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  1. #1
    I run this website..

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    Thumbs up Colors & Design Suggestions

    Hi All,
    Just wanted to get a poll of what colors, styles, design features, etc. you all would like to see incorporated into the new site.

    Consider it a blank slate (Cause it is..)

    If you could redesign the look of the site, how would you make it look? Would you make the background purple w/ camo, and white center section with black/blue font?

    or go completely opposite?

    Do you like dark, do you like light designs?

    I want to hear what you like!

    Tell me what design elements are what you are looking for, and will keep you coming back a happy usmg'r!

    Post your suggestions on this thread, and as I receive them, I will add them to an outline in this original posts. When we get a good sampling, we'll close this thread down, and review what direction we're going to move too.

    NOTE - this is your time to speak exactly what you like. THERE IS NO WRONG ANSWER! Tell me about features you liked on the old site, and tell me about features you didn't like so much. Everyone's opinion counts, and all will be reviewed and considered.

    Thanks everyone!

    Please do not contact me for recruiting issues or to add or create you a signature. I will ignore you.

  2. #2
    Horsewoman Fury
    Bull3tBait's Avatar
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    The color scheme should be neutral or a color that all of the services have in common. Shouldn't in any way give an appearance of favoritism. If we have a cammo background or anything like that, it should be fine as long as the text boxes are mostly solid so you can easily read the text there. No more than say a 10% transparency to give a hint of what's behind it (the warrior theme is an example of too much transparency)

    As for dark or light, I personnally like dark as long as there is enough contrast and a soft color to the text so it's nice on the eyes.

    Couple things that would be cool would be something like the shoutbox and the huge arcade on my old site. If your not sure what I mean check out my link (, but don't make fun of it =\, it's not great but it suited our needs. The stuff I'm talking about I made accessible to guests. The shout box is on the left, where members can just leave random comments without actually starting a thread for some quick news tidbit or to just say what's on their mind. The arcade on there is huge (and I can play those at work when I'm bored ). We also had the Shenanigans board in the forum section that had all the forum games we were playing, some of them were very fun when the site was active. I tried to get the vending machine going here (like the one in TTD) but...... oh well.

    Things from the old USMG site I would like to see here:

    The points bank
    Showing your Platform GTs in your posting info
    The medals

  3. #3
    USMG Beer & Boob Judge
    River_Rat_459's Avatar
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    I agree with Bullet on the point of the transparency issue. I know it's a minor thing, but it is really annoying. I'm missing the lottery. And hell yeah...BRING BACK THE MEDALS!

    As for colors, I know all services include blue in some form or another (official seals and logos, uniforms). I think a nice combination of traditional USA colors (red, white, and blue) would work best. Do I have an idea of how it should appear? No, but I know something eye-catching could come out of it. Would it be possible to have a frame around each individual post (perhaps red)? Sometimes, it appears that the threads are running together, IMO.

    Definitely bring back the countdown calendar in some for or another, such as the countdown that was used for MOH or the rotating GIF that was last used.

    Indecision may or may not be my problem.

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