For all us Gamer's and Geeks who are out here on this forum that watched Tech TV(old school) and went to G4 and have stayed ....for XPlay and Attack of the Show(which AFN shows both here in the Stan!!).... after a abnormally long absent Olivia Munn they finally announced the new permanent host for 2011 of AOTS and it is.....Candace Bailey.....I has on team Haislip....Alison Haislip has way more geek creds but after all the rotating host they have had on.. Candace Bailey is clearly second place runner up...even though she only was on 5-6 times she clearly got a head lead on the other host with here geek/gamer knowledge....
I think Alison was a shoe in since she been there since 08 and can talk the talk and walk the walk!! IDK what happen maybe she just didnt want it or something..i sure hope shes not leaving!!!
so how bout what does any one else think?
oh and if u need use this EASY guide
One of four titles used to classify someone based on their technical and social skills. The titles are:
The difference between the four titles can be easily shown in
1) Normie : Technical.... no...... Social.....yes
2) Geek/Gamer : Technical .....yes..... Social ....yes
3) Nerd : Technical ....yes....
4) Dork : Technical hope this helps modeled after the K.I.S.S. philosophy