or is it just the time difference that when I play... hardly anyone seems to be playing?
or is it just the time difference that when I play... hardly anyone seems to be playing?
Probably because it is a crappy game. But thats just my opinion
Silent But Deadly!
Will be on tomorrow!
i was also going to join today but i loaned it out last night. what luck eh?
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
Please do not contact me for recruiting issues or to add or create you a signature. I will ignore you.
I have been on, but usually I am in zombies because the grouping sucks in the other modes. It does make for boring game play when all you do is hunt campers for 15min.
I do have to agree with MD, I think BFBC2 is a much better game. I have been trying to transition to BC2, but as repetitive as it may be, I LOVE KILLING ME SOME ZOMBIES!
new map pack in 3 to 4 weeks that should breath more life in BO, but with all the new people getting for christmas I been getting amazing kill streaks going. Plus I've been hunting now with the crossbow. Iron keep playing zombie going to need the skills once the zombie plague hits. LOL
Yeah I tried joining Db last night and some other of my friends but "server full" Also any games I did play with randoms kept saying "connection interrupted", that's a new one for me? Never had that happen before the latest patch and it happened every other game.
Also what's the crack with the Strela thing and launchers? I shot down spy planes/choppers but never showed up as kills? Whats the points for this?
maybe I should pick up BC2 again....never could get into the online play with that game though. If you think I suck at BO....lol!
BO isn't necessarily a bad game, it's just heavily designed towards camping.......which is annoying. And its various game types all promote the same. Plus you have a much larger percentage of the playerbase who don't support those game types....and just camp kills.
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I wouldn't say heavily designed toward camping. I wouldn't say that Nuketown, Launch and Fire Range are designed specifically for camping unless you are a super extraordinary Fantabulous Camper. The few spots on those that you can camp can be overtaken easily with a little planning.
I am definitely not bored with the game and I'm planning to Prestige again after the upcoming "Drunk Ops" session
Definately not bored with it. I still play 3-4 nights a week. But Bull3t doesn't like the hardcore.
LOL. Nope what did you call the mode I like to play? Oh yea that's right Softcore LMAO.
I still think Hardcore should allow you to see what your Motion Sensor picks up. I mean what's the purpose of them. I could understand no mini map unless a UAV is up but you could have a mini map that just shows the ping results of the Motion Sensor and nothing beyond it. Geez.
I didn't call it softcore.....although that is pretty good. I thought you could see your motion sensor?
Well if it wasn't you or someone else that was in your party, it must have been in another party I was in. I found it amusing.
No I was using a Motion Sensor and I put it up and nothing happened. Couldn't see anything. Thought wtf and it turned me against Hardcore. Just doesn't make sense to me. Does the SR-71 work? Only thing I have seen working was the Recon Plane.
The SR-71 works. My brother-in-law uses the motion sensor all the time and all he plays is HC.....weird.
I got bored with it once the plat went DING! J/k. Just so many games to play, so little time now that i am back to real work!!
On this side or the other, we will meet once again.