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Thread: CrossFit

  1. #1
    USMG Member
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    Big thing going around my base is CrossFit. Anyone else gave it a try? It's a great workout but you really feel it the next day haha

  2. #2

    Re: CrossFit

    I've done this. kicks your ass! supposed to be the most complete workout program ever. (you work muscles you didn't even know you have sometimes!)

  3. #3
    USMG Member squidfamily1's Avatar
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    Re: CrossFit

    you need to already be in shape to do most of the workouts. try a muscle up when you're overweight 20 pounds

    Don't be mad. Everything I post is "lol."

  4. #4
    USMG Prestiged Member ladym123's Avatar
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    Re: CrossFit

    Try a HIIT program!

    If you haven't read about it before there are loads of websites with info on HIIT..... and its a really fast way to lose weight

    You train at hi/low intensity, and workout is only about 20 mins in total! (including warmup/cool down)

    You can use any form of exercise that gets you up to 90% heart rate i.e sprinting, jump rope, cycling etc. Then a recovery period ...which could just be a light jog or walk until heart rate comes down to about 40% then back into the high intensity etc.

    After a 5 minute warm up and stretch, do 10 mins of HIIT (may be less to begin with as it's pretty intense) Then a 5 min cool down.

    I used to do 30 secs of sprinting and about 90 of walking, but I am now trying out the 6/9 seconds program using a jump rope and it's a killer! 6 seconds of maximum effort followed by 9 seconds recovery... for 10 mins if I can make it. It sounds easy but don't be fooled

    Really quick though so you can fit it into your day quite easily. They say you should do it every other day as it is anaerobic not aerobic and then you should do an aerobic session once a week if you want to add in the cardio.

    Let me know how it goes if you try it out!

  5. #5
    Tim's Bromance Partner
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    Re: CrossFit

    ide rather not, thx tho lady!
    "Necessity is the plea of every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants, it is the creed of slaves"

    William Pitt, 1783

  6. #6
    USMG Prestiged Member ladym123's Avatar
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    Re: CrossFit

    Quote Originally Posted by saviger
    ide rather not, thx tho lady!
    No I'd rather not either Sav, I'd much rather sit on my arse eating pizza :mrgreen: ...but imagine what arse I'd have then :shock:.... actually... best not to! :o

  7. #7
    USMG Member USMCramirez's Avatar
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    Re: CrossFit

    I CF. I was doing the workouts as they were "prescribed" on the main site when I first started. It kicked my ass, but after about 2 months I was able to complete all the workouts. This was pre-Marine Corps. It's because of crossfit, that my first PFT was a 279.

    I love it. If you want to try it, they have a link to something called brand-x. it's a group that takes the CF WOD and lowers it down to levels for people that are barely starting out. I've been using this and some of the other resources there to introduce my sister, girlfriend and one of my friends to it. It's working pretty well.
    I found a CF gym here run by some prior service folk that are helping me out as well. Tore my rotator cuff and I've even been trying to modify some of these workouts for myself. It's easily modified to anyones situations. They even did a special training session for members of Wounded Warrior Battalion.

    Built my home CF gym with...almost everything I need for around 500 bucks.


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