Lmao thats awesome. My 9 year old has a itouch and its hacked so it has skype on it so its kinda like a cell phone. She loves it. Other people think im crazy to give her a "cellphone" but whatever. Its free! Also my 6 month old loves the books that read and turn the pages and talk to him on my iphone. I love technology!!
On this side or the other, we will meet once again.
My 5 yeaar old has been playing Madden on the psp so 1 time we played on the Xbox and he was beating me for the 1st half 6 to 2. I returned in the 2nd half and took by 40 but he kept callling the same play. I was impressed.
That's awesome Sav. She's really cute and I can see why you're so proud. My two year-old has already mastered the DVD player. Who knows what's next.
Indecision may or may not be my problem.