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Thread: VIP map pack 7

  1. #1
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    VIP map pack 7

    It's about time dice

    Battlefield: Bad Company 2 VIP Map Pack 7 announcedNovember 8th, 2010 @ 16:31
    By Debabrata Nath
    Battlefield: Bad Company 2 will be getting VIP Map Pack 7 soon, the new DLC containing four new multiplayer maps: Oasis, Harvest Day, Cold War and Heavy Metal.DICE has picked the community’s favorite BF: BC maps and re-built them to suit BF: BC 2, adding stuff like full Destruction 2.0, upgraded visuals and lightning, new music and extra sound effects.The maps will be released free to both PC and console VIP players.Here’s what you’ll get:Map 1: Oasis
    Origin: Battlefield: Bad Company multiplayer
    Game modes: Rush, Conquest, Squad Rush, Squad DeathmatchMap 2: Harvest Day
    Origin: Battlefield: Bad Company multiplayer
    Game modes: Rush, Conquest, Squad Rush, Squad DeathmatchMap 3: Cold War
    Origin: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 singleplayer
    Game modes: Rush, Squad Rush, Squad DeathmatchMap 4: Heavy Metal
    Origin: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 singleplayer
    Game modes: Conquest, Squad Rush, Squad DeathmatchNo release date has been announced yet.Posted in: EA, PC, PS3, Shooter, Xbox 360

  2. #2
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Nice Timing......I need to brush up on my BC2 skills anyway!

  3. #3
    USMG Member
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    Damn right its about time.........."Hide your Kids, Hide your Wife"
    Not only am I a member, I am also the President of the stop Freaking Complaining about everything in the game that can kill you, Just because you Suck Club!!!

  4. #4
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    Map Pack 7 is going to be epic! I have not been playing lately because i do not want to get sick of this game. I have been playing since it came out. Heavy Metal is going to have 8 tanks and 4 choppers, 2 attack, two transport. The BC1 maps are going to be so sweet with BC2's gameplay. When you add this to the vietnam expansion, this game will never get old.

  5. #5
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    Cold War will be recognized by players of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 as the place for one of the singleplayer missions. It features an up until now quiet village high up in the mountains, located deep inside Russian territory.

    The game mode of choice is Rush, with the Russian team deploying a surprise counter attack in order to win back the US controlled area. In stark contrast to the vehicle based gameplay in Heavy Metal, Cold War is solely focused on close quarter combat because of the narrow alleyways in the village. Being a remix of the original singleplayer map, in multiplayer the Russians are attacking from the opposite direction, downhill, with the ultimate goal to push the US team out onto the frozen river.

    Cold War was specifically chosen for Map Pack 7 because of its wonderful winter setting and multitude of pathways where players can face each other head on. We also wanted a map to complement the bigger, vehicle-based, ones.

  6. #6
    USMG Member md femme fatale's Avatar
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    Yay! I love playing BFBC2.

    ~Gamer girls like to score too!~

  7. #7
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    VIP Map Pack 7: Celebrate Harvest Day by Mowing Down the Opposition

    Welcome to the fourth post in our series on the upcoming Vip Map Pack 7. This time, we take you to a beautiful field in autumn time that Bad Company players will recognize instantly.

    Harvest Day is -- together with Oasis -- one of the most loved multiplayer maps from Battlefield: Bad Company. Back then, it was hugely popular due to its variety of vehicles and alternatives of play styles. This new and remastered version for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is no different. "Harvest Day 2.0" features heavy tanks, CAV's, and fast quads to get around this large-scale map.

    Agricultural aggression on wildly popular Harvest Day. Soon available in BC2 multiplayer for the first time.
    It's a very vehicle oriented map, with focused hotspots for tight infantry battles. This map can be played with all four gameplay modes, but is at its heart a big Conquest map with 4 cappable flags. We decided to go with a four flags diamond-shaped setup in order to make use of the entire map. We kept the same layout and size of the original BC1 level, and of course made use of Destruction 2.0 and all of the other improvements in our game engine since the first Bad Company.

    Rush mode starts with a clash between heavy tanks in the open fields. Later on, the action switches to more infantry focused gameplay through the last bases inside the village. Squad Deathmatch and Squad Rush take place exclusively in the village area, where players can make the best out of the numerous destructible buildings and the height difference that the village is displaying.

