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  1. #1
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Screw you Wedbush

    Is a financial services and investment firm. Which suggested what you are about read in the provided link.

    "It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes".- Andrew Jackson

  2. #2
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    Bobby Kotick has been talking about this for over a year now, why is it a suprise that it's going to happen at some point?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by jxspyder View Post
    Bobby Kotick has been talking about this for over a year now, why is it a suprise that it's going to happen at some point?
    it's a surprise, that they think people are going to pay to play for p to p connectivity.

    "It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes".- Andrew Jackson

  4. #4
    Horsewoman Fury
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    If I read that correct they are saying it's a possibility that they could introduce a pay to play "TIER" to the Multiplayer. If that's the case you won't have to pay to play. Only if you want what's being offered in that tier. If you ask me, maybe the hacking jackasses will all talk their clueless parents into buying them subscriptions to be "Cool" and the rest of us can game in peace Well, here's to hoping. It could totally backfire and you have to pay to escape them.

  5. #5
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    Yeah... but it's still the idea of it that kinda irks me. I mean come on, they can barely keep up on the tech issues that arise from game play. but they think it's a good idea to charge for their crap-tastic experience.... that’s a fools venture to be sure.

    "It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes".- Andrew Jackson

  6. #6
    USMG Member MjolnirActual's Avatar
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    Tiers or not ... I just think this whole idea sucks every level.

    You know it would serve them right if they tried to pull this off and we all just walked away from the game.

    With DLC and the purchase price of the games themselves they need to figure out how to not ass rape the very people who are making them boatloads of cash every year even in a frakk'n rescission.

    To be honest I would love to see the gaming community as a whole ban together and start bailing from companies that are considering things like this, to prove the point.

    They are treating us like addicts and going on the assumption that we need their product so badly that we will do whatever they say to get our fix.

    Brings to mind images of Robert Downy Jr. in Less Than Zero ... *shiver*

    Either that or then make games that you would have to pay to play a $10.00 buy so that you don't feel so taken advantage of when you have to pony up the subscription fee everymonth.

    Arrrgh ... big business could frakk up an anvil with a q-tip!

    *steps off his soapbox and walks away muttering*

  7. #7
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    I can see paying for a different CoD mmo open world type game. But not a straight up fps multiplayer tier system.

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    "Necessity is the plea of every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants, it is the creed of slaves"

    William Pitt, 1783

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by MjolnirActual View Post
    Tiers or not ... I just think this whole idea sucks every level.

    You know it would serve them right if they tried to pull this off and we all just walked away from the game.

    With DLC and the purchase price of the games themselves they need to figure out how to not ass rape the very people who are making them boatloads of cash every year even in a frakk'n rescission.

    To be honest I would love to see the gaming community as a whole ban together and start bailing from companies that are considering things like this, to prove the point.

    They are treating us like addicts and going on the assumption that we need their product so badly that we will do whatever they say to get our fix.

    Brings to mind images of Robert Downy Jr. in Less Than Zero ... *shiver*

    Either that or then make games that you would have to pay to play a $10.00 buy so that you don't feel so taken advantage of when you have to pony up the subscription fee everymonth.

    Arrrgh ... big business could frakk up an anvil with a q-tip!

    *steps off his soapbox and walks away muttering*
    The sad part is you're fighting a battle that you absolutely can't win.

  9. #9
    CrzyChinook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MjolnirActual View Post
    Tiers or not ... I just think this whole idea sucks every level.

    You know it would serve them right if they tried to pull this off and we all just walked away from the game.

    With DLC and the purchase price of the games themselves they need to figure out how to not ass rape the very people who are making them boatloads of cash every year even in a frakk'n rescission.

    To be honest I would love to see the gaming community as a whole ban together and start bailing from companies that are considering things like this, to prove the point.

    They are treating us like addicts and going on the assumption that we need their product so badly that we will do whatever they say to get our fix.

    Brings to mind images of Robert Downy Jr. in Less Than Zero ... *shiver*

    Either that or then make games that you would have to pay to play a $10.00 buy so that you don't feel so taken advantage of when you have to pony up the subscription fee everymonth.

    Arrrgh ... big business could frakk up an anvil with a q-tip!

    *steps off his soapbox and walks away muttering*
    i second that!!!

