Post your dream women or man, meaning that one women/man where if you were married you would need one night of immunity.
Here's mine:
Post your dream women or man, meaning that one women/man where if you were married you would need one night of immunity.
Here's mine:
Last edited by MAKAVELI x28; 12-03-2010 at 13:25.
Bloody Hell Psycho I thought that was gonna be the new advert for D&G The One...with a semi naked Matthew McConaughy oozing sex appeal all over my screen dammit!
And YES absolutely I would need one night of immunity cos he is well and truly FIT! He's been number one on 'my list' for as long as I can remember ;D
If I knew how to attach a video now I most definitely for the ladies for a change
Here you go lady I have posted alot ofstuff for the guys so her one for you and girls. Hope you like. Realy its just me with a wig, LMAO
For me too many to just pic one. I would need a week just to get it down to top 10.
Yeah now THAT'S what I'm talking about! Goddam he's hot!!!!!
I think I just wet my pants lol! I actually wanna cry now after watching that lol!
I need no other list ...he is the only one for me!
Pop a wig on then Tobe and send me a video
name a price $ if it meet my steep amount I'll send you a link or just get the kinect
Well what's included in that steep price of yours? Will you be posing along to the same cheesy music? Will there be semi nudity? Dancing? Do you have some sort of party trick you could perform? Do you act out fantasies? Is there anything you won't do for any price?
Obviously I need to know all this stuff before I shell out good money
you can probaly get it for free once they start video chat on the 360 with the kinect, I'm sure someone will start a service. But for you lady I give a freebe because I allways have a tuff time try to convert US$ into anything half the time I just hold up bills or coins and let the bar maid pull what she needs.
Sorry Lady, but I see Sgt. took care of you. I also switched up the post so that it s open to the women of the clan also.
I'm going to change my game tag to my french foreign legion name of Semore Bootaa,
Via la legion