Its not a bad game, but they will be charging $15 a month subscription fee. I really hope no one gets this game for the simple fact that charging a subscription fee will start to be the norm.
Eh Final Fantasy and WOW charge. Its the norm for mmorpg on the pc
Silent But Deadly!
when will they learn...there are so many quality ftp (free to play) mmorpg's, that it's just idiotic to charge… if you wanna compete. these companies, are just shooting themselves in the foot with this model it just screams failure.
Like WoW?
If you have the infrastructure to actually support the subscription, it's completely worth it. Some games though, don't have that built in development infrastructure. To be honest though, I much prefer subscription payments to micro-transactions that most F2P games use.
Outside of all the Subscription talks................Who is actually getting this game? I am going to go Purchase it here in about an Hour, I personally dont mind a subscription fee if the game is good. I am also quite sure that the game will give you a free 30 day trial or at least 15 day so you can see if its something you are willing to put the time into......
Not only am I a member, I am also the President of the stop Freaking Complaining about everything in the game that can kill you, Just because you Suck Club!!!
I will be picking it up as well
Silent But Deadly!
played the beta, it wasn't that bad, and it was like %85 certain I was going to get the game if they fixed a lot of the bugs I noticed during the beta... Then I found out they are going to charge per month... That might work with 360 owners and PC owners cause they are used to paying per month to play online, but as for a PS3 owner, I said F that. Now I'm defiantly not going to buy it... Just sayin...
I have a lvl 15 Tank and a lvl 10 controller Both Villians. I play on BirthRight......I like this game, its pretty cool. As far as Subscription fees, it doesnt bother me 1 bit. I dip and Drink beer, and like like my Burgers with Bacon and Cheese so I always have an extra 15 bucks floating
Not only am I a member, I am also the President of the stop Freaking Complaining about everything in the game that can kill you, Just because you Suck Club!!!