    "Kisses*Hugs*Belly Rubs"

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jxspyder View Post
    The sad part is you're fighting a battle that you absolutely can't win.
    and i grudgingly agree wit ya.. that prob true....

    "Kisses*Hugs*Belly Rubs"

  11. #11
    USMG Prestiged Member toby2533's Avatar
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    This been talked about for years now, my thoughts are if you are going to do this then the software companies need to start selling there 4 to 6 hr single player game at 40$ price point then charge for on-line. COD-BO the single player is great but short, think back to the COD from WWII they were several hours long. The thing is they are keep doing what they do until everyone gets feed-up with it.

  12. #12
    USMG Member MjolnirActual's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jxspyder View Post
    The sad part is you're fighting a battle that you absolutely can't win.
    You are right, the average gamer will do damn near anything they are told because they think they don't have a choice or maybe if they are young enough they don't care because costs are something mom and dad pick up. I just wish everyone would get their head on a swivel and realize we are getting taken to the cleaners by these clowns and push back ...even a bit.

    I think what really put em in a vice for me was that slapnutz scolding the gaming industry for not hitting us harder ... I'm still kinda tweaked about that one just write'n this.

    What we really need is some kind of 3rd party open source group to put out some things that can compete (a little)... like Open Office has done. Open Office is a direct thumb in the eye at Microshaft and even though it's not tanking them or really doing any serious damage to their bottom line, but I know it has to irritate on some level. I'd be satisfied with getting under their skin just a bit to let them know it's not that easy.

    Hell maybe we all just take a week ... dust off the old Micro Armor miniatures and the D&D books and go Pen and Paper for a week ... I would think a week with substantially reduced server traffic would send a message ... and hell we might all actually get out and meet each other and get reacquainted with our friends ...and think of the boon it would give to all the local Pizza Shops *LOL*

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by MjolnirActual View Post

    Hell maybe we all just take a week ... dust off the old Micro Armor miniatures and the D&D books and go Pen and Paper for a week ... I would think a week with substantially reduced server traffic would send a message ... and hell we might all actually get out and meet each other and get reacquainted with our friends ...and think of the boon it would give to all the local Pizza Shops *LOL*
    yeah kinda like what that lady did with her family going of the grid for thirty electronics at tv no internet no game consoles nothing .... i dont think my family would have a problem kids and wife love to read books.. i rubbed off on them going to the book store all the time!! lol

    going of the grid for 30 days?? does anyone else think they and their family could do it??

    "Kisses*Hugs*Belly Rubs"

  14. #14
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    Sell the standalone single player, which would have to be at least the length and depth of more traditional single players.......AC, Fable, etc.....which include your first two weeks access to online multi. And a standalone just multiplayer with the first month. Two versions, covering both bases?

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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MjolnirActual View Post
    You are right, the average gamer will do damn near anything they are told because they think they don't have a choice or maybe if they are young enough they don't care because costs are something mom and dad pick up. I just wish everyone would get their head on a swivel and realize we are getting taken to the cleaners by these clowns and push back ...even a bit.

    I think what really put em in a vice for me was that slapnutz scolding the gaming industry for not hitting us harder ... I'm still kinda tweaked about that one just write'n this.

    What we really need is some kind of 3rd party open source group to put out some things that can compete (a little)... like Open Office has done. Open Office is a direct thumb in the eye at Microshaft and even though it's not tanking them or really doing any serious damage to their bottom line, but I know it has to irritate on some level. I'd be satisfied with getting under their skin just a bit to let them know it's not that easy.

    Hell maybe we all just take a week ... dust off the old Micro Armor miniatures and the D&D books and go Pen and Paper for a week ... I would think a week with substantially reduced server traffic would send a message ... and hell we might all actually get out and meet each other and get reacquainted with our friends ...and think of the boon it would give to all the local Pizza Shops *LOL*
    Did you read anything about that article other than his suggestion that games like CoD charge for multiplayer?

  16. #16
    USMG Member MjolnirActual's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jxspyder View Post
    Did you read anything about that article other than his suggestion that games like CoD charge for multiplayer?
    What I'm really keying in on is that this is a very dangerous thing for us the gamer/consumers. As we all know Congress has no idea how wage war, that's why you have Sr. Military to keep them up to speed and to tell them when they are really frakking up.

    The same thing can be said for the boardroom and shareholders... these people are not gamers, don't play games and could really care less about anything other than their bottom line.

