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  1. #1
    USMG Beer & Boob Judge
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    From "Promise Given ... Promise Kept"

    It has been recorded that less than 1 percent of the population of the
    United States has served in the Armed Forces. Yet a large debt of gratitude
    continues to be owed to that 1 percent that has or is presently serving.

    On 12 November, the Sun will rise and shine on countless markers around the
    world where Veterans performed deeds of heroism, courage and compassion for
    their fellow man and woman. As it continues to bring on the light of day, it
    will dry the dew that has settled on these markers much like the drying of
    the tears of those who will visit them ... remembering who they were and
    what they did. Comrades, Battle Buddies, Wingmen, Friends ... call them what
    you want, they will come together from all places to pay their respect and
    say thank you.

    Survivors of our historic campaigns will proudly band together as Brothers
    and Sisters sharing tears, hugs, war stories and catching up on what's been
    going on.

    On this Veteran's Day, take a minute to thank those who have raised their
    hand for freedom. Let your "Thank You" float in the air that all Veterans
    everywhere can hear them. Let your "Thank You" ease the pain and warm the
    heart of the families and loved ones of those who bear the scars of war and
    those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. May your "Thank You" continue to
    spread protection and peace where ever they are. May we continue to be
    thankful for our Veterans for where would we be without them.
    Please feel free to share ....

    Thank You

    "Promise Given ... Promise Kept"

    By Tomas R. Hawkins

    Indecision may or may not be my problem.

  2. #2
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    I couldn't agree more! A huge Thanks to all our Vets, and please pass this Thanks on to your families! I know they make alot of sacrifices for you to be who you are!

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