My Wifes Saturn was about to die and she was looking for something SUV'ish (crossover basically).
Anyway after test driving CRV, RAV4,ect, ect.
She decided on the Subaru Forester. So she picked it up last Saturday. Really nice car and she loves it.
Mini review: Car rides really smooth, and has decent power for a 4cly. Does great around town, supposed to be great in the snow and has top safety marks and reliability.
Well.... I had a 2002 silver WRX that I traded in for a 4x4 dodge dakota crew cab. I needed a truck at the time, but always missed my little car. Having her subie in the driveway drove me crazy. So on monday... I went and traded in my Dakota for a ..... silver WRX. Full circle. :twisted:
Sometimes memories are better than what was actual. But nope. I love my WRX, forgot what having fun driving (instead of just driving) was like. Of course I'm older now, so hopefully I aviod the tickets I had my first go around.
Mini review: while not v8 american muscle. Having a 4 door hatch back with AWD, quite a bit of cargo room, a backseat that seats 2 adults very comfortable and still being able to go 0-60 in 4.7 sec... Priceless. :twisted: