Any tips or tricks from ones that kicked the habit? Cold turkey is not an option.
Any tips or tricks from ones that kicked the habit? Cold turkey is not an option.
I quit a year ago this January. I did Chantix. I had the hardest time quitting. I tried the patch, other prescriptions, cold turkey, herbal treatments ... none of them worked. Chantix is great because instead of focusing on weening you off of nicotine by acting as a nicotine supplement it actually works to cut off the signals sent to your brain that make you want nicotine.
The way it works is you set a quit date, and then you start taking the Chantix two weeks before that date. You will notice the effects of the pills dramatically before the 2 weeks are up. From my experience and another person I know that used it, by the end of the 2 weeks you find that you aren't even craving cigarettes anymore.
It is simply awesome.
However there are mental side effects to Chantix. It can make you depressed, aggressive and it definately causes very vivid dreams. So you do have to be able to manage your emotions pretty well. The biggest side effect for me was the dreams, there was a little bit of aggression but I just warned my friends and family as well as my boss at work and it was cool and it was usually pretty manageable. It's also expensive, if your insurance doesn't cover it (which many don't) it'll run you about $150 a month and it is usually prescribed for 3 months (although I think I only took mine for 2).
It really is great though. I rarely feel cravings at all anymore and even when I do it is very small, more of a piqued interest than a craving.
One warning though. Pay very close attention to your diet and keep active. I ended up eating a lot more after I quit and wasn't exercising and in the last year I've gained about 30 lbs.
Anyway, ask your doctor about it (it is a prescription) and see what they say. Make sure to tell them if you have any mental health issues (depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc.) as they can be effected by Chantix.
And good luck! We're rooting for ya!
"I've never had a conversation with a dead guy before. Forgive me if I don't know the rules."
I kinda quit simply on nicorette gum. The only thing about the gum I still sneak a cigarette every couple days from someone at work. The hardest part for me is working around others that smoke. Most the people I work with smoke so it is that much harder. Granted I did go a whole month without a cigarette but then one day just caved. So if you have good will power the gum could work for you.
I have heard that chantix works really well though. But like Cruc was saying there can be side effects. A guy at work tried it and said he had to throw the bottle away. Said he was having bad depression and thinking about killing himself. So just keep that in mind use with caution.
Everything in this post is 100% dead on correct!Originally Posted by Crucifictorious2
My wife quit smoking after 10yrs, and tryed every other way to stop. She went with Chantix, and has been smoke free for 2 yrs now! Definitely watch out for the mental changes and the weight. She said she has had no cravings, and hasn't since she quit.
Thanks for the suggestions. I actually got a prescription for Chantix 2 years ago, but after talking to a few people about the effects, I didn't take it at the time. I have an upcoming dr's appointment, so I may get a prescription again and give it a try. $20 for a months supply with my insurance, so that is not bad.
honestly, I have been diagnosed with depression and I took Chantix. The effects weren't unmanageable.
"I've never had a conversation with a dead guy before. Forgive me if I don't know the rules."
This is just a curious question not that I am secretly planning on going on an ANTI-TOBACCO Spree.![]()
I'm on again/off again for smoking. Right now, I usually have a couple of Swisher Sweets (cherry flavored) at work. I had totally quit last year when my Dad had his heart attack, but I started back up in December when a business started picking up around my unit. I have to go to BNCOC (now called ALC) in September, so it'll probably be time for me to drop the smoking again soon.
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
I quit 5 years ago and haven't touched it since which is good considering I started smoking when I was 8 years old. Which makes it 24 years I smoked and I'm only 37. :?
That is good shit Cajun, I am yet to quit the chew, but to be honest I haven't really tried. I am sure i will quit one day.
Yes yes, one of the GREAT habbits the Army teaches you, Smoke, Chew and Drink.
While fun (and mandatory epically for new dicks) "DIP CALL!" has some consequences.
One of my PSGs would smoke and dip at the same time.
LMAO!!! I was on a 3 day bender out in Germany and toward the end of it i was curious enough to try a dip in each lip, a Marlboro in my left hand, and a Cuban in my right. Let me tell ya, that shit will get you going better than the booze. My lungs hurt so bad when i was done.Originally Posted by dbgUSMC
I chew the copenhagen pouches.. quit last month and picked it up again this past week
Silent But Deadly!
got one better Timmy.
The medics had been handing out Ambien like it was candy about mid tour....
When we would get 12 hours off between patrols, we would take a Ambian, force yourself to stay awake. Once you start to feel the buzz you take a massive dip and smoke one as fast as you can. talk about a rush.
hehe just remembered, Coors NA was available, one of my guys tried drinking like 30 to get drunk one night....wasnt a pretty sight. I had to explain to the PL, then the CO why one of my guys was incapacitated.
Just happend to be 1 week after, two different solders of mine got VD from a female MP.
First thing I hear "G. DAMN SCOUTS!"![]()
I have been dipping since High School(So, a couple yrs now :twisted: ). It was a lot easier to get away with in School.I ALWAYS have a dip in my mouth. The ONLY time I don't is when I eat and the few Hrs that I sleep.
Sav.....I at one point quit drinking Alky for 10yrs. So, I tried getting drunk on NA Beer to. The thing is you can't keep it in your system long enough without pissing.![]()
Or puking, after 30 NA's you may get a buzz, but you are just too dam full to contain it.Originally Posted by A-25TH-ID-VET
[quote=Timmy_2_Tones]Or puking, after 30 NA's you may get a buzz, but you are just too dam full to contain it.[/quote:14fiisrg]Originally Posted by "A-25TH-ID-VET":14fiisrg
yup, he spent quite a few hours on the floor of the toilet trailer.
I've quit smoking in favor of smokeless tobacco. For the past year or so i've been using using swedish snus. CBS's 60 Minutes recently did a piece on snus. You can watch that video here
That website is also where I order my snus from.
Funny you should mention this I got a coupon for a free pack of Marlboro Snus and tried my first one today. Not bad but can be kind of strong. I tried the peppermint flavor this time. It does have a little bit of a peppery taste to it also. Reminds me of nicorette gum and a pouch mixed together and is spit free.Originally Posted by Bleubeardz
Stick with the mint ones, the other are nasty. IMO the Marlboro ones are a hell of alot better than Camels.Originally Posted by dbgUSMC
Glad I quit, especially before the prices of cigarettes sky rocketed. Snus? wtf? wow I smoked 1-2 packs Marlboro Reds everyday for 24 years and I never had withdrawals even after 4 hours as bad as some that can't go an hour without it. Lucky I guess. Posted by DaCajun