLE ONCE USED. ADDITIONAL SERIAL CODES AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE."
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    So, as I said before, i am an achievement whore and a complesionist. So i get the Onslought add-on cause it's one more thing to do. Again, the thing takes 1/2 a second to download CAUSE ITS ALREADY ON THE DISK!! the Stones on EA to have 2 Shennaigans on one freakin game! i am less mad than I am stunned at the audacity. And, all it is is 4 maps, where you play rush against an AI opponet. Much less to it than say, Spec Ops mode on MW2. Seriously, it was $10 for an existing game type, on existing maps, except against AI instead of people.

    So now i am in $25 to EA on one game for things that I think i already bought when I got the frickin disk. Did MOH have crap like this going on with it? Man, i should have just got myself 5 arcade games. EA 4 : me 0. They win again.

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    MoH uses its own EA Online Pass also, so I'm sure the "free" content they are giving away, I think it's tomorrow, is probably a half second download too.

  18. #18
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    I'm probably in the minority, but the one-off code doesn't actually bother me. Given the massive profit margin that Gamestop pulls in off of trading games, why shouldn't the developers try to get a piece of that? And realistically, it's no different that what Gamestop is doing anyway, when they make a 20%+ profit each time they cycle a game through their system.

    The VIP codes are generally just like the promo items that you get for pre-ordering at Gamestop instead of Wal-Mart, or the maps they are going to sell anyway.

    Though I'm almost positive you can play without the VIP code, or the Onslaught DLC.

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    Yeah I'm also sick of their "buy new or get screwed" memo. Luckily if it's a game that I really want, like Mass Effect, I'll pre-order that game anyways. Still sucks that I practically can't buy one of their games used because of this. What sucks worse is that other companies will play follow the leader for more money and crap.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jxspyder View Post
    I'm probably in the minority, but the one-off code doesn't actually bother me. Given the massive profit margin that Gamestop pulls in off of trading games, why shouldn't the developers try to get a piece of that? And realistically, it's no different that what Gamestop is doing anyway, when they make a 20%+ profit each time they cycle a game through their system.

    The VIP codes are generally just like the promo items that you get for pre-ordering at Gamestop instead of Wal-Mart, or the maps they are going to sell anyway.

    Though I'm almost positive you can play without the VIP code, or the Onslaught DLC.
    Few things here that need to be stressed:

    1. I feel that when I buy a game, I own that copy of the game. It is mine to sell or trade or play however i wish. EA is under the impression that I am leasing it from them. And they charge the same price.

    2. If they want to throw in bonus stuff that is actually bonus to encourage people to buy new I am fine with that. Things like bonus modes, and themes, and costumes for your avatar and special weapons are all fine. If, however, your "New" multiplayer map is based off a level that is in the campaign mode of your game, you are not fooling anyone. And if i dont buy the extra content I have a real hard time playing with friends who do have it.

    3. But the main thing is the companies motivation. Black Ops is chock full of extra content and game modes. Treyarch set out to make the highest quality product they could and still make a profit. EA is out to give the minimum amount of content that they feel they can get away with. And it show in the titles. There is not a game that EA makes in any genre (with the exception of sports titles they have monopolized) that is better than the competion.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuleTheDestroyer View Post
    Few things here that need to be stressed:

    1. I feel that when I buy a game, I own that copy of the game. It is mine to sell or trade or play however i wish. EA is under the impression that I am leasing it from them. And they charge the same price.

    2. If they want to throw in bonus stuff that is actually bonus to encourage people to buy new I am fine with that. Things like bonus modes, and themes, and costumes for your avatar and special weapons are all fine. If, however, your "New" multiplayer map is based off a level that is in the campaign mode of your game, you are not fooling anyone. And if i dont buy the extra content I have a real hard time playing with friends who do have it.

    3. But the main thing is the companies motivation. Black Ops is chock full of extra content and game modes. Treyarch set out to make the highest quality product they could and still make a profit. EA is out to give the minimum amount of content that they feel they can get away with. And it show in the titles. There is not a game that EA makes in any genre (with the exception of sports titles they have monopolized) that is better than the competion.
    1. That's well and good for you. However, if you as a company have to deal with a third party company who buys and sells multiple copies of your game for a massive profit, you have every right to limit their profiting on your work. Like I said, I personally have no problem with one-off codes, because if it's a game I'm going to sink quite a bit of time in to, I'm going to buy it new anyway, so the profit goes to the developer, not to Gamestop.

    2. Complete matter of opinion. I liked the maps, had no problem with the DLC, and enjoyed Onslaught quite a bit. So I didn't have a problem with them. It's clear you do.

    3. Black Ops is chock full of extra crap, because they're going to turn around and start charging for multiplayer. That's why there's a little ticker at the bottom of the screen, with all the stats they track, that always comes back to "COD Multiplayer: Free with every purchase." Treyarch's giving everyone a sample of what they're going to be paying for later.

    4. You're honestly trying to post Bobby Kotick up on a pedestal?

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    EA charging for a map pack for a game a game a week after release in the case of MOH is bull. But for Bad company 2's VIP is totally fair. They pay for servers which do not boot everyone when someone quits like COD. You can still play online without the VIP codes for BC2. You just can not play on all the maps. Which is the same for COD, once they release map packs. BC2 is getting a huge free map pack soon. activision would never do that, the VIP code is 15$. The same price of a COD map pack. COD maps arent exactly all that and a bag of chips. BC2 maps can fit about 3 0r 4 COD maps inside one, and they are free provided you buy the game new. Not to mention a BC2 rush map plays totally different then a conquest map. If you buy the game used to save 5 or 10 bucks you get a a good deal on the single player version and still can play online on EA's servers for free, just not all of the MAPs.