    So from their point of view they are looking at it as an economic decision, we have the supply so push this thing for all it's worth and make me my money right now.

    At who's expense? Ours of course.

    So how do we combat this idea take'n root and making boardrooms across the game industry take note... we have to get not just a voice but a sold way to be heard. So my though was everyone don't play for a weekend. When they have these huge server farms sitting damn near idle during prime time it will send a message.

    That was why I said something at all... I feel that it's those kinds of arguments that start to gain traction if the aren't opposed.

    Hell when you think about it we are almost there when you look at how Microshaft is charging for online time and now with the PSN doing Plus (yes I'm paying for plus myself ... still wondering why)... don't you think that this might be the toehold that gives statements like "you are screwing your shareholders by not charging for online play" (paraphrasing) to the really start to sound like a better and better idea?

    We should make sure that we don't just blindly go where they lead us, supply and demand are 2 parts of a whole, the problem is that we as consumers forget that and give over our power to the suppliers, and let them treat us like crap. When if we decide not to use their product they end up with worthless inventory.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by MjolnirActual View Post
    What I'm really keying in on is that this is a very dangerous thing for us the gamer/consumers. As we all know Congress has no idea how wage war, that's why you have Sr. Military to keep them up to speed and to tell them when they are really frakking up.

    The same thing can be said for the boardroom and shareholders... these people are not gamers, don't play games and could really care less about anything other than their bottom line.

    So from their point of view they are looking at it as an economic decision, we have the supply so push this thing for all it's worth and make me my money right now.

    At who's expense? Ours of course.

    So how do we combat this idea take'n root and making boardrooms across the game industry take note... we have to get not just a voice but a sold way to be heard. So my though was everyone don't play for a weekend. When they have these huge server farms sitting damn near idle during prime time it will send a message.

    That was why I said something at all... I feel that it's those kinds of arguments that start to gain traction if the aren't opposed.

    Hell when you think about it we are almost there when you look at how Microshaft is charging for online time and now with the PSN doing Plus (yes I'm paying for plus myself ... still wondering why)... don't you think that this might be the toehold that gives statements like "you are screwing your shareholders by not charging for online play" (paraphrasing) to the really start to sound like a better and better idea?

    We should make sure that we don't just blindly go where they lead us, supply and demand are 2 parts of a whole, the problem is that we as consumers forget that and give over our power to the suppliers, and let them treat us like crap. When if we decide not to use their product they end up with worthless inventory.
    You keep using we a lot when speaking of your personal opinion.

    Since about 2000, game development costs have gone from about 1-2 million to over 5 on most AAA games.

    Since 2000, the cost of those games has gone up.....5 bucks. Maybe 10. Since the 90's, game cost has gone up about 20 bucks. Development has gone up millions. Hell, you can make an arguement that game cost increases are barely above standard inflation.

    What's the replayability and life-span of games like Mass Effect, Fable, or Assassin's Creed, compared to CoD or Battlefield?

    If the company has a solid business model, creates numerous meaningful content upgrades, and actually serves the playerbase, then a subscription would be perfectly acceptable, and a smart move for both the business and the players.

    Though in a conspiracy minded moment, I'm willing to bet that the massive influx of hacking problems that Black Ops is having "will be solved through a subscription based game-plan."

  18. #18
    USMG Member MjolnirActual's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jxspyder View Post
    You keep using we a lot when speaking of your personal opinion.

    Since about 2000, game development costs have gone from about 1-2 million to over 5 on most AAA games.

    Since 2000, the cost of those games has gone up.....5 bucks. Maybe 10. Since the 90's, game cost has gone up about 20 bucks. Development has gone up millions. Hell, you can make an arguement that game cost increases are barely above standard inflation.

    What's the replayability and life-span of games like Mass Effect, Fable, or Assassin's Creed, compared to CoD or Battlefield?

    If the company has a solid business model, creates numerous meaningful content upgrades, and actually serves the playerbase, then a subscription would be perfectly acceptable, and a smart move for both the business and the players.

    Though in a conspiracy minded moment, I'm willing to bet that the massive influx of hacking problems that Black Ops is having "will be solved through a subscription based game-plan."
    This is the last thing I'm going to say on the matter ... brother it's obvious you completely missed my point.

  19. #19
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    Because having a different opinion means I miss your point?

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