    And there you have it! By now you should have a good idea of all four maps in VIP Map Pack 7. As always, the map pack is free for PC and VIP players. Stay tuned for more info.

    For more info on Battlefield: Bad Company 2, visit the Official Site.

  8. #8
    Silent but Deadly....
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    Me Want Vietnam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Silent But Deadly!

  9. #9
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    Vip7 may be out this coming tuesday, or by thursday.

    It should also include the R9 patch.

    All Weapons Bronze Insignia requiring an unobtainable bronze star for the tracer dart – requirement removed.

    - Improved Hit registration made through several fixes and some of the hitboxes themselves have been changed. This will increase the accuracy of guns.

    - Blue box chat window removed

    - The 2 second immunity when spawning/being revived will now be immediately removed either by firing, zooming, or any movement (move, crouch, jump). A Spawning Player can still orient passively in the Game World..

    - 3D vision fixed.

    - Fixed slug shotgun zoom crosshair on PC so they better represent the long range accuracy. Crosshairs now close more on PC, similar to consoles.

    - Reduced slug shotgun hip accuracy to require zooming for consistent long range accuracy. Hip accuracy is now on par with the semi automatic weapons.

    - Fixed a bug on PC where the G3 would do less damage than intended.

    - Fixed VADS turning sensitivity on PC so it performs like the ZU23.

    - Reduced VADS push back and damage to balance it with the ZU23.

    - Fixed a bug where vehicle countermeasures would fail to remove tracer darts at high speed.

    - Reduced the reload time for vehicle countermeasures.

    - Slightly increased the AT4's damage vs armor to emphasize its anti vehicle role while keeping it balanced vs armor.

    - Increased the AT4’s top speed and acceleration so users spend less time exposed when firing.

    - Increased the AT4's splash damage so it competes with other AT weapons vs infantry. The AT4 still has the least splash damage of all AT weapons.

    - Reduced the splash damage of the Carl Gustav to bring it in line with other explosive weapons. The Carl Gustav still has the most splash damage of all AT weapons.

    - Increased the 1 shot kill range of the M95 body shot to counter its lower rate of fire.

    - Fixed a bug with the SVU that gave it better close range damage than other semi auto weapons.

    - Reduced all weapon damage to the MCOM by 50%.

    - Fixed an C4 vs MCOM exploit on Atacama Desert.

    - Fixed a bug with FOV when aiming the M1911.

    - Lowered the close range damage of the AN94 to highlight its long range role.

    - Increased the accuracy of the F2000 on the move to highlight its role as a mobile AR.

    - Increased the close range damage of the shotguns to give them a greater advantage vs slugs.

    - Slightly lowered the damage of the M60 to balance its accuracy advantage vs other LMG's.

    - Slightly lowered the damage of the MG3 at close range to balance it with other high rate of fire weapons.

    - Slightly increased the damage of the UH60.

  10. #10
    USMG Member wick3d_y4yo's Avatar
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    New Video

    VIP Map Pack 7 Video!! Can't wait!

    On this side or the other, we will meet once again.

  11. #11
    King of the Road
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    one thing i've been wondering about this VIP stuff....

    " for VIP and PC"

    why is that? the PC version of the game currently sells for 20 bucks new whereas the console versions are still 60 AND PC gets VIP access even without a VIP code, meaning they can buy used with no additional fees? Is PC gaming really hurting and it's an attempt to stimulate that market or do they have some other sort of system in place that more or less balances it out?

    Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS

  12. #12
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Sweet looks like I'll be play battlefield tonight

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaximusR3 View Post
    one thing i've been wondering about this VIP stuff....

    " for VIP and PC"

    why is that? the PC version of the game currently sells for 20 bucks new whereas the console versions are still 60 AND PC gets VIP access even without a VIP code, meaning they can buy used with no additional fees? Is PC gaming really hurting and it's an attempt to stimulate that market or do they have some other sort of system in place that more or less balances it out?
    I didn't think you could buy it used, because of the CD key. CD key = VIP code, correct?

  14. #14
    King of the Road
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    ah yes, that must be the system that balances it out then. I used to use the same CD key on games in the past but they were not online games and i suppose it's different for online ones

    Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS

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