I want to send out a sincere and heartfelt Thank You to all of you who are now and who have in the past served our country. I'm very proud of all of you and grateful for the freedom your service has given us.
Thanks man, really appreciate it.
On a side note, I just got back from my free lunch at Applebees and my free hair cut at SportClips.
Bout to head to downtown for the largest Vets Day parade and celebration in the country, Birmingham Al.
You're Welcome.
And from one who's served to the many who are still serving... THANK YOU.
"Never make fun of a person before walking a mile in their shoes... That way, when you do make fun of them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. :P "
Thank You Chele. It was our pleasure to serve our great Country. Thank You to all my Bro's and Sisters past and present that have fought for my freedom. As always remember those who have paid the Ultimate Sacrifice for all of us.
I know it's a few days early but after I stumbled onto this thread I wanted to revive it and say thank you to all of my brothers and sisters in arms, past, present, and future. Also thanks to all of the people out there doing what they can to support veterans even youth they didn't serve for their own reasons. It's all of you that make this job worth it and bearable.
If you live in the New England area, see your family support group organizer for free Bruins tickets.
I was and am very proud to serve the great people of this country. Thank you for the Veterans day wishes and your strong support. Veterans day should be a day of celebration, for all.
It's an honor and a privilege to call you all my brothers and sisters in arms. Thank you to each and every one of you that has sacrificed to keep us free.
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
Yea buddy!
Thank you to all who have and still serve.
"He who Wields the gun, Mercy"
I appreciate everyone's sacrifices. I know one day isn't enough to say thanks but everyone please enjoy their day off if they get one and spend it with the ones who matter.
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. -John Stuart Mill
Thank you for all those serving and have served to make this country so great with their selfless sacrifice.
You are crazy to hit up Applebee's. Haha. That place is packed full of free loaders here. My wife and I are hitting up a local renaissance fair on Saturday that offers half price adult tickets to military and first responders. Should be a nice change of pace.
Have a great safe weekend.
Semper Fidelis
It's not just Applebee's... I posted this above in the Veterans Info thread.
Thanks BigFreeze. I missed that one. Awesome link. If I could high-five you, I would. That is some OUTSTANDING information. Much appreciated.
I want to thank all the vets who came before me *cough cough old timer big freeze who was in the corps fighting the Barbary pirates with lt Presley obanon* for Matines you know what that is all about.
Sent from my man cave!
war isnt glorious, it isnt honorable, war is chaos, war is where boys become men, war is not meant for civilians to see, but for warriors to fight and die for their masters bidding…. ~ samurai warrior
Nice delta, but you will be there someday!! Lol!! Be advised though, it comes quick!
war isnt glorious, it isnt honorable, war is chaos, war is where boys become men, war is not meant for civilians to see, but for warriors to fight and die for their masters bidding…. ~ samurai warrior
To each and every one of you, thanks for your service! To our civilians thanks for your dedicated support. Nothing makes me prouder to serve than when I get a simple thank you from a random stranger. I'm proud to call USMG home
Sent from my fancy new squak box
"Ally to good! Nightmare to you!
Hey guys I know it's a couple of days early but I also want to express my gratitude for all of your service. I know it is a sacrifice that military members and their families make in order to ensure all of our safety and independence, so I want to say thanks to you all and to your families. Stay safe and keep your head down.