    When you buy a game used you're right you do own that software. But EA bought or rents their servers too. When you buy a game used they dont see dime one from that and you still get to play for free on servers they pay for.
    Not that you contributed one cent towards that. So EA is in the right on that on IMO. But they are far from perfect [MOH} where you get or buy an online pass, and they release a payed DLC [Hot Zone] with a free, crappy one [clean sweep].

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    Quote Originally Posted by Upgrayyed53 View Post
    EA charging for a map pack for a game a game a week after release in the case of MOH is bull. But for Bad company 2's VIP is totally fair. They pay for servers which do not boot everyone when someone quits like COD. You can still play online without the VIP codes for BC2. You just can not play on all the maps. Which is the same for COD, once they release map packs. BC2 is getting a huge free map pack soon. activision would never do that, the VIP code is 15$. The same price of a COD map pack. COD maps arent exactly all that and a bag of chips. BC2 maps can fit about 3 0r 4 COD maps inside one, and they are free provided you buy the game new. Not to mention a BC2 rush map plays totally different then a conquest map. If you buy the game used to save 5 or 10 bucks you get a a good deal on the single player version and still can play online on EA's servers for free, just not all of the MAPs.

    When you buy a game used you're right you do own that software. But EA bought or rents their servers too. When you buy a game used they dont see dime one from that and you still get to play for free on servers they pay for.
    Not that you contributed one cent towards that. So EA is in the right on that on IMO. But they are far from perfect [MOH} where you get or buy an online pass, and they release a payed DLC [Hot Zone] with a free, crappy one [clean sweep].

    I do not see how y'all dont seem to be getting this. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here. OK, lets start again, from the begining.

    The "VIP" maps are not extra content. They call it extra, but it is not. It is content that existed at release, already on the disk. EA, being greedy bastards, took content away and then charge you for getting it back. This is not extra or bonus content, it is just content.

    To clariify, if when i downloaded the MW2 map packs, I discovered that all the maps were maps from the campaign slightly modified for multiplayer, I would have been pissed. That is not new or bonus content. That is stuff they had when they originally designed the game. If EA had come out with an actual map pack, with actual new maps, and they decided to give it away free or at a discount to people who bought the game new, I am fine with that. For the record I did feel that the MW2 maps were over priced also, but at least it was new content.

    Onslaught mode is a different gripe. I did enjoy playing it, but it is not $10 worth of content. If it takes a programmer an afternoon to slightly modify a game, you should price that correctly. Since I am a completionist I feel compelled to do everything that there is to be done on every game I own. since EA is making a habit out of coming out with over-priced downloads that offer minimal new content I am not going to buy anymore of their games.

    Further, Black ops is not going to be pay to play. that rumor is over with. I do pay for X Box live Gold, if EA wants server money that is between them and Microsoft. and as to the booting, for the most part the game picks a new host unless people quit en-mass. There are pros and cons to how games are set up, I really hated being in a room with only 3 people in it in BC2 more than being booted. i also hated not being able to back out in between games.

  24. #24
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    If you bought the game used and had no idea that this was happening then I understand why you would pissed. I buy my games new, and I look into the games I am buying. I have bought too many used games that suck and I got down what I like and do not Like. The Next Map Pack No 7 Is not on the Disk of battlefield, there are not maps from BC1 on the disc. You had a point about the other maps pack, granted. I can also find full games on the ps3, and i dont pay to game online. I already pay enough for fast internet, the game, and the console to play it on.

    EA, and I do not work for them, is a buisness and like or not they exist to turn a profit and make shareholders happy first and foremost. They see this method of selling games as a way of protecting their bottom line and it is here to stay. They are far from a perfect company, but chances are they will be distributing a game you want sometime in the future. Most likely you will be buying that game new, now that you know. EA does not care that you wanted to save 5 or 10 bucks. That is between You and Gamestop. Maybe you will not buy another EA title, EA does not care either. There are plenty of new customers born everyday.

    I just purchased Need for Speed and now you must have an "Online Pass" to play online at all. Legally, when you buy a game you do not actually own the software, you buy a liscense to use it. That is in those big long usage agreements we all scroll through quickly when we boot up a game for first time. EA does suck and I am not too happy with them, but the problem is they are coming out with games in the future that I must have. I will not buy EA sports games because they sell things as DLC that give you an advantage over others in online play. Now when they start doing that for FPS games then I will be done with EA. I wouldn't put it past them so time will tell.

    Activision has not done this because they sell truckloads of units of the bat and are swimming on piles of cash. Then they have another deveolper make DLC maps, that had nothing too do with the core game. Most shooter have maps related too the core game so I don't know what to tell you on that one. I bought world @ war, and i did not have the map packs and it put me games with people that did. The game would start and then bam, It would tell me sorry you need to buy these maps. I was pissed and swore I would never buy a Treyarch COD again! I then proceeded to buy the Map Packs and here I am playing Black Ops.

    You're right about Activision not charging for online play as they use the Peer2Peer system, how could they? EA won't have to either if everyone buys the game new, or purchases a pass afterwards. But all the game companies are thinking about it and none of them are happy about the killing Gamestop is making. But they all need Gamestop, I buy all my games there as do a whole bunch of people. From a business standpoint the online or Vip pass is the smartest thing they could of done, pissing off the fewest amount of people and still turning a profit from their product.
    They should at least clearly mark their products to let you know that if you buy used it will cost you and/or the clerk at Gamestop should inform you, but they won't. Gamestop like EA, is not a non-profit charity organization either.


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