OK i need some suggestion's for a new game.... OK let me back up every Sat night out here in Afghanistan we have game night ... i have set up a dedicated server on a dell power edge 1900 and have a very nice intranet set up... we run Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 1... we started with this one because it can easily to be put on other machines and cracked. multiple times plus we got our hands on a lot of cool mods... the main one we play is Aliens vs Marines mod ... after a while of playing this i started to experiment with other games and i had several success's and several failures... i got CoD2 to work no probs and we got Crysis Wars to install as a dedicated sever and easily cracked on laptops....but have tried several games that wouldn't...halo i could get about only 4 machines running at the same time any other computer would register with invalid key still working on that one.. and tried splinter cell versus but since its a GUI style server console i couldn't get it to work on my server... any suggestions?? i has to be a older game that supports a dedicated server and that is easily crack to be put on multiple machines?? if its to new i found out no cd cracks can be found but it still needs individual serials ..key-gens sometimes work but not always any suggestions would be great! u would be saving the sanity of several people!!!lol